import { TDataSeriesDefinition } from "../../Builder/buildDataSeries"; import { EventHandler } from "../../Core/EventHandler"; import { NumberRange } from "../../Core/NumberRange"; import { ESearchMode } from "../../types/SearchMode"; import { SCRTDoubleVector, SCRTFloatVector, TSciChart } from "../../types/TSciChart"; import { IColorMapParams } from "../Visuals/RenderableSeries/HeatmapColorMap"; import { IDataDistributionCalculator } from "./DataDistributionCalculator/IDataDistributionCalculator"; import { EDataChangeType, EDataSeriesType, IDataChangeArgs, IDataSeries } from "./IDataSeries"; import { IMetadataGenerator, IPointMetadata } from "./IPointMetadata"; /** * Options to pass to the {@link BaseHeatmapDataSeries} constructor */ export interface IBaseHeatmapSeriesOptions { /** * A unique Id for the {@link IDataSeries} */ id?: string; /** * The DataSeries name, used in legends, tooltips to identify the chart series */ dataSeriesName?: string; /** * The 2-Dimensional array of cells which can be passed to populate the {@link BaseHeatmapDataSeries} at construct time */ zValues?: number[][]; /** * The Metadata values of type {@link IPointMetadata} to pre-populate the {@link BaseHeatmapDataSeries} * If a single metadata value is supplied, this will be used as a template for all data values. * If type AND data is specified, then the registered function should take the data and return a IPointData array. * If only type is specified, the registered function will be set as the metadataGenerator and used to construct new metadata for each data value. */ metadata?: IPointMetadata[][] | IPointMetadata | { type: string; data?: any; }; /** * The flag whether this Heatmap has NaN value, to display them as transparent tiles */ containsNaN?: boolean; } /** * Defines the interface to a Heatmap DataSeries in SciChart's High Performance Real-time * {@link | JavaScript Charts} */ export interface IHeatmapSeries extends IDataSeries { } /** * The base class for Heatmap-style DataSeries in SciChart's * {@link | JavaScript Charts} * @remarks * A DataSeries stores the data to render. This is independent from the {@link IRenderableSeries | RenderableSeries} * which defines how that data should be rendered. * * See derived types of {@link BaseHeatmapDataSeries} to find out what Heatmap data-series are available. * See {@link UniformHeatmapRenderableSeries} to see the class for rendering a 2D JavaScript Heatmap Chart. */ export declare abstract class BaseHeatmapDataSeries implements IHeatmapSeries { /** @inheritDoc */ abstract type: EDataSeriesType; /** @inheritDoc */ readonly dataChanged: EventHandler; /** @inheritDoc */ readonly id: string; /** @inheritDoc */ minXSpacing: number; /** * Gets the width of the 2-dimensional array of {@link getZValues | Z-Values} where array is ranked [width][height] */ arrayWidth: number; /** * Gets the height of the 2-dimensional array of {@link getZValues | Z-Values} where array is ranked [width][height] */ arrayHeight: number; /** * When true, the {@link BaseHeatmapDataSeries} has data changes and requires redrawing */ protected hasDataChangesProperty: boolean; /** * The {@link TSciChart | SciChart WebAssembly Context} containing native methods and access to our underlying WebGL2 rendering engine */ protected webAssemblyContext: TSciChart; /** * Gets the size of the heatmap where size = {@link arrayWidth} * {@link arrayHeight} */ protected size: number; /** * A normalized {@link FloatVector} is a native / WebAssembly vector (array) of Float32 values with normalized * values ready for drawing in SciChart's WebGL2 Rendering Engine */ protected normalizedVector: SCRTFloatVector; private dataSeriesNameProperty; private isDeleted; private zValuesProperty; private metadataProperty; private hasNaNsProperty; private lastZMin; private lastZMax; private lastFillValuesOutOfRange; private metadataGeneratorProperty; private changeCountProperty; /** * Creates an instance of {@link BaseHeatmapDataSeries} * @param webAssemblyContext the {@link TSciChart | SciChart WebAssembly Context} containing native methods * and access to our underlying WebGL2 rendering engine * @param options the {@link IBaseHeatmapSeriesOptions} which can be passed to configure the DataSeries at construct time */ protected constructor(webAssemblyContext: TSciChart, options: IBaseHeatmapSeriesOptions); /** @inheritDoc */ get isSorted(): boolean; /** @inheritDoc */ set isSorted(value: boolean); /** @inheritDoc */ get isEvenlySpaced(): boolean; /** @inheritDoc */ set isEvenlySpaced(value: boolean); /** @inheritDoc */ get containsNaN(): boolean; /** @inheritDoc */ set containsNaN(value: boolean); /** @inheritDoc */ get dataDistributionCalculator(): IDataDistributionCalculator; /** @inheritDoc */ getNativeValue(values: SCRTDoubleVector, index: number): number; /** * Returns true if the Heatmap DataSeries has data changes. * This flag is set to true when notifyDataChanged is called, and reset to false after */ get hasDataChanges(): boolean; /** * Gets a readonly collection of Z-values which can be read in the format zValues[y][x] * Note that changes or manipulation of the 2D array will not update the Heatmap. Set it back via setZValues() * to see changes to the chart */ getZValues(): number[][]; /** * Sets a 2D array of zValues. Input is in the format zValues[y][x] where Y is 0 to height and X is 0 to Width * @param zValues * @param metadata The array of arrays of point metadata */ setZValues(zValues: number[][], metadata?: