import React from 'react'; import { ReactTestInstance } from 'react-test-renderer'; import Element from './Element'; export interface RendererOptions { /** Options to pass to the debugger. */ debugger?: DebugOptions; /** Mock a ref found within the current render tree. */ mockRef?: (element: React.ReactElement) => unknown; /** Wraps the root element in `React.StrictMode`. */ strict?: boolean; /** Wraps the root element in the provided React element. */ wrapper?: React.ReactElement; } export interface AdapterRendererOptions extends RendererOptions { /** Patch native APIs to work within the test renderer. */ applyPatches: () => () => void; /** Wrap a react test instance with a Rut element. */ createElement: (instance: ReactTestInstance) => Element; } export interface DebugOptions { /** Render children. Defaults to `true`. */ children?: boolean; /** Exclude all components by name that match the regex pattern. */ excludeComponents?: RegExp; /** Exclude all props by name that match the regex pattern. */ excludeProps?: RegExp; /** Include falsy props in the output. Defaults to `false`. */ falsy?: boolean; /** Group props into the following: key & ref, truthy booleans, everything else, event handlers. Defaults to `true`. */ groupProps?: boolean; /** Include host elements (DOM) in the output. Defaults to `true`. */ hostElements?: boolean; /** Include `key` and `ref` props in the output. Defaults to `true`. */ keyAndRef?: boolean; /** Log to the console automatically. Defaults to `true`. */ log?: boolean; /** Max length of arrays and objects before truncating. Defaults to 5. */ maxLength?: number; /** Include React elements in the output. Defaults to `true`. */ reactElements?: boolean; /** Sort the props within each grouping from A-Z. Defaults to `true`. */ sortProps?: boolean; } export interface DispatchOptions { /** * Traverse up or down the tree and dispatch the event on every node * unless propagation has been stopped. */ propagate?: boolean; } export interface QueryOptions { /** Search through the entire React trender tree. */ deep?: boolean; } export interface IntegrationOptions { /** Execute the callback and flush all timers before returning. */ runWithTimers: (cb: () => T) => T; } export declare type ElementType

= string | React.ComponentType

; export interface UnknownProps { [name: string]: unknown; } export interface TestNode { children: string | (TestNode | string)[]; instance: { context: object; props: UnknownProps; refs: { [key: string]: any; }; state: object; } | null; parent: TestNode | null; props: UnknownProps; type: ElementType; } export interface FiberNode { child: FiberNode | null; elementType: ElementType; index: number; key: string | null; mode: number; ref: any; return: FiberNode | null; sibling: FiberNode | null; tag: number; type: ElementType; } export declare type AtIndexType = 'first' | 'last' | number; export declare type Predicate = (node: TestNode, fiber: FiberNode) => boolean; export declare type MatchComparator = (a: unknown, b: unknown) => boolean; export interface MatchResult { actual?: unknown; diff?: boolean; expected?: unknown; message: string; name: string; notMessage: string; passed: boolean | ((comp?: MatchComparator) => boolean); received: string; } export declare type NodeType = 'class-component' | 'forward-ref' | 'function-component' | 'host-component' | 'memo'; export declare type InferEventFromHandler = T extends (event: infer E) => void ? E : never; export declare type InferHostElementFromEvent = T extends React.SyntheticEvent ? E : Element; export declare type PropsOf = T extends Element ? P : never; declare global { namespace jest { interface Matchers { toBeChecked(): R; toBeDisabled(): R; toBeElementType(type: ElementType): R; toBeNodeType(type: NodeType): R; toContainNode(node: NonNullable): R; toHaveClassName(name: string): R; toHaveKey(value: string | number): R; toHaveProp>(name: K, value?: PropsOf[K]): R; toHaveProps(props: Partial>): R; toHaveRendered(): R; toHaveValue(value: unknown): R; } } } declare module 'react-test-renderer' { interface ReactTestRenderer { unstable_flushSync(cb: () => T): T; } interface ReactTestInstance { _fiber: FiberNode; } } //#