import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, FlatList, I18nManager, LayoutChangeEvent, ListRenderItemInfo, Platform, PressableAndroidRippleConfig, StyleProp, StyleSheet, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle, ViewToken, } from 'react-native'; import useLatestCallback from 'use-latest-callback'; import { Props as IndicatorProps, TabBarIndicator } from './TabBarIndicator'; import { Props as TabBarItemProps, TabBarItem } from './TabBarItem'; import type { Event, Layout, NavigationState, Route, Scene, SceneRendererProps, } from './types'; import { useAnimatedValue } from './useAnimatedValue'; export type Props = SceneRendererProps & { navigationState: NavigationState; scrollEnabled?: boolean; bounces?: boolean; activeColor?: string; inactiveColor?: string; pressColor?: string; pressOpacity?: number; getLabelText?: (scene: Scene) => string | undefined; getAccessible?: (scene: Scene) => boolean | undefined; getAccessibilityLabel?: (scene: Scene) => string | undefined; getTestID?: (scene: Scene) => string | undefined; renderLabel?: ( scene: Scene & { focused: boolean; color: string; } ) => React.ReactNode; renderIcon?: ( scene: Scene & { focused: boolean; color: string; } ) => React.ReactNode; renderBadge?: (scene: Scene) => React.ReactNode; renderIndicator?: (props: IndicatorProps) => React.ReactNode; renderTabBarItem?: ( props: TabBarItemProps & { key: string } ) => React.ReactElement; onTabPress?: (scene: Scene & Event) => void; onTabLongPress?: (scene: Scene) => void; tabStyle?: StyleProp; indicatorStyle?: StyleProp; indicatorContainerStyle?: StyleProp; labelStyle?: StyleProp; contentContainerStyle?: StyleProp; style?: StyleProp; gap?: number; testID?: string; android_ripple?: PressableAndroidRippleConfig; }; type FlattenedTabWidth = string | number | undefined; const Separator = ({ width }: { width: number }) => { return ; }; const getFlattenedTabWidth = (style: StyleProp) => { const tabStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(style); return tabStyle?.width; }; const getComputedTabWidth = ( index: number, layout: Layout, routes: Route[], scrollEnabled: boolean | undefined, tabWidths: { [key: string]: number }, flattenedWidth: FlattenedTabWidth ) => { if (flattenedWidth === 'auto') { return tabWidths[routes[index].key] || 0; } switch (typeof flattenedWidth) { case 'number': return flattenedWidth; case 'string': if (flattenedWidth.endsWith('%')) { const width = parseFloat(flattenedWidth); if (Number.isFinite(width)) { return layout.width * (width / 100); } } } if (scrollEnabled) { return (layout.width / 5) * 2; } return layout.width / routes.length; }; const getMaxScrollDistance = (tabBarWidth: number, layoutWidth: number) => tabBarWidth - layoutWidth; const getTranslateX = ( scrollAmount: Animated.Value, maxScrollDistance: number ) => Animated.multiply( Platform.OS === 'android' && I18nManager.isRTL ? Animated.add(maxScrollDistance, Animated.multiply(scrollAmount, -1)) : scrollAmount, I18nManager.isRTL ? 1 : -1 ); const getTabBarWidth = ({ navigationState, layout, gap, scrollEnabled, flattenedTabWidth, tabWidths, }: Pick, 'navigationState' | 'gap' | 'layout' | 'scrollEnabled'> & { tabWidths: Record; flattenedTabWidth: FlattenedTabWidth; }) => { const { routes } = navigationState; return routes.reduce( (acc, _, i) => acc + (i > 0 ? gap ?? 0 : 0) + getComputedTabWidth( i, layout, routes, scrollEnabled, tabWidths, flattenedTabWidth ), 0 ); }; const normalizeScrollValue = ({ layout, navigationState, gap, scrollEnabled, tabWidths, value, flattenedTabWidth, }: Pick, 'layout' | 'navigationState' | 'gap' | 'scrollEnabled'> & { tabWidths: Record; value: number; flattenedTabWidth: FlattenedTabWidth; }) => { const tabBarWidth = getTabBarWidth({ layout, navigationState, tabWidths, gap, scrollEnabled, flattenedTabWidth, }); const maxDistance = getMaxScrollDistance(tabBarWidth, layout.width); const scrollValue = Math.max(Math.min(value, maxDistance), 0); if (Platform.OS === 'android' && I18nManager.isRTL) { // On Android, scroll value is not applied in reverse in RTL // so we need to manually adjust it to apply correct value return maxDistance - scrollValue; } return scrollValue; }; const getScrollAmount = ({ layout, navigationState, gap, scrollEnabled, flattenedTabWidth, tabWidths, }: Pick, 'layout' | 'navigationState' | 'scrollEnabled' | 'gap'> & { tabWidths: Record; flattenedTabWidth: FlattenedTabWidth; }) => { const centerDistance = Array.from({ length: navigationState.index + 1, }).reduce((total, _, i) => { const tabWidth = getComputedTabWidth( i, layout, navigationState.routes, scrollEnabled, tabWidths, flattenedTabWidth ); // To get the current index centered we adjust scroll amount by width of indexes // 0 through (i - 1) and add half the width of current index i return ( total + (navigationState.index === i ? (tabWidth + (gap ?? 