import * as React from "react"; import { createComponent } from "reakit-system/createComponent"; import { createHook } from "reakit-system/createHook"; import { useForkRef } from "reakit-utils/useForkRef"; import { useIsomorphicEffect } from "reakit-utils/useIsomorphicEffect"; import { useLiveRef } from "reakit-utils/useLiveRef"; import { warning } from "reakit-warning"; import { hasFocusWithin } from "reakit-utils/hasFocusWithin"; import { isButton } from "reakit-utils/isButton"; import { isPortalEvent } from "reakit-utils/isPortalEvent"; import { isUA } from "reakit-utils/dom"; import { isFocusable } from "reakit-utils/tabbable"; import { RoleOptions, RoleHTMLProps, useRole } from "../Role/Role"; import { TABBABLE_KEYS } from "./__keys"; export type TabbableOptions = RoleOptions & { /** * Same as the HTML attribute. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * When an element is `disabled`, it may still be `focusable`. It works * similarly to `readOnly` on form elements. In this case, only * `aria-disabled` will be set. */ focusable?: boolean; }; export type TabbableHTMLProps = RoleHTMLProps & { disabled?: boolean; }; export type TabbableProps = TabbableOptions & TabbableHTMLProps; const isSafariOrFirefoxOnMac = isUA("Mac") && !isUA("Chrome") && (isUA("Safari") || isUA("Firefox")); function focusIfNeeded(element: HTMLElement) { if (!hasFocusWithin(element) && isFocusable(element)) { element.focus(); } } function isNativeTabbable(element: Element) { return ["BUTTON", "INPUT", "SELECT", "TEXTAREA", "A"].includes( element.tagName ); } function supportsDisabledAttribute(element: Element) { return ["BUTTON", "INPUT", "SELECT", "TEXTAREA"].includes(element.tagName); } function getTabIndex( trulyDisabled: boolean, nativeTabbable: boolean, supportsDisabled: boolean, htmlTabIndex?: number ) { if (trulyDisabled) { if (nativeTabbable && !supportsDisabled) { // Anchor, audio and video tags don't support the `disabled` attribute. // We must pass tabIndex={-1} so they don't receive focus on tab. return -1; } // Elements that support the `disabled` attribute don't need tabIndex. return undefined; } if (nativeTabbable) { // If the element is enabled and it's natively tabbable, we don't need to // specify a tabIndex attribute unless it's explicitly set by the user. return htmlTabIndex; } // If the element is enabled and is not natively tabbable, we have to // fallback tabIndex={0}. return htmlTabIndex || 0; } function useDisableEvent( htmlEventRef: React.RefObject< React.EventHandler | undefined >, disabled?: boolean ) { return React.useCallback( (event: React.SyntheticEvent) => { htmlEventRef.current?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) return; if (disabled) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, [htmlEventRef, disabled] ); } export const useTabbable = createHook({ name: "Tabbable", compose: useRole, keys: TABBABLE_KEYS, useOptions(options, { disabled }) { return { disabled, ...options }; }, useProps( options, { ref: htmlRef, tabIndex: htmlTabIndex, onClickCapture: htmlOnClickCapture, onMouseDownCapture: htmlOnMouseDownCapture, onMouseDown: htmlOnMouseDown, onKeyPressCapture: htmlOnKeyPressCapture, style: htmlStyle, ...htmlProps } ) { const ref = React.useRef(null); const onClickCaptureRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnClickCapture); const onMouseDownCaptureRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnMouseDownCapture); const onMouseDownRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnMouseDown); const onKeyPressCaptureRef = useLiveRef(htmlOnKeyPressCapture); const trulyDisabled = !!options.disabled && !options.focusable; const [nativeTabbable, setNativeTabbable] = React.useState(true); const [supportsDisabled, setSupportsDisabled] = React.useState(true); const style = options.disabled ? { pointerEvents: "none" as const, ...htmlStyle } : htmlStyle; useIsomorphicEffect(() => { const tabbable = ref.current; if (!tabbable) { warning( true, "Can't determine if the element is a native tabbable element because `ref` wasn't passed to the component.", "See" ); return; } if (!isNativeTabbable(tabbable)) { setNativeTabbable(false); } if (!supportsDisabledAttribute(tabbable)) { setSupportsDisabled(false); } }, []); const onClickCapture = useDisableEvent(onClickCaptureRef, options.disabled); const onMouseDownCapture = useDisableEvent( onMouseDownCaptureRef, options.disabled ); const onKeyPressCapture = useDisableEvent( onKeyPressCaptureRef, options.disabled ); const onMouseDown = React.useCallback( (event: React.MouseEvent) => { onMouseDownRef.current?.(event); const element = event.currentTarget; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; // Safari and Firefox on MacOS don't focus on buttons on mouse down // like other browsers/platforms. Instead, they focus on the closest // focusable ancestor element, which is ultimately the body element. So // we make sure to give focus to the tabbable element on mouse down so // it works consistently across browsers. if (!isSafariOrFirefoxOnMac) return; if (isPortalEvent(event)) return; if (!isButton(element)) return; // We can't focus right away after on mouse down, otherwise it would // prevent drag events from happening. So we schedule the focus to the // next animation frame. const raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => { element.removeEventListener("mouseup", focusImmediately, true); focusIfNeeded(element); }); // If mouseUp happens before the next animation frame (which is common // on touch screens or by just tapping the trackpad on MacBook's), we // cancel the animation frame and immediately focus on the element. const focusImmediately = () => { cancelAnimationFrame(raf); focusIfNeeded(element); }; // By listening to the event in the capture phase, we make sure the // focus event is fired before the onMouseUp and onMouseUpCapture React // events, which is aligned with the default browser behavior. element.addEventListener("mouseup", focusImmediately, { once: true, capture: true, }); }, [] ); return { ref: useForkRef(ref, htmlRef), style, tabIndex: getTabIndex( trulyDisabled, nativeTabbable, supportsDisabled, htmlTabIndex ), disabled: trulyDisabled && supportsDisabled ? true : undefined, "aria-disabled": options.disabled ? true : undefined, onClickCapture, onMouseDownCapture, onMouseDown, onKeyPressCapture, ...htmlProps, }; }, }); export const Tabbable = createComponent({ as: "div", useHook: useTabbable, });