declare const resolveFrom: { /** Resolve the path of a module like [`require.resolve()`]( but from a given path. @param fromDirectory - Directory to resolve from. @param moduleId - What you would use in `require()`. @returns Resolved module path. Throws when the module can't be found. @example ``` import resolveFrom = require('resolve-from'); // There is a file at `./foo/bar.js` resolveFrom('foo', './bar'); //=> '/Users/sindresorhus/dev/test/foo/bar.js' ``` */ (fromDirectory: string, moduleId: string): string; /** Resolve the path of a module like [`require.resolve()`]( but from a given path. @param fromDirectory - Directory to resolve from. @param moduleId - What you would use in `require()`. @returns Resolved module path or `undefined` when the module can't be found. */ silent(fromDirectory: string, moduleId: string): string | undefined; }; export = resolveFrom;