/// import dijkstra from "dijkstrajs"; import { Node } from "./node"; import { OneWay } from "./Hallway"; import { StairOneWay } from "./StairOneWay"; export declare type HallConnectorsStructures = { nodes: { nodeId: Node; edgeLengthFromPreviousNodeInHallway: number; }[]; oneWay: OneWay; }[]; /** * @ignore * @param hallConnectors - an array of each hallway's array of nodes * @param stairConnections - an array of stairs, where each stair has * a list of nodes going from the top to the bottom * @param hallwayConnections - an array of the pairs of connected hallway nodes * @returns The graph to be used by getShortestPath */ export declare function getGraph(hallConnectorsStructures: HallConnectorsStructures, oneWayStaircases: Partial>): dijkstra.Graph; /** * @ignore * @param graph - A graph generated by getGraph * @param idFrom - The id of the node to start at * @param idTo - The id of the destination node * @returns An array of node IDs that represents the path from `idFrom` to * `idTo`. */ export declare function getShortestPath(graph: dijkstra.Graph, idFrom: Node, idTo: Node): Node[]; /** * @ignore * @param graph - a graph * @returns - Is this a connected graph? */ export declare function isConnectedGraph(graph: dijkstra.Graph): { connected: boolean; connectedSections: string[][]; };