import React from 'react'; import { CSSObject } from '@emotion/styled'; export interface MenuItemProps extends Omit, 'prefix'> { /** * The icon to be displayed in the menu item */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * The prefix to be displayed in the menu item */ prefix?: React.ReactNode; /** * The suffix to be displayed in the menu item */ suffix?: React.ReactNode; /** * If set to true, the menu item will have an active state * @default ```false``` */ active?: boolean; /** * If set to true, the menu item will be disabled * @default ```false``` */ disabled?: boolean; /** * The component to be rendered as the menu item button */ component?: string | React.ReactElement; /** * Apply styles from the root element */ rootStyles?: CSSObject; children?: React.ReactNode; } export declare const MenuItemFR: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction; export declare const MenuItem: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>;