import * as React from "react"; import { getNextActiveElementOnBlur } from "reakit-utils/getNextActiveElementOnBlur"; import { useIsomorphicEffect } from "reakit-utils/useIsomorphicEffect"; import { getDocument } from "reakit-utils/getDocument"; import { getActiveElement } from "reakit-utils/getActiveElement"; import { warning } from "reakit-warning"; import { DialogOptions } from "../Dialog"; function isActualElement(element?: Element | null) { return ( element && element.tagName && element.tagName !== "HTML" && element !== getDocument(element).body ); } export function useFocusOnBlur( dialogRef: React.RefObject, options: DialogOptions ) { const [blurred, scheduleFocus] = React.useReducer((n: number) => n + 1, 0); useIsomorphicEffect(() => { const dialog = dialogRef.current; if (!options.visible) return; if (!blurred) return; // After blur, if the active element isn't an actual element, this probably // means that element.blur() was called on an element inside the dialog. // In this case, the browser will automatically focus the body element. // So we move focus back to the dialog. if (!isActualElement(getActiveElement(dialog))) { warning( !dialog, "Can't focus dialog after a nested element got blurred because `ref` wasn't passed to the component", "See" ); dialog?.focus(); } }, [blurred, dialogRef]); const onBlur = React.useCallback( (event: React.FocusEvent) => { if (!options.visible) return; const nextActiveElement = getNextActiveElementOnBlur(event); if (!isActualElement(nextActiveElement)) { scheduleFocus(); } }, [options.visible] ); return onBlur; }