import { SassTextLine } from './sassTextLine'; import { FormattingState } from './state'; /** returns the relative distance that the class or id should be at. */ export declare function getBlockHeaderOffset(distance: number, tabSize: number, current: number, ignoreCurrent: boolean): number; /** * adds or removes whitespace based on the given offset, a positive value adds whitespace a negative value removes it. */ export declare function replaceWithOffset(text: string, offset: number, STATE: FormattingState): string; /** returns the difference between the current indentation and the indentation of the given text. */ export declare function getIndentationOffset(text: string, indentation: number, tabSize: number): { offset: number; distance: number; }; export declare function replaceSpacesOrTabs(text: string, STATE: FormattingState, insertSpaces?: boolean): string; export declare function convertLine(line: SassTextLine, STATE: FormattingState): boolean; export declare function isKeyframePointAndSetIndentation(line: SassTextLine, STATE: FormattingState): boolean;