import { IIncludeSeries } from "../../Core/IIncludeSeries"; import { Point } from "../../Core/Point"; import { Rect } from "../../Core/Rect"; import { EChart2DModifierType } from "../../types/ChartModifierType"; import { EMousePosition } from "../../types/MousePosition"; import { SeriesInfo } from "../Model/ChartData/SeriesInfo"; import { IThemeProvider } from "../Themes/IThemeProvider"; import { LineAnnotation } from "../Visuals/Annotations/LineAnnotation"; import { RolloverLegendSvgAnnotation } from "../Visuals/Annotations/RolloverLegendSvgAnnotation"; import { HitTestInfo } from "../Visuals/RenderableSeries/HitTest/HitTestInfo"; import { IRenderableSeries } from "../Visuals/RenderableSeries/IRenderableSeries"; import { IRolloverModifier, RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps } from "../Visuals/RenderableSeries/RolloverModifier/RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps"; import { ChartModifierBase2D, IChartModifierBaseOptions } from "./ChartModifierBase2D"; import { ModifierMouseArgs } from "./ModifierMouseArgs"; export declare type TRolloverLegendSvgTemplate = (seriesInfos: SeriesInfo[], svgAnnotation: RolloverLegendSvgAnnotation) => string; export declare type TRolloverTooltipDataTemplate = (seriesInfo: SeriesInfo, tooltipTitle: string, tooltipLabelX: string, tooltipLabelY: string) => string[]; /** * @ignore * Props type used for tooltips in the {@link RolloverModifier} */ export declare type TTooltipProps = { /** * The index to the data on the tooltip */ index: number; /** * The XValue of the data on the tooltip */ xValue: number; /** * The YValue of the data on the tooltip */ yValue: number; /** * The XCoordinate of the tooltip */ xCoord: number; /** * The YCoordinate of the tooltip */ yCoord: number; /** * The xCoordShift for the svg annotation, not scaled value */ xCoordShift: number; /** * The yCoordShift for the svg annotation, not scaled value */ yCoordShift: number; hitTestPointValues: Point; isCategoryAxis: boolean; isY1: boolean; height: number; width: number; seriesInfo: SeriesInfo; }; /** @ignore */ export declare const TOOLTIP_SPACING = 4; /** * Optional parameters used to configure a {@link RolloverModifier} at construct time */ export interface IRolloverModifierOptions extends IChartModifierBaseOptions { /** Sets the color of the vertical rollover line as an html color code */ rolloverLineStroke?: string; /** Sets the thickness of the vertical rollover line */ rolloverLineStrokeThickness?: number; /** Gets or Sets the dash array of the vertical rollover line */ rolloverLineStrokeDashArray?: number[]; /** Gets or Sets whether to show the vertical rollover line. Default true */ showRolloverLine?: boolean; /** Sets the template for the legend */ tooltipLegendTemplate?: TRolloverLegendSvgTemplate | string; /** Sets the legend X offset */ tooltipLegendOffsetX?: number; /** Sets the legend Y offset */ tooltipLegendOffsetY?: number; /** Sets the tooltipDataTemplate, which allows to customize content for the tooltip */ tooltipDataTemplate?: TRolloverTooltipDataTemplate | string; /** Sets whether to show the tooltip. Default true */ showTooltip?: boolean; /** Sets if tooltips for multiple series are allowed to overlap. Default false */ allowTooltipOverlapping?: boolean; /** * If True the {@link RolloverModifier} line snaps to * the nearest data-point of the first visible renderable series */ snapToDataPoint?: boolean; /** Sets the parent div element id for the Tooltip */ placementDivId?: string; /** * If this is set greater than the default of zero, the toolip will only show values for points in this radius, rather than all points on the vertical line */ hitTestRadius?: number; /** * Sets if the axis label for the rollover Line should be shown. default false. * Customize this futher after the modifier has been created by setting properties on rolloverModifer.rolloverLineAnnotation */ showAxisLabel?: boolean; } /** * The RolloverModifier provides tooltip and cursor behavior on a 2D {@link SciChartSurface} * within SciChart - High Performance {@link | JavaScript Charts} * @remarks * * To apply the RolloverModifier to a {@link SciChartSurface} and add tooltip behavior, * use the following code: * * ```ts * const sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface; * sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new RolloverModifier()); * ``` */ export declare class RolloverModifier extends ChartModifierBase2D implements IIncludeSeries, IRolloverModifier { readonly type = EChart2DModifierType.Rollover; /** * Gets or sets the template for the legend */ tooltipLegendTemplate?: TRolloverLegendSvgTemplate; /** * Gets or sets the legend X offset */ tooltipLegendOffsetX: number; /** * Gets or sets the legend Y offset */ tooltipLegendOffsetY: number; /** * Gets or sets the snapToDataPoint flag. If True the {@link RolloverModifier} line snaps to * the nearest data-point of the first visible renderable series */ snapToDataPoint: boolean; /** * If this is set greater than the default of zero, the toolip will only show values for points in this radius, rather than all points on the vertical line */ hitTestRadius: number; protected showRolloverLineProperty: boolean; protected showTooltipProperty: boolean; protected absoluteXCoord: number; readonly rolloverLineAnnotation: LineAnnotation | undefined; protected mousePosition: EMousePosition; protected readonly legendAnnotation: RolloverLegendSvgAnnotation | undefined; private tooltipDataTemplateProperty?; private allowTooltipOverlappingProperty; private includedSeriesMap; private placementDivIdProperty; /** * Creates an instance of the RolloverModifier * @param options Optional parameters {@link IRolloverModifierOptions} used to configure the modifier */ constructor(options?: IRolloverModifierOptions); protected createLine(options?: