import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, LayoutChangeEvent, PressableAndroidRippleConfig, StyleProp, StyleSheet, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle, } from 'react-native'; import useLatestCallback from 'use-latest-callback'; import { PlatformPressable } from './PlatformPressable'; import type { NavigationState, Route, Scene } from './types'; export type Props = { position: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation; route: T; navigationState: NavigationState; activeColor?: string; inactiveColor?: string; pressColor?: string; pressOpacity?: number; getLabelText: (scene: Scene) => string | undefined; getAccessible: (scene: Scene) => boolean | undefined; getAccessibilityLabel: (scene: Scene) => string | undefined; getTestID: (scene: Scene) => string | undefined; renderLabel?: (scene: { route: T; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode; renderIcon?: (scene: { route: T; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode; renderBadge?: (scene: Scene) => React.ReactNode; onLayout?: (event: LayoutChangeEvent) => void; onPress: () => void; onLongPress: () => void; defaultTabWidth?: number; labelStyle?: StyleProp; style: StyleProp; android_ripple?: PressableAndroidRippleConfig; }; const DEFAULT_ACTIVE_COLOR = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'; const DEFAULT_INACTIVE_COLOR = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)'; const getActiveOpacity = ( position: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation, routesLength: number, tabIndex: number ) => { if (routesLength > 1) { const inputRange = Array.from({ length: routesLength }, (_, i) => i); return position.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange: => (i === tabIndex ? 1 : 0)), }); } else { return 1; } }; const getInactiveOpacity = ( position: Animated.AnimatedInterpolation, routesLength: number, tabIndex: number ) => { if (routesLength > 1) { const inputRange = Array.from({ length: routesLength }, (_, i) => i); return position.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange: number) => (i === tabIndex ? 0 : 1)), }); } else { return 0; } }; type TabBarItemInternalProps = Omit< Props, 'navigationState' > & { isFocused: boolean; index: number; routesLength: number; }; const TabBarItemInternal = ({ getAccessibilityLabel, getAccessible, getLabelText, getTestID, onLongPress, onPress, isFocused, position, route, style, inactiveColor: inactiveColorCustom, activeColor: activeColorCustom, labelStyle, onLayout, index: tabIndex, pressColor, pressOpacity, renderBadge, renderIcon, defaultTabWidth, routesLength, renderLabel: renderLabelCustom, android_ripple = { borderless: true }, }: TabBarItemInternalProps) => { const labelColorFromStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(labelStyle || {}).color; const activeColor = activeColorCustom !== undefined ? activeColorCustom : typeof labelColorFromStyle === 'string' ? labelColorFromStyle : DEFAULT_ACTIVE_COLOR; const inactiveColor = inactiveColorCustom !== undefined ? inactiveColorCustom : typeof labelColorFromStyle === 'string' ? labelColorFromStyle : DEFAULT_INACTIVE_COLOR; const activeOpacity = getActiveOpacity(position, routesLength, tabIndex); const inactiveOpacity = getInactiveOpacity(position, routesLength, tabIndex); let icon: React.ReactNode | null = null; let label: React.ReactNode | null = null; if (renderIcon) { const activeIcon = renderIcon({ route, focused: true, color: activeColor, }); const inactiveIcon = renderIcon({ route, focused: false, color: inactiveColor, }); if (inactiveIcon != null && activeIcon != null) { icon = ( {inactiveIcon} {activeIcon} ); } } const renderLabel = renderLabelCustom !== undefined ? renderLabelCustom : (labelProps: { route: T; color: string }) => { const labelText = getLabelText({ route: labelProps.route }); if (typeof labelText === 'string') { return ( {labelText} ); } return labelText; }; if (renderLabel) { const activeLabel = renderLabel({ route, focused: true, color: activeColor, }); const inactiveLabel = renderLabel({ route, focused: false, color: inactiveColor, }); label = ( {inactiveLabel} {activeLabel} ); } const tabStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(style); const isWidthSet = tabStyle?.width !== undefined; const tabContainerStyle: ViewStyle | null = isWidthSet ? null : { width: defaultTabWidth }; const scene = { route }; let accessibilityLabel = getAccessibilityLabel(scene); accessibilityLabel = typeof accessibilityLabel !== 'undefined' ? accessibilityLabel : getLabelText(scene); const badge = renderBadge ? renderBadge(scene) : null; return ( {icon} {label} {badge != null ? {badge} : null} ); }; const MemoizedTabBarItemInternal = React.memo( TabBarItemInternal ) as typeof TabBarItemInternal; export function TabBarItem(props: Props) { const { onPress, onLongPress, onLayout, navigationState, route, } = props; const onPressLatest = useLatestCallback(onPress); const onLongPressLatest = useLatestCallback(onLongPress); const onLayoutLatest = useLatestCallback(onLayout ? onLayout : () => {}); const tabIndex = navigationState.routes.indexOf(route); return ( ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ label: { margin: 4, backgroundColor: 'transparent', textTransform: 'uppercase', }, icon: { margin: 2, }, item: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', padding: 10, minHeight: 48, }, badge: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, right: 0, }, pressable: { // The label is not pressable on Windows // Adding backgroundColor: 'transparent' seems to fix it backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, });