IPointMetadata[][]): void; /** * Gets the ZValue at the specific Y,X index where Y must be within 0-arrayHeight and X must be within 0-arrayWidth * @param yIndex the y-index from 0 to arrayHeight * @param xIndex the x-index from 0 to arrayWidth */ getZValue(yIndex: number, xIndex: number): number; /** * Sets the ZValue at the specific Y,X index where Y must be within 0-arrayHeight and X must be within 0-arrayWidth * @param yIndex the y-index from 0 to arrayHeight * @param xIndex the x-index from 0 to arrayWidth * @param zValue the new Z-value * @param metadata The point metadata */ setZValue(yIndex: number, xIndex: number, zValue: number, metadata?: IPointMetadata): void; /** @inheritDoc */ clear(): void; /** * Gets the minimum X-value for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart */ get xMin(): number; /** * Gets the maximum X-value for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart */ get xMax(): number; /** * Gets the minimum Y-value for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart */ get yMin(): number; /** * Gets the maximum Y-value for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart */ get yMax(): number; /** * Computes the minimum Z-value for this heatmap * @remarks * Be aware for performance reasons, every call to zMin will result in a recalculation */ get zMin(): number; /** * Computes the maximum Z-value for this heatmap * @remarks * Be aware for performance reasons, every call to zMax will result in a recalculation */ get zMax(): number; /** * Gets the XRange for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart */ get xRange(): NumberRange; /** * Gets the YRange for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart */ get yRange(): NumberRange; /** * Computes the ZRange for this heatmap, which controls where it is displayed on a cartesian chart * @remarks * Be aware for performance reasons, every call to zRange will result in a recalculation */ get zRange(): NumberRange; /** * @inheritDoc */ get dataSeriesName(): string; /** * @inheritDoc */ set dataSeriesName(dataSeriesName: string); /** * Gets whether this Heatmap has values to display */ get hasValues(): boolean; /** * Gets/sets whether this Heatmap has NaN value, to display them as transparent tiles */ set hasNaNs(value: boolean); /** * Gets/sets whether this Heatmap has NaN value, to display them as transparent tiles */ get hasNaNs(): boolean; /** * Gets the number of heatmap cells */ count(): number; /** * Sets a function that will be used to generate metadata for values when they are appended/inserted, if no explicit metadata is supplied. * @param generator */ setMetadataGenerator(generator: IMetadataGenerator): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ delete(): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ getIsDeleted(): boolean; /** * @inheritDoc */ getNativeIndexes(): SCRTDoubleVector; /** * @inheritDoc */ getNativeXValues(): SCRTDoubleVector; /** * @inheritDoc */ getNativeYValues(): SCRTDoubleVector; /** * @inheritDoc */ getWindowedYRange(xRange: NumberRange, getPositiveRange: boolean, isCategoryAxis: boolean): NumberRange; /** * Gets the X-value at the specified index. * @param xIndex */ abstract getXValue(xIndex: number): number; /** * Gets the Y-value at the specified index. * @param xIndex */ abstract getYValue(yIndex: number): number; /** * Notify subscribers to dataChanged that data has changed. Also sets internal flags. * This will trigger a redraw on a parent SciChartSurface */ notifyDataChanged(changeType: EDataChangeType, xIndex?: number, yIndex?: number, name?: string): void; /** * Returns a FloatVector with normalized values based on the color map passed in * @param colorMap the {@link IColorMapParams} provides properties used to map heatmap Z-values into colors * for rendering in SciChart's {@link | Realtime JavaScript Charts} */ getNormalizedVector(colorMap: IColorMapParams, fillValuesOutOfRange?: boolean): SCRTFloatVector; /** * Recreates the normalized vector (internally used for drawing heatmap) according to zMin and zMax values * @param zMin * @param zMax */ recreateNormalizedVector(zMin: number, zMax: number, fillValuesOutOfRange?: boolean): void; /** * Gets the metadata by Y and X indexes * @param yIndex The Y index * @param xIndex The X index */ getMetadataAt(yIndex: number, xIndex: number): IPointMetadata; /** * Gets the metadata matrix height */ getMetadataHeight(): number; /** * Gets the metadata matrix width */ getMetadataWidth(): number; toJSON(excludeData?: boolean): TDataSeriesDefinition; /** * Gets the range in the X-direction for this DataSeries */ abstract getXRange(): NumberRange; /** * Gets the range in the Y-direction for this DataSeries */ abstract getYRange(): NumberRange; /** @inheritDoc */ getIndicesRange(visibleRange: NumberRange, isCategoryData: boolean, downSearchMode?: ESearchMode, upSearchMode?: ESearchMode): NumberRange; /** @inheritDoc */ get changeCount(): number; protected getOptions(excludeData?: boolean): IBaseHeatmapSeriesOptions; /** * Computes the range in the Z-direction for this DataSeries * @remarks * Be aware for performance reasons, every call to getZRange will result in a recalculation * @protected */ protected getZRange(): NumberRange; protected validateIndexes(yIndex: number, xIndex: number): void; protected setMetadata(metadata: IPointMetadata[][]): void; protected setMetadataAt(yIndex: number, xIndex: number, metadata: IPointMetadata): void; private fillMetadataIfUndefined; }