import * as React from "react"; import { render, fireEvent, click, focus, press } from "reakit-test-utils"; import { Dialog, DialogDisclosure, DialogBackdrop, useDialogState } from ".."; test("clicking on disclosure opens the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); }); test("focus the first tabbable element when dialog opens", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button1 = getByText("button1"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(button1).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus the dialog element when dialog opens with tabIndex={0}", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); }); test("does not auto focus when autoFocusOnShow is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); }); test("does not auto focus when dialog was mounted visible", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( ); }; render(); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus the first tabbable element when non-modal dialog opens", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button1 = getByText("button1"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(button1).toHaveFocus(); }); test("does not auto focus non-modal when autoFocusOnShow is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus a given element when dialog opens and initialFocusRef is passed in", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const ref = React.useRef(null); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus a given element when dialog opens and initial focus has been manually set using React.useEffect", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const ref = React.useRef(null); React.useEffect(() => { if (dialog.visible && ref.current) { ref.current.focus(); } }, [dialog.visible]); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus a given element when dialog opens and initial focus has been manually set using autoFocus", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure {(props) => dialog.visible && (
) }
); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); expect(() => getByText("button2")).toThrow(); click(disclosure); const button2 = getByText("button2"); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus dialog itself if there is no tabbable descendant element", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); expect(console).toHaveWarned(); }); test("focus is trapped within the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); click(disclosure); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is trapped within the dialog with tabIndex={0}", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is trapped within the dialog when hideOnClickOutside is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); click(disclosure); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is trapped within an empty dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); expect(console).toHaveWarned(); press.Tab(); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is not trapped within the non-modal dialog", async () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const button1 = getByText("button1"); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); const button4 = getByText("button4"); click(disclosure); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button4).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button1).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); }); test("esc closes the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ; }; const { getByLabelText } = render(); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); press.Escape(dialog); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(console).toHaveWarned(); }); test("esc does not close the dialog when hideOnEsc is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ; }; const { getByLabelText } = render(); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); press.Escape(dialog); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking outside closes the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ; }; const { getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(console).toHaveWarned(); }); test("clicking on disclosure closes the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on any of multiple disclosures closes the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(disclosure1); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on an element inside disclosure closes the dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByTestId, getByLabelText } = render(); const inside = getByTestId("inside"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(inside); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking outside does not close the dialog when hideOnClickOutside is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( ); }; const { getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking outside puts focus on the dialog when hideOnClickOutside is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByLabelText, getByText, baseElement } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); const button = getByText("button"); click(disclosure); expect(button).toHaveFocus(); click(dialog); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focusing outside closes the non-modal dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( <> ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const button = getByText("button"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); focus(button); expect(button).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("focusing outside does not close the non-modal dialog when hideOnClickOutside is falsy", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( <> ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const button = getByText("button"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); focus(button); expect(button).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); }); test("focusing disclosure does not close the non-modal dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); focus(disclosure); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); }); test("focus disclosure when dialog closes", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); click(disclosure); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus the disclosure that has been used to open the dialog when dialog closes", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const disclosure3 = getByText("disclosure3"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); focus(disclosure1); click(disclosure1); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(disclosure1).toHaveFocus(); focus(disclosure2); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(disclosure2).toHaveFocus(); focus(disclosure3); click(disclosure3); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(disclosure3).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus disclosure when non-modal dialog closes", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const disclosure = getByText("disclosure"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(disclosure).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus a given element when dialog closes", () => { const Test = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null); const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const button = getByText("button"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(button).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focusing an element outside keeps focus on it after the non-modal dialog closes", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const button = getByText("button"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); focus(button); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(button).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus a given element when non-modal dialog closes", () => { const Test = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null); const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText, baseElement } = render(); const button = getByText("button"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); click(baseElement); expect(dialog).not.toBeVisible(); expect(button).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus the first tabbable element when nested dialog opens", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const button1 = getByText("button1"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); expect(document.body).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure1); expect(button1).toHaveFocus(); click(disclosure2); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is trapped within the nested dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); const button4 = getByText("button4"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button4).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(button4).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is not trapped within the nested non-modal dialog", async () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); const button4 = getByText("button4"); const button5 = getByText("button5"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button4).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button5).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(disclosure2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(disclosure2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("focus is not trapped within two nested non-modal dialog", async () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText } = render(); const button1 = getByText("button1"); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const button2 = getByText("button2"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const button3 = getByText("button3"); const button4 = getByText("button4"); const button5 = getByText("button5"); const button6 = getByText("button6"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button4).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button5).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button6).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button1).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(disclosure1).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(disclosure2).toHaveFocus(); press.Tab(); expect(button3).toHaveFocus(); press.ShiftTab(); expect(disclosure2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("clicking on the nested dialog does not close the parent dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog2); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the nested non-modal dialog does not close the parent dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog2); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the nested dialog does not close the parent non-modal dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog2); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the nested dialog does not close the grandparent non-modal dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); const dialog3 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 disclosure3 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const disclosure3 = getByText("disclosure3"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); const dialog3 = getByLabelText("dialog3"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); click(disclosure3); expect(dialog3).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog3).toBeVisible(); click(dialog3); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog3).toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the parent dialog closes the nested dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog1); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the parent dialog closes the nested non-modal dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog1); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the parent non-modal dialog closes the nested non-modal dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ modal: false }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog1); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("clicking on the parent non-modal dialog closes the nested dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ modal: false }); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); click(dialog1); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("esc closes nested dialog, but not parent dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( ); }; const { getByLabelText } = render(); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); press.Escape(dialog2); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).not.toBeVisible(); expect(console).toHaveWarned(); }); test("esc on parent dialog closes nested dialogs", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ visible: true, modal: false }); return ( ); }; const { getByLabelText } = render(); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); press.Escape(dialog1); expect(dialog1).not.toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).not.toBeVisible(); expect(console).toHaveWarned(); }); test("disables hover outside", () => { const fn = jest.fn(); const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ visible: true }); return ( <> ); }; const { getByLabelText, getByText } = render(); const button = getByText("button"); const dialog = getByLabelText("dialog"); expect(dialog).toBeVisible(); fireEvent.mouseOver(button); expect(fn).not.toBeCalled(); fireEvent.mouseOut(button); expect(fn).not.toBeCalled(); }); test("opening a nested orphan dialog closes the parent dialog", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState(); const dialog2 = useDialogState(); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, getByLabelText } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); const dialog1 = getByLabelText("dialog1"); const dialog2 = getByLabelText("dialog2"); click(disclosure1); expect(dialog1).toBeVisible(); click(disclosure2); expect(dialog1).not.toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toBeVisible(); expect(dialog2).toHaveFocus(); }); test("nested modal dialog with backdrop markup", () => { const Test = () => { const dialog = useDialogState({ baseId: "dialog1" }); const dialog2 = useDialogState({ baseId: "dialog2" }); return ( <> disclosure1 disclosure2 ); }; const { getByText, baseElement } = render(); const disclosure1 = getByText("disclosure1"); const disclosure2 = getByText("disclosure2"); click(disclosure1); click(disclosure2); expect(baseElement.children).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` HTMLCollection [