import * as React from 'react'; import { AccessibilityState, Animated, ColorValue, GestureResponderEvent, StyleProp, StyleSheet, View, ViewStyle, } from 'react-native'; import { useInternalTheme } from '../../core/theming'; import type { $Omit, $RemoveChildren, ThemeProp } from '../../types'; import { forwardRef } from '../../utils/forwardRef'; import ActivityIndicator from '../ActivityIndicator'; import CrossFadeIcon from '../CrossFadeIcon'; import Icon, { IconSource } from '../Icon'; import Surface from '../Surface'; import TouchableRipple from '../TouchableRipple/TouchableRipple'; import Text from '../Typography/Text'; import { getExtendedFabStyle, getFABColors, getFabStyle } from './utils'; type FABSize = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; type FABMode = 'flat' | 'elevated'; type IconOrLabel = | { icon: IconSource; label?: string; } | { icon?: IconSource; label: string; }; export type Props = $Omit<$RemoveChildren, 'mode'> & { // For `icon` and `label` props their types are duplicated due to the generation of documentation. // Appropriate type for them is `IconOrLabel` contains the both union and intersection types. /** * Icon to display for the `FAB`. It's optional only if `label` is defined. */ icon?: IconSource; /** * Optional label for extended `FAB`. It's optional only if `icon` is defined. */ label?: string; /** * Make the label text uppercased. */ uppercase?: boolean; /** * Accessibility label for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. * Uses `label` by default if specified. */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