SCRYPT-ASYNC-JS Fast "async" scrypt implementation in JavaScript. Works in browsers without throwing out "kill slow script" warnings due to configurable interruptStep, which yields from calculation. Should be compatible even with IE. Also works with Node.js (but you should really use the C implementation for that). LIMITATION Doesn't support parallelization parameter greater than 1. USAGE scrypt(password, salt, logN, r, dkLen, interruptStep, callback, encoding) Derives a key from password and salt and calls callback with derived key as the only argument. @param {string|Array.} password Password. @param {string|Array.} salt Salt. @param {number} logN CPU/memory cost parameter (1 to 31). @param {number} r Block size parameter. @param {number} dkLen Length of derived key. @param {number} interruptStep Steps to split calculation with timeouts (default 1000). @param {function(string)} callback Callback function. @param {string?} encoding Result encoding ("base64", "hex", or null). LICENSE BSD-like, see LICENSE file.