import Brush from './Brush'; import { SC_CONFIG, SCRATCH_TYPE } from './ScratchCardConfig'; import { dispatchCustomEvent, getOffset, injectHTML, loadImage, throttle } from './utils' class ScratchCard { readonly config: SC_CONFIG; readonly scratchType: SCRATCH_TYPE; readonly ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; readonly container: HTMLElement; private position: number[]; private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; private readyToClear: Boolean; private brush: Brush; private callbackDone: Boolean; private defaults: SC_CONFIG; private scratchImage: HTMLImageElement; public brushImage: any; public zone: {top: number, left: number}; public percent: number; constructor (selector: string, config: SC_CONFIG) { const self = this; const defaults = { scratchType: SCRATCH_TYPE.LINE, containerWidth: 100, containerHeight: 100, percentToFinish: 50, nPoints: 0, pointSize: [0, 0], callback: function() { alert('done.') }, brushSrc: '', imageForwardSrc: './images/scratchcard.png', imageBackgroundSrc: './images/scratchcard-background.svg', htmlBackground: '', clearZoneRadius: 0, enabledPercentUpdate: true, }; this.config = {...defaults, ...config}; this.scratchType = this.config.scratchType; this.container = document.querySelector(selector); this.position = [0, 0]; // init position this.readyToClear = false; this.percent = 0; this.callbackDone = false; // Create and add the canvas this.generateCanvas(); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); // Init the brush instance this.brush = new Brush(this.ctx, this.position[0], this.position[1]); // Init the brush if necessary if (this.config.scratchType === SCRATCH_TYPE.BRUSH) { loadImage(this.config.brushSrc).then(image => { this.brushImage = image; }); } /*---- Scratching method , call in throttle event ------------------------------------*/ let scratching = throttle((event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); self.dispatchEvent('scratch', 'move'); self.position = self.mousePosition(event); self.brush.updateMousePosition(self.position[0], self.position[1]); self.scratch(); // calculate the percent of area scratched. if (this.config.enabledPercentUpdate) { self.percent = self.updatePercent(); } }, 16); /*---- Events -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); self._setScratchPosition(); if (self.scratchType === SCRATCH_TYPE.LINE) { self.position = self.mousePosition(event); self.brush.updateMousePosition(self.position[0], self.position[1]); self.brush.startLine(self.config.clearZoneRadius); } self.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', scratching); document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', function _func (e) { self.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', scratching); self.finish(); // clear and callback this.removeEventListener('mouseup', _func); }); }); // Mobile events this.canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); self._setScratchPosition(); if (self.scratchType === SCRATCH_TYPE.LINE) { self.position = self.mousePosition(event); self.brush.updateMousePosition(self.position[0], self.position[1]); self.brush.startLine(self.config.clearZoneRadius); } self.canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', scratching); document.body.addEventListener('touchend', function _func () { self.canvas.removeEventListener('touchmove', scratching); self.finish(); // clear and callback this.removeEventListener('touchend', _func); }); }); // Update canvas positions when the window has been resized window.addEventListener('resize', throttle(() => { this._setScratchPosition(); }, 100)); // Update canvas positions when the window has been scrolled window.addEventListener('scroll', throttle(() => { this._setScratchPosition(); }, 16)); } /** * Get percent of scratchCard * @returns {number} */ getPercent (): number { return this.percent; } /** * Return the top and left position * @private */ private _setScratchPosition () { = getOffset(this.canvas); } finish () { // Exec the callback once if (!this.callbackDone && this.percent > this.config.percentToFinish) { this.clear(); = 'none'; if (this.config.callback !== undefined) { this.callbackDone = true; this.config.callback(); } } } /** * Distpach event * @param {string} phase * @param {string} type */ dispatchEvent (phase: string, type: string) { dispatchCustomEvent(this.canvas, `${phase}.${type}`, {}); } init (): Promise { return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { loadImage(this.config.imageForwardSrc).then((img: HTMLImageElement) => { this.scratchImage = img; this.ctx.drawImage(this.scratchImage, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.setBackground(); // Resolve the promise init resolve(); }, (event: Event): Error => { // Reject init reject(event); return new TypeError(`${this.config.imageForwardSrc} is not loaded.`); }); }); } private generateCanvas (): void { this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.classList.add('sc__canvas'); // Add canvas into container this.canvas.width = this.config.containerWidth; this.canvas.height = this.config.containerHeight; this.container.appendChild(this.canvas); } private setBackground (): void { if (this.config.htmlBackground.length !== 0) { injectHTML(this.config.htmlBackground, this.container); } else { let image = document.createElement('img'); loadImage(this.config.imageBackgroundSrc).then((img: HTMLImageElement) => { image.src = img.src; this.container.insertBefore(image, this.canvas); }, (error: Error) => { // Stop all script here console.log(error.message); }); } }; mousePosition (event: any): number[] { let posX: number; let posY: number; switch (event.type) { case 'touchmove': posX = event.touches[0].clientX - this.config.clearZoneRadius -; posY = event.touches[0].clientY - this.config.clearZoneRadius -; break; case 'mousemove': posX = event.clientX - this.config.clearZoneRadius -; posY = event.clientY - this.config.clearZoneRadius -; break; } return [posX, posY]; } scratch (): void { let x = this.position[0]; let y = this.position[1]; let i = 0; this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';; // Choose the good method to 'paint' switch (this.config.scratchType) { case SCRATCH_TYPE.BRUSH: this.brush.brush(this.brushImage); break; case SCRATCH_TYPE.CIRCLE:; break; case SCRATCH_TYPE.SPRAY: this.brush.spray(this.config.clearZoneRadius, this.config.pointSize, this.config.nPoints); break; case SCRATCH_TYPE.LINE: this.brush.drawLine(this.config.clearZoneRadius); break; } this.ctx.restore(); } /* * Image data : * Red:[0] * Green:[1] * Blue:[2] * Alpha:[3] * */ updatePercent (): number { let counter = 0; // number of pixels cleared let imageData = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); let imageDataLength =; // loop data image drop every 4 items [r, g, b, a, ...] for(let i = 0; i < imageDataLength; i += 4) { // Increment the counter only if the pixel in completely clear if ([i] === 0 &&[i+1] === 0 &&[i+2] === 0 &&[i+3] === 0) { counter++; } } return (counter >= 1) ? (counter / (this.canvas.width * this.canvas.height)) * 100 : 0; } /** * Just clear the canvas */ clear (): void { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } } // Expose directly in window, any ideas to do this better. (window).ScratchCard = ScratchCard; (window).SCRATCH_TYPE = SCRATCH_TYPE; export {ScratchCard, SCRATCH_TYPE};