import { KeygenResult, ObjectType, KeygenType, UnMatchedValue } from '../@types/common'; export declare const CheckedMode: { Full: number; Half: number; Child: number; Shallow: number; Freedom: number; }; declare type CheckedStatus = 0 | 1 | 2; export declare type TreeModeType = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4; export interface TreePathType { children: KeygenResult[]; path: (number | string)[]; isDisabled: boolean; indexPath: number[]; index: number; } declare type Value = KeygenResult[]; export interface TreeDatumOptions { data?: Item[]; keygen?: KeygenType | ((data: Item, parentKey: KeygenResult) => KeygenResult); value?: Value; /** * @en mode 0: Returns only the fully selected node including the parent node. 1: Returns all selected nodes and semi-selected nodes. 2: Return only the selected child nodes. 3: If the parent node is full selected, only return the parent node. 4: What you choose is what you get. * @cn 选中值模式,未设置值为单选 0: 只返回完全选中的节点,包含父节点 1: 返回全部选中的节点和半选中的父节点 2: 只返回选中的子节点 3: 如果父节点选中,只返回父节点 4: 所选即所得 */ mode?: TreeModeType; disabled?: ((data: Item, any) => boolean) | boolean; childrenKey: string; unmatch?: boolean; loader?: (key: KeygenResult, data: Item) => void; onChange?: (value: any, any) => void; } export default class { keygen?: TreeDatumOptions['keygen']; mode: TreeDatumOptions['mode']; unmatch: TreeDatumOptions['unmatch']; disabled: ((data: Item, any) => boolean); childrenKey: TreeDatumOptions['childrenKey']; valueMap: Map; unmatchedValueMap: Map; events: Map; $events: ObjectType; value?: Value; data?: Item[]; cachedValue?: unknown[]; pathMap: Map; dataMap: Map; constructor(options?: TreeDatumOptions); updateDisabled(dis: TreeDatumOptions['disabled']): void; bind(id: number | string, update: Function): void; unbind(id: KeygenResult): void; setUnmatedValue(): void; isUnMatch(data: ObjectType | null): data is UnMatchedValue; setValue(value?: Value): void; getValue(): Value; setValueMap(id: KeygenResult, checked: CheckedStatus): void; set(id: KeygenResult, checked: CheckedStatus, direction?: 'asc' | 'desc'): CheckedStatus | null; isDisabled(id: KeygenResult): boolean; get(id: KeygenResult): CheckedStatus | undefined; getDataById(id: KeygenResult): Item | { IS_NOT_MATCHED_VALUE: boolean; value: KeygenResult; } | null; getPath(id: KeygenResult): TreePathType | undefined; getChecked(id: KeygenResult): boolean | "indeterminate"; getKey(data: Item, id?: KeygenResult, index?: number): KeygenResult; initValue(ids?: KeygenResult[], forceCheck?: boolean): CheckedStatus | undefined; initData(data: Item[], path: KeygenResult[], disabled?: boolean, index?: number[]): KeygenResult[]; setData(data?: Item[], dispatch?: boolean): void; subscribe(name: string, fn: Function): void; unsubscribe(name: string, fn: Function): void; dispatch(name: string, ...args: any): void; } export {};