import { NumberRange } from "../../Core/NumberRange"; import { NumberArray } from "../../types/NumberArray"; import { SCRTDoubleVector, TSciChart } from "../../types/TSciChart"; import { EYRangeMode } from "../../types/YRangeMode"; import { SeriesAnimation } from "../Visuals/RenderableSeries/Animations/SeriesAnimation"; import { BaseDataSeries, IBaseDataSeriesOptions } from "./BaseDataSeries"; import { EDataSeriesType, EDataSeriesValueType } from "./IDataSeries"; import { IPointMetadata } from "./IPointMetadata"; /** * Options to pass to the {@link XyDataSeries} constructor */ export interface IHlcDataSeriesOptions extends IBaseDataSeriesOptions { /** * The X-values array to pre-populate the {@link HlcDataSeries} */ xValues?: NumberArray; /** * The Y-values array to pre-populate the {@link HlcDataSeries} */ yValues?: NumberArray; /** * The H-values array to pre-populate the {@link HlcDataSeries} */ highValues?: NumberArray; /** * The L-values array to pre-populate the {@link HlcDataSeries} */ lowValues?: NumberArray; } /** * HlcDataSeries is a DataSeries for holding X, Y, H, L data in SciChart's 2D * {@link | JavaScript Charts} * @remarks * The HlcDataSeries is primarily used with our {@link FastErrorBarsRenderableSeries | JavaScript Error Bars Chart}, * which draws a High-Low Bars around points * * A DataSeries stores the data to render. This is independent from the {@link IRenderableSeries | RenderableSeries} * which defines how that data should be rendered. * * See derived types of {@link BaseDataSeries} to find out what data-series are available. * See derived types of {@link IRenderableSeries} to find out what 2D JavaScript Chart types are available. */ export declare class HlcDataSeries extends BaseDataSeries { /** @inheritDoc */ readonly type = EDataSeriesType.Hlc; /** * H vector with initial animation values */ hInitialAnimationValues: SCRTDoubleVector; /** * H vector with final animation values */ hFinalAnimationValues: SCRTDoubleVector; /** * Y1 vector with initial animation values */ lInitialAnimationValues: SCRTDoubleVector; /** * Y1 vector with final animation values */ lFinalAnimationValues: SCRTDoubleVector; protected highValues: SCRTDoubleVector; protected lowValues: SCRTDoubleVector; /** * Creates an instance of {@link HlcDataSeries} * @param webAssemblyContext the {@link TSciChart | SciChart WebAssembly Context} containing native methods * and access to our underlying WebGL2 rendering engine * @param options the {@link IHlcDataSeriesOptions} which can be passed to configure the DataSeries at construct time */ constructor(webAssemblyContext: TSciChart, options?: IHlcDataSeriesOptions); /** * Gets a native / WebAssembly vector of H-values in the DataSeries */ getNativeHighValues(): SCRTDoubleVector; /** * Gets a native / WebAssembly vector of L-values in the DataSeries */ getNativeLowValues(): SCRTDoubleVector; /** * Appends a single X, Y, Y1 point to the DataSeries * @remarks * For best performance on drawing large datasets, use the {@link appendRange} method * * Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param x The X-value * @param y The Y1-value * @param h The H-value * @param l The L-value * @param metadata The point metadata */ append(x: number, y: number, h: number, l: number, metadata?: IPointMetadata): void; /** * Appends a range of X, Y, Y1 points to the DataSeries * @remarks * This method is considerably higher performance than {@link append} which appends a single point * * Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param xValues The X-values * @param yValues The Y-values * @param y1Values The Y1-values * @param metadata The array of point metadata */ appendRange(xValues: NumberArray, yValues: NumberArray, hValues: NumberArray, lValues: NumberArray, metadata?: IPointMetadata[]): void; /** * Updates a single Y, H, L-value by X-index * @remarks Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param index the index to update * @param y The new Y value * @param h The new H value * @param l The new L value * @param metadata The point metadata */ update(index: number, y: number, h: number, l: number, metadata?: IPointMetadata): void; /** * Updates a single X, Y, H, L-value by X-index. Might also need to set isSorted = false * @remarks Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param index the index to update * @param x The new X value * @param y The new Y value * @param h The new H value * @param l The new L value * @param metadata The point metadata */ updateXyhl(index: number, x: number, y: number, h: number, l: number, metadata?: IPointMetadata): void; /** * Inserts a single X,Y, H, L value at the start index * @remarks * For best performance on drawing large datasets, use the {@link insertRange} method * * Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param startIndex the index to insert at * @param x the XValue * @param y the YValue * @param h the HighValue * @param l the LowValue * @param metadata The point metadata */ insert(startIndex: number, x: number, y: number, h: number, l: number, metadata?: IPointMetadata): void; /** * Inserts a range of X,Y, H, L values at the startIndex * @remarks * Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param startIndex the index to insert at * @param xValues the XValues * @param yValues the YValues * @param hValues the HValues * @param lValues the LValues * @param metadata The array of point metadata */ insertRange(startIndex: number, xValues: NumberArray, yValues: NumberArray, hValues: NumberArray, lValues: NumberArray, metadata?: IPointMetadata[]): void; /** * Removes a single X,Y, H, L value at the specified index * @remarks Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param index the index to remove at */ removeAt(index: number): void; /** * Removes a range of X, Y, H, L values at the specified index * @remarks Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} * @param startIndex the start index to remove at * @param count the number of points to remove */ removeRange(startIndex: number, count: number): void; /** * Clears the entire DataSeries. * @remarks * Note this does not free memory, WebAssembly/Native memory is released by calling {@link delete}, after which the * DataSeries is no longer usable. * * Any changes of the DataSeries will trigger a redraw on the parent {@link SciChartSurface} */ clear(): void; /** @inheritDoc */ getXRange(dataSeriesValueType?: EDataSeriesValueType, isHorizontalDirection?: boolean, hasHighCap?: boolean, hasLowCap?: boolean): NumberRange; /** @inheritDoc */ getWindowedYRange(xRange: NumberRange, getPositiveRange: boolean, isXCategoryAxis?: boolean, dataSeriesValueType?: EDataSeriesValueType, yRangeMode?: EYRangeMode, isHorizontalDirection?: boolean, hasHighCap?: boolean, hasLowCap?: boolean): NumberRange; /** @inheritDoc */ delete(): void; /** @inheritDoc */ createAnimationVectors(): void; /** @inheritDoc */ setInitialAnimationVectors(dataSeries?: HlcDataSeries): void; /** @inheritDoc */ setFinalAnimationVectors(dataSeries?: HlcDataSeries): void; /** @inheritDoc */ validateAnimationVectors(): void; /** @inheritDoc */ updateAnimationProperties(progress: number, animation: SeriesAnimation): void; /** @inheritDoc */ protected getOptions(excludeData?: boolean): IHlcDataSeriesOptions; protected reserve(size: number): void; private getHlcValues; }