0)) / 2 : tabWidth + (gap ?? 0)) ); }, 0); const scrollAmount = centerDistance - layout.width / 2; return normalizeScrollValue({ layout, navigationState, tabWidths, value: scrollAmount, gap, scrollEnabled, flattenedTabWidth, }); }; const getLabelTextDefault = ({ route }: Scene) => route.title; const getAccessibleDefault = ({ route }: Scene) => typeof route.accessible !== 'undefined' ? route.accessible : true; const getAccessibilityLabelDefault = ({ route }: Scene) => typeof route.accessibilityLabel === 'string' ? route.accessibilityLabel : typeof route.title === 'string' ? route.title : undefined; const renderIndicatorDefault = (props: IndicatorProps) => ( ); const getTestIdDefault = ({ route }: Scene) => route.testID; // How many items measurements should we update per batch. // Defaults to 10, since that's whats FlatList is using in initialNumToRender. const MEASURE_PER_BATCH = 10; export function TabBar({ getLabelText = getLabelTextDefault, getAccessible = getAccessibleDefault, getAccessibilityLabel = getAccessibilityLabelDefault, getTestID = getTestIdDefault, renderIndicator = renderIndicatorDefault, gap = 0, scrollEnabled, jumpTo, navigationState, position, activeColor, bounces, contentContainerStyle, inactiveColor, indicatorContainerStyle, indicatorStyle, labelStyle, onTabLongPress, onTabPress, pressColor, pressOpacity, renderBadge, renderIcon, renderLabel, renderTabBarItem, style, tabStyle, testID, android_ripple, }: Props) { const [layout, setLayout] = React.useState({ width: 0, height: 0 }); const [tabWidths, setTabWidths] = React.useState>({}); const flatListRef = React.useRef(null); const isFirst = React.useRef(true); const scrollAmount = useAnimatedValue(0); const measuredTabWidths = React.useRef>({}); const { routes } = navigationState; const flattenedTabWidth = getFlattenedTabWidth(tabStyle); const isWidthDynamic = flattenedTabWidth === 'auto'; const scrollOffset = getScrollAmount({ layout, navigationState, tabWidths, gap, scrollEnabled, flattenedTabWidth, }); const hasMeasuredTabWidths = Boolean(layout.width) && routes .slice(0, navigationState.index) .every((r) => typeof tabWidths[r.key] === 'number'); React.useEffect(() => { if (isFirst.current) { isFirst.current = false; return; } if (isWidthDynamic && !hasMeasuredTabWidths) { return; } if (scrollEnabled) { flatListRef.current?.scrollToOffset({ offset: scrollOffset, animated: true, }); } }, [hasMeasuredTabWidths, isWidthDynamic, scrollEnabled, scrollOffset]); const handleLayout = (e: LayoutChangeEvent) => { const { height, width } = e.nativeEvent.layout; setLayout((layout) => layout.width === width && layout.height === height ? layout : { width, height } ); }; const tabBarWidth = getTabBarWidth({ layout, navigationState, tabWidths, gap, scrollEnabled, flattenedTabWidth, }); const separatorsWidth = Math.max(0, routes.length - 1) * gap; const separatorPercent = (separatorsWidth / tabBarWidth) * 100; const tabBarWidthPercent = `${routes.length * 40}%`; const translateX = React.useMemo( () => getTranslateX( scrollAmount, getMaxScrollDistance(tabBarWidth, layout.width) ), [layout.width, scrollAmount, tabBarWidth] ); const renderItem = React.useCallback( ({ item: route, index }: ListRenderItemInfo) => { const props: TabBarItemProps & { key: string } = { key: route.key, position: position, route: route, navigationState: navigationState, getAccessibilityLabel: getAccessibilityLabel, getAccessible: getAccessible, getLabelText: getLabelText, getTestID: getTestID, renderBadge: renderBadge, renderIcon: renderIcon, renderLabel: renderLabel, activeColor: activeColor, inactiveColor: inactiveColor, pressColor: pressColor, pressOpacity: pressOpacity, onLayout: isWidthDynamic ? (e: LayoutChangeEvent) => { measuredTabWidths.current[route.key] = e.nativeEvent.layout.width; // When we have measured widths for all of