// The ESLint ecmaVersion argument is inconsistently used. Some rules will ignore it entirely, so if the rule has // been set, it will still error even if it's not applicable to that version number. Since Google sets these // rules, we have to turn them off ourselves. const DISABLED_ES6_OPTIONS = { 'no-var': 'off', 'prefer-rest-params': 'off' }; const SHAREDB_RULES = { // Comma dangle is not supported in ES3 'comma-dangle': ['error', 'never'], // We control our own objects and prototypes, so no need for this check 'guard-for-in': 'off', // Google prescribes different indents for different cases. Let's just use 2 spaces everywhere. Note that we have // to override ESLint's default of 0 indents for this. 'indent': ['error', 2, { 'SwitchCase': 1 }], // Less aggressive line length than Google, which is especially useful when we have a lot of callbacks in our code 'max-len': ['error', { code: 120, tabWidth: 2, ignoreUrls: true, } ], // Google overrides the default ESLint behaviour here, which is slightly better for catching erroneously unused variables 'no-unused-vars': ['error', {vars: 'all', args: 'after-used'}], // It's more readable to ensure we only have one statement per line 'max-statements-per-line': ['error', {max: 1}], // as-needed quote props are easier to write 'quote-props': ['error', 'as-needed'], 'require-jsdoc': 'off', 'valid-jsdoc': 'off' }; module.exports = { extends: 'google', parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 3 }, rules: Object.assign( {}, DISABLED_ES6_OPTIONS, SHAREDB_RULES ), };