import { NumberRange } from "../../Core/NumberRange"; import { Point } from "../../Core/Point"; import { EChart2DModifierType } from "../../types/ChartModifierType"; import { EExecuteOn } from "../../types/ExecuteOn"; import { EXyDirection } from "../../types/XyDirection"; import { AxisBase2D } from "../Visuals/Axis/AxisBase2D"; import { IRenderableSeries } from "../Visuals/RenderableSeries/IRenderableSeries"; import { SciChartSurface } from "../Visuals/SciChartSurface"; import { ChartModifierBase, EModifierType } from "./ChartModifierBase"; /** * Options for passing to the constructor of {@link ChartModifierBase2D} derived types */ export interface IChartModifierBaseOptions { /** * A unique Id for the {@link ChartModifierBase2D} */ id?: string; /** * Defines the operation that modifier should respond to */ executeOn?: EExecuteOn; /** * Defines the {@link EXyDirection | Xy Direction} - whether the modifier works in X, Y or XY or neither direction, * for vertical charts the behaviour could be inverted, for example for vertical chart * with {@link RubberBandXyZoomModifier} and {@link EXyDirection.XDirection} the modifier works on Y axis */ xyDirection?: EXyDirection; /** * Defines the Modifier Group string - a grouping by ID for sharing mouse events across charts */ modifierGroup?: string; /** * The XAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. * Set if you have multiple x axes and need to distinguish between horizontal/vertical, or stacked axes */ xAxisId?: string; /** * The YAxis Id to be used by annotations internal to the modifier. * Set if you have multiple y axes and need the modifier to use something other than the first one. */ yAxisId?: string; } /** * Defines a base class to a ChartModifier2D - a class which provides Zoom, Pan, Tooltip or interaction behavior * to SciChart - High Performance Realtime {@link | 2D JavaScript Charts} */ export declare abstract class ChartModifierBase2D extends ChartModifierBase { /** * The type of chartmodifier. See {@link EChart2DModifierType} for available options */ abstract readonly type: EChart2DModifierType | string; xyDirection: EXyDirection; protected changedPropertiesList: string[]; protected xAxisIdProperty: string; protected yAxisIdProperty: string; protected typeMap: Map; /** * Creates an instance of the {@link ChartModifierBase2D} * @param options optional parameters via {@link IChartModifierBaseOptions} which can be passed to configure the modifier */ constructor(options?: IChartModifierBaseOptions); /** * @inheritDoc */ get modifierType(): EModifierType; /** @inheritDoc */ get xAxisId(): string; /** @inheritDoc */ set xAxisId(xAxisId: string); /** @inheritDoc */ get yAxisId(): string; /** @inheritDoc */ set yAxisId(yAxisId: string); /** * Gets all series on the parent surface. * @protected * @remarks This function allows mocking in tests */ getAllSeries(): IRenderableSeries[]; /** * @inheritDoc */ toJSON(): { type: string; options: Required>; }; protected testPropertyChanged(propertyName: string): boolean; protected notifyPropertyChanged(propertyName: string): void; /** * Grows the Axis by a fraction around the mouse point * @param mousePoint the X,Y location of the mouse at the time of the operation * @param axis the Axis to grow or shrink * @param fraction the fraction, e.g. 0.1 grows the axis by 10% */ protected growBy(mousePoint: Point, axis: AxisBase2D, fraction: number): void; } export declare const testIsOverAxes: (xAxisArr: AxisBase2D[], mousePoint: Point) => boolean; export declare const getActiveAxes: (xAxisArr: AxisBase2D[], mousePoint: Point) => AxisBase2D[]; export declare const scaleAxes: (axes: AxisBase2D[], initialVisibleRanges: NumberRange[], delta: number, isMoreThanHalf: boolean) => void;