import * as React from 'react'; import { StandardProps } from '../@types/common'; declare type ReactNode = React.ReactNode; /** * @title Carousel */ export interface CarouselProps extends StandardProps { /** * @en animation effects, options: \nslide - horizontal sliding\nslide-y - vertical sliding\nfade - fading * @cn 动画效果,可选值为 slide - 横向滑动 ,slide-y - 垂直滑动 ,fade - 淡入淡出 * @default 'slide' */ animation?: 'slide' | 'slide-y' | 'fade'; /** * @en the position of indicator * @cn 指示标示位置 * @default 'center' */ indicatorPosition?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'; /** * @en the style of indicator, using function for custom styles * @cn 指示标示样式, 函数则可以自定义样式: (current, moveTo) => () * @default 'circle' */ indicatorType?: ((current: number, moveTo: (index: number) => void) => ReactNode) | 'circle' | 'number' | 'line'; /** * @en the interval of animation, When it is not 0, play automatically * @cn 动画间隔时间,为 0 时,不自动播放 * @default 0 */ interval?: number; /** * @en move callback * @cn 轮播后的回调 */ onMove?: (current: number, extra: { prev: number; direction: 'forward' | 'backward'; moveTo: (n: number) => void; }) => void; /** * @en children * @cn 子元素 * */ children?: ReactNode; /** * @en When to show the switch trigger * @cn 切换箭头显示时机 * */ showArrow?: 'always' | 'hover'; /** * @en The additional css class for arrow * @cn 箭头扩展 class */ arrowClassName?: string; } export {};