IRolloverModifierOptions): LineAnnotation; /** * @inheritDoc */ applyTheme(themeProvider: IThemeProvider): void; /** Gets or Sets the color of the vertical rollover line as an html color code */ get rolloverLineStroke(): string; /** Gets or Sets the color of the vertical rollover line as an html color code */ set rolloverLineStroke(rolloverLineStroke: string); /** Gets or Sets the thickness of the vertical rollover line */ get rolloverLineStrokeThickness(): number; /** Gets or Sets the thickness of the vertical rollover line */ set rolloverLineStrokeThickness(rolloverLineStrokeThickness: number); /** Gets or Sets the dash array of the vertical rollover line */ get rolloverLineStrokeDashArray(): number[]; /** Gets or Sets the dash array of the vertical rollover line */ set rolloverLineStrokeDashArray(rolloverLineStrokeDashArray: number[]); /** Gets or Sets whether to show the vertical rollover line. Default true */ get showRolloverLine(): boolean; /** Gets or Sets whether to show the vertical rollover line. Default true */ set showRolloverLine(showRolloverLine: boolean); /** Gets or Sets the tooltipDataTemplate, which allows you to customize content for the tooltip */ get tooltipDataTemplate(): TRolloverTooltipDataTemplate; /** Gets or Sets the tooltipDataTemplate, which allows you to customize content for the tooltip */ set tooltipDataTemplate(value: TRolloverTooltipDataTemplate); /** Gets or Sets whether to show the tooltip. Default true */ get showTooltip(): boolean; /** Gets or Sets whether to show the tooltip. Default true */ set showTooltip(value: boolean); /** Gets or Sets if tooltips for multiple series are allowed to overlap. Default false */ get allowTooltipOverlapping(): boolean; /** Gets or Sets if tooltips for multiple series are allowed to overlap. Default false */ set allowTooltipOverlapping(value: boolean); /** * @inheritDoc */ onAttach(): void; protected addLineAnnotationToSurface(): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ onDetach(): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ onAttachSeries(rs: IRenderableSeries): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ onDetachSeries(rs: IRenderableSeries): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ modifierMouseMove(args: ModifierMouseArgs): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ modifierMouseLeave(args: ModifierMouseArgs): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ onParentSurfaceRendered(): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ includeSeries(series: IRenderableSeries, isIncluded: boolean): void; /** * @inheritDoc */ getIncludedRenderableSeries(): IRenderableSeries[]; /** * Override hitTestRenderableSeries and add a custom logic * @param rs * @param mousePoint */ hitTestRenderableSeries(rs: IRenderableSeries, mousePoint: Point): HitTestInfo; /** * Returns current mouse position */ getMousePosition(): EMousePosition; /** @inheritDoc */ toJSON(): { type: string; options: Required>; }; /** * Called internally to adjust the positions of tooltips if there are overlaps, or if it is a vertical chart * @param tooltipArray * @param allowTooltipOverlapping * @param spacing * @param seriesViewRect * @param pixelRatio * @param isVerticalChart * @returns TTooltipProps[] */ protected CalculateTooltipPositions(tooltipArray: TTooltipProps[], allowTooltipOverlapping: boolean, spacing: number, seriesViewRect: Rect, pixelRatio: number, isVerticalChart?: boolean): TTooltipProps[]; /** @inheritDoc */ protected notifyPropertyChanged(propertyName: string): void; protected isVerticalChart(): boolean; protected removeSeriesAnnotationsFromParentSurface(rs: IRenderableSeries): void; /** * @param rs */ protected addSeriesAnnotationsToParentSurface(rs: IRenderableSeries): void; protected getRolloverProps(rs: IRenderableSeries): RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps; protected getRolloverProps1(rs: IRenderableSeries): RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps; protected update(): void; protected updateLine(): void; /** * @description Update Markers and Tooltips */ protected updateSeriesAnnotations(): void; /** * Test if the series is included or excluded, by default it is included * @param series * @private */ private testIsIncludedSeries; protected getSeriesInfos(): SeriesInfo[]; /** * Gets or sets the parent div element reference or id for the Tooltip */ get placementDivId(): string; /** * Gets or sets the parent div element reference or id for the Tooltip */ set placementDivId(value: string); } /** * @ignore * @description Used internally, calculates tooltip props * @param index * @param rs * @param rolloverProps * @param seriesViewRect * @param xValue * @param yValue * @param absoluteXCoord * @param absoluteYCoord * @param hitTestInfo * @param pixelRatio * @param isY1 */ export declare const calcTooltipProps: (index: number, rs: IRenderableSeries, rolloverProps: RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps, seriesViewRect: Rect, xValue: number, yValue: number, absoluteXCoord: number, absoluteYCoord: number, hitTestInfo: HitTestInfo, pixelRatio: number, isY1?: boolean, isVerticalChart?: boolean) => TTooltipProps; /** * @ignore * @description Used internally, calculates tooltip positions to avoid overlapping * @param tooltipArray * @param allowTooltipOverlapping * @param spacing * @param seriesViewRect * @param pixelRatio * @param isVerticalChart */ export declare const calcTooltipPositions: (tooltipArray: TTooltipProps[], allowTooltipOverlapping: boolean, spacing: number, seriesViewRect: Rect, pixelRatio: number, isVerticalChart?: boolean) => TTooltipProps[]; /** @ignore */ export declare const updateRolloverModifierProps: (rolloverRSProps: RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps, rs: IRenderableSeries, tooltipProps: TTooltipProps, showTooltip: boolean, showMarker: boolean, placementDivId?: string) => void;