const path = require('node:path'); const fs = require('node:fs'); const cp = require('node:child_process'); const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json')); const {version} = packageJson; const src = ` // Automatically generated on publish /** * @description Provides the current version number of the Remotion library. * @see [Documentation]( * @returns {string} The current version of the remotion package */ export const VERSION = '${version}'; `.trim() + '\n'; fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'src/version.ts'), src); cp.execSync('pnpm build'); const distFile = fs.readFileSync('dist/esm/version.mjs', 'utf-8'); if (!distFile.includes(version)) { console.log('In dist file, did not include version'); process.exit(1); } const distFileCjs = fs.readFileSync('dist/cjs/version.js', 'utf-8'); if (!distFileCjs.includes(version)) { console.log('In dist file, did not include version'); process.exit(1); } console.log('Updated version to v' + version); const wrongDistFileExists = fs.existsSync('dist/index.js', 'utf-8'); if (wrongDistFileExists) { throw new Error('Wrong dist file exists'); } const wrongDistFileExists2 = fs.existsSync('dist/index.mjs', 'utf-8'); if (wrongDistFileExists2) { throw new Error('Wrong dist file exists'); }