import { EWatermarkPosition } from "../../types/WatermarkPosition"; export declare class SciChartDefaults { /** * @deprecated This functionality has been removed. useNativeText: true provides much greater performance benefit. */ static asyncLabels: boolean; /** * Set this true to allow reuse of label textures across different axes and different charts */ static useSharedCache: boolean; /** * Turn on/off resampling */ static enableResampling: boolean; /** * Turn on/off warnings to optimize performance */ static performanceWarnings: boolean; /** * Experimental - set true to use native text for axes and titles. Not all text features currently supported */ static useNativeText: boolean; /** * Time in ms to retry loading a native font. If you need to load a large font over a potentially slow connection await sciChartSurface.registerFont */ static nativeFontTimeout: number; /** * The default position of the watermark for trials */ static watermarkPosition: EWatermarkPosition; /** For 2D charts the watermark is normally positioned within the series area. Set this true to place it relative to the overall canvas. */ static watermarkRelativeToCanvas: boolean; /** * For 2D charts a number of buffers are created to process data. Buffer size by default grows with usage and caps out at 8,192kb. * A total of 10 buffers are created for different scenarios. * When SciChartSurface.create() is used this results in a maximum of 80MB memory as a static overhead for the application. * When SciChartSurface.createSingle() is used this results in up to 80MB memory *per chart* as a static overhead. * Lowering this number to 2048kb (or 1024kb) will reduce memory usage for the SciChart 2D Engine but may impact chart drawing performance. * @remarks This property needs to be set before charts created and cannot be dynamically adjusted after that. * Do not set lower than 1024kb or higher than 32MB (1024 x 32). Values outside this range will be clamped */ static wasmBufferSizesKb: number; /** * Defines if newly created charts should be rendered as soon as possible after initialization. * Setting to `true` will require surfaces to be "resumed" in order to perform actual rendering. */ static createSuspended: boolean; }