the tabs, we should updates the state // We avoid doing separate setState for each layout since it triggers multiple renders and slows down app // If we have more than 10 routes divide updating tabWidths into multiple batches. Here we update only first batch of 10 items. if ( routes.length > MEASURE_PER_BATCH && index === MEASURE_PER_BATCH && routes .slice(0, MEASURE_PER_BATCH) .every( (r) => typeof measuredTabWidths.current[r.key] === 'number' ) ) { setTabWidths({ ...measuredTabWidths.current }); } else if ( routes.every( (r) => typeof measuredTabWidths.current[r.key] === 'number' ) ) { // When we have measured widths for all of the tabs, we should updates the state // We avoid doing separate setState for each layout since it triggers multiple renders and slows down app setTabWidths({ ...measuredTabWidths.current }); } } : undefined, onPress: () => { const event: Scene & Event = { route, defaultPrevented: false, preventDefault: () => { event.defaultPrevented = true; }, }; onTabPress?.(event); if (event.defaultPrevented) { return; } jumpTo(route.key); }, onLongPress: () => onTabLongPress?.({ route }), labelStyle: labelStyle, style: tabStyle, // Calculate the deafult width for tab for FlatList to work defaultTabWidth: !isWidthDynamic ? getComputedTabWidth( index, layout, routes, scrollEnabled, tabWidths, getFlattenedTabWidth(tabStyle) ) : undefined, android_ripple, }; return ( <> {gap > 0 && index > 0 ? : null} {renderTabBarItem ? ( renderTabBarItem(props) ) : ( )} ); }, [ activeColor, android_ripple, gap, getAccessibilityLabel, getAccessible, getLabelText, getTestID, inactiveColor, isWidthDynamic, jumpTo, labelStyle, layout, navigationState, onTabLongPress, onTabPress, position, pressColor, pressOpacity, renderBadge, renderIcon, renderLabel, renderTabBarItem, routes, scrollEnabled, tabStyle, tabWidths, ] ); const keyExtractor = React.useCallback((item: T) => item.key, []); const contentContainerStyleMemoized = React.useMemo( () => [ styles.tabContent, scrollEnabled ? { width: tabBarWidth > separatorsWidth ? tabBarWidth : tabBarWidthPercent, } : styles.container, contentContainerStyle, ], [ contentContainerStyle, scrollEnabled, separatorsWidth, tabBarWidth, tabBarWidthPercent, ] ); const handleScroll = React.useMemo( () => Animated.event( [ { nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x: scrollAmount }, }, }, ], { useNativeDriver: true } ), [scrollAmount] ); const handleViewableItemsChanged = useLatestCallback( ({ changed }: { changed: ViewToken[] }) => { if (routes.length <= MEASURE_PER_BATCH) { return; } // Get next vievable item const item = changed[changed.length - 1]; const index = item?.index || 0; if ( item.isViewable && (index % 10 === 0 || index === navigationState.index || index === routes.length - 1) ) { setTabWidths({ ...measuredTabWidths.current }); } } ); return ( separatorsWidth ? { width: tabBarWidth - separatorsWidth } : scrollEnabled ? { width: tabBarWidthPercent } : null, indicatorContainerStyle, ]} > {renderIndicator({ position, layout, navigationState, jumpTo, width: isWidthDynamic ? 'auto' : `${(100 - separatorPercent) / routes.length}%`, style: indicatorStyle, getTabWidth: (i: number) => getComputedTabWidth( i, layout, routes, scrollEnabled, tabWidths, flattenedTabWidth ), gap, })} []} keyExtractor={keyExtractor} horizontal accessibilityRole="tablist" keyboardShouldPersistTaps="handled" scrollEnabled={scrollEnabled} bounces={bounces} initialNumToRender={MEASURE_PER_BATCH} onViewableItemsChanged={handleViewableItemsChanged} alwaysBounceHorizontal={false} scrollsToTop={false} showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false} overScrollMode="never" contentContainerStyle={contentContainerStyleMemoized} scrollEventThrottle={16} renderItem={renderItem} onScroll={handleScroll} ref={flatListRef} testID={testID} /> ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, }, scroll: { overflow:{ default: 'scroll', web: undefined }), }, tabBar: { backgroundColor: '#2196f3', elevation: 4, shadowColor: 'black', shadowOpacity: 0.1, shadowRadius: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, shadowOffset: { height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, width: 0, }, zIndex: 1, }, tabContent: { flexDirection: 'row', flexWrap: 'nowrap', }, indicatorContainer: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, }, });