import * as React from 'react'; import { Animated, Platform, ShadowStyleIOS, StyleProp, StyleSheet, View, ViewStyle, } from 'react-native'; import { useInternalTheme } from '../core/theming'; import overlay, { isAnimatedValue } from '../styles/overlay'; import shadow from '../styles/shadow'; import type { ThemeProp, MD3Elevation } from '../types'; import { forwardRef } from '../utils/forwardRef'; import { splitStyles } from '../utils/splitStyles'; type Elevation = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Animated.Value; export type Props = React.ComponentPropsWithRef & { /** * Content of the `Surface`. */ children: React.ReactNode; style?: Animated.WithAnimatedValue>; /** * @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 * Changes shadows and background on iOS and Android. * Used to create UI hierarchy between components. * * Note: If `mode` is set to `flat`, Surface doesn't have a shadow. * * Note: In version 2 the `elevation` prop was accepted via `style` prop i.e. `style={{ elevation: 4 }}`. * It's no longer supported with theme version 3 and you should use `elevation` property instead. */ elevation?: Elevation; /** * @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 * Mode of the Surface. * - `elevated` - Surface with a shadow and background color corresponding to set `elevation` value. * - `flat` - Surface without a shadow, with the background color corresponding to set `elevation` value. */ mode?: 'flat' | 'elevated'; /** * @optional */ theme?: ThemeProp; /** * TestID used for testing purposes */ testID?: string; ref?: React.RefObject; }; const MD2Surface = forwardRef( ({ style, theme: overrideTheme, }: Omit, ref) => { const { elevation = 4 } = (StyleSheet.flatten(style) || {}) as ViewStyle; const { dark: isDarkTheme, mode, colors } = useInternalTheme(overrideTheme); return ( ); } ); const outerLayerStyleProperties: (keyof ViewStyle)[] = [ 'position', 'alignSelf', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'start', 'end', 'flex', 'flexShrink', 'flexGrow', 'width', 'height', 'transform', 'opacity', ]; const shadowColor = '#000'; const iOSShadowOutputRanges = [ { shadowOpacity: 0.15, height: [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8], shadowRadius: [0, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12], }, { shadowOpacity: 0.3, height: [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4], shadowRadius: [0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4], }, ]; const inputRange = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; function getStyleForShadowLayer( elevation: Elevation, layer: 0 | 1 ): Animated.WithAnimatedValue { if (isAnimatedValue(elevation)) { return { shadowColor, shadowOpacity: elevation.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [0, iOSShadowOutputRanges[layer].shadowOpacity], extrapolate: 'clamp', }), shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: elevation.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange: iOSShadowOutputRanges[layer].height, }), }, shadowRadius: elevation.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange: iOSShadowOutputRanges[layer].shadowRadius, }), }; } return { shadowColor, shadowOpacity: elevation ? iOSShadowOutputRanges[layer].shadowOpacity : 0, shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: iOSShadowOutputRanges[layer].height[elevation], }, shadowRadius: iOSShadowOutputRanges[layer].shadowRadius[elevation], }; } const SurfaceIOS = forwardRef< View, Omit & { elevation: Elevation; backgroundColor?: string | Animated.AnimatedInterpolation; } >( ( { elevation, style, backgroundColor, testID, children, mode = 'elevated', ...props }, ref ) => { const [outerLayerViewStyles, innerLayerViewStyles] = React.useMemo(() => { const flattenedStyles = (StyleSheet.flatten(style) || {}) as ViewStyle; const [filteredStyles, outerLayerStyles, borderRadiusStyles] = splitStyles( flattenedStyles, (style) => outerLayerStyleProperties.includes(style) || style.startsWith('margin'), (style) => style.startsWith('border') && style.endsWith('Radius') ); if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && filteredStyles.overflow === 'hidden' && elevation !== 0 ) { console.warn( 'When setting overflow to hidden on Surface the shadow will not be displayed correctly. Wrap the content of your component in a separate View with the overflow style.' ); } const bgColor = flattenedStyles.backgroundColor || backgroundColor; const isElevated = mode === 'elevated'; const outerLayerViewStyles = { ...(isElevated && getStyleForShadowLayer(elevation, 0)), ...outerLayerStyles, ...borderRadiusStyles, backgroundColor: bgColor, }; const innerLayerViewStyles = { ...(isElevated && getStyleForShadowLayer(elevation, 1)), ...filteredStyles, ...borderRadiusStyles, flex: flattenedStyles.height ? 1 : undefined, backgroundColor: bgColor, }; return [outerLayerViewStyles, innerLayerViewStyles]; }, [style, elevation, backgroundColor, mode]); return ( {children} ); } ); /** * Surface is a basic container that can give depth to an element with elevation shadow. * On dark theme with `adaptive` mode, surface is constructed by also placing a semi-transparent white overlay over a component surface. * See [Dark Theme]( for more information. * Overlay and shadow can be applied by specifying the `elevation` property both on Android and iOS. * *
* *
Surface on Android
* *
Surface on iOS
* * ## Usage * ```js * import * as React from 'react'; * import { Surface, Text } from 'react-native-paper'; * import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; * * const MyComponent = () => ( * * Surface * * ); * * export default MyComponent; * * const styles = StyleSheet.create({ * surface: { * padding: 8, * height: 80, * width: 80, * alignItems: 'center', * justifyContent: 'center', * }, * }); * ``` */ const Surface = forwardRef( ( { elevation = 1, children, theme: overridenTheme, style, testID = 'surface', mode = 'elevated', ...props }: Props, ref ) => { const theme = useInternalTheme(overridenTheme); if (!theme.isV3) return ( {children} ); const { colors } = theme; const inputRange = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const backgroundColor = (() => { if (isAnimatedValue(elevation)) { return elevation.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange: => { return colors.elevation?.[`level${elevation as MD3Elevation}`]; }), }); } return colors.elevation?.[`level${elevation}`]; })(); const isElevated = mode === 'elevated'; if (Platform.OS === 'web') { return ( {children} ); } if (Platform.OS === 'android') { const elevationLevel = [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15]; const getElevationAndroid = () => { if (isAnimatedValue(elevation)) { return elevation.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange: elevationLevel, }); } return elevationLevel[elevation]; }; const { margin, padding, transform, borderRadius } = (StyleSheet.flatten( style ) || {}) as ViewStyle; const outerLayerStyles = { margin, padding, transform, borderRadius }; const sharedStyle = [{ backgroundColor }, style]; return ( {children} ); } return ( {children} ); } ); export default Surface;