import React from 'react'; import { CSSObject } from '@emotion/styled'; declare type BreakPoint = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | 'always' | 'all'; export interface SidebarProps extends React.HTMLAttributes { /** * sidebar collapsed status */ collapsed?: boolean; /** * width of the sidebar * @default ```250px``` */ width?: string; /** * width of the sidebar when collapsed * @default ```80px``` */ collapsedWidth?: string; /** * initial collapsed status * @default ```false``` * * @deprecated use ```collapsed``` instead */ defaultCollapsed?: boolean; /** * set when the sidebar should trigger responsiveness behavior * @type `xs | sm | md | lg | xl | xxl | all | undefined` */ breakPoint?: BreakPoint; /** * alternative breakpoint value that will be used to trigger responsiveness * */ customBreakPoint?: string; /** * sidebar background color */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * duration for the transition in milliseconds to be used in collapse and toggle behavior * @default ```300``` */ transitionDuration?: number; /** * sidebar background image */ image?: string; /** * sidebar direction */ rtl?: boolean; /** * sidebar toggled status */ toggled?: boolean; /** * callback function to be called when backdrop is clicked */ onBackdropClick?: () => void; /** * callback function to be called when sidebar's broken state changes */ onBreakPoint?: (broken: boolean) => void; /** * sidebar styles to be applied from the root element */ rootStyles?: CSSObject; children?: React.ReactNode; } interface SidebarContextProps { collapsed?: boolean; toggled?: boolean; rtl?: boolean; transitionDuration?: number; } export declare const SidebarContext: React.Context; export declare const Sidebar: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export {};