import React, { PureComponent, ReactElement } from 'react'; import posed from 'react-pose'; import { invariant } from 'hey-listen'; export type PoseProps = { [key: string]: any }; export type Props = { children?: string; wordPoses?: PoseProps; charPoses?: PoseProps; pose?: string | string[]; initialPose?: string | string[]; }; type State = { text?: string; splitText?: string[][]; numChars?: number; }; const splitStyles = { display: 'inline-block' }; // Memoize? const parseText = (text: string) => { invariant(typeof text === 'string', 'Child of SplitText must be a string'); return { text, numChars: text.length, splitText: text.split(' ').map(word => word.split('')) }; }; // Memoize? const getPoseProps = (props: Props) => { const { wordPoses, charPoses, children, ...poseProps } = props; return poseProps; }; class SplitText extends PureComponent { static getDerivedStateFromProps({ children }: Props, state: State) { return !state || children !== state.text ? parseText(children) : null; } props: Props; Word: (props: PoseProps) => ReactElement; Char: (props: PoseProps) => ReactElement; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = {}; const { wordPoses, charPoses, children } = props; parseText(children); if (wordPoses) this.Word = posed.div(wordPoses); if (charPoses) this.Char = posed.div(charPoses); } renderChars( word: string[], wordIndex: number, numWords: number, baseCharCount: number ) { const { numChars } = this.state; const numCharsInWord = word.length; const { text } = this.state; return, i) => { return this.Char ? ( {char} ) : ( char ); }); } renderWords() { const { text, splitText } = this.state; const numWords = splitText.length; let charCount = 0; return, i) => { const chars = [ ...this.renderChars(word, i, numWords, charCount), i !== numWords - 1 ? '\u00A0' : null ]; charCount += word.length; return this.Word ? ( {chars} ) : (
); }); } render() { return this.renderWords(); } } export default SplitText;