rework-modules CDN files

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  1. rework-modules@0.1.10 /
  2. test /
  3. cases
declare imported variable as local
export a local variable
export imported variables
export placeholders
extend placeholder from another module
extend placeholders
fail when exporting an undefined variable
fail when referencing an undefined local variable
fail when requiring an unknown module
fail when using a variable from an unrequired module
fail when using an undefined export
fail when using content from unrequired module
globalify placeholders
handle multiple variables on a single declaration
import another module's exports
include content from another module
parse imports
parse keyframes
parse media queries
parse whitespace
pass-through comments
recursively substitute variable values
reference local variables
rename local usages of placeholders
require another module
require from a relative path
resolve a file with an extension
use variables in placeholders

Free Open Source CDN for rework-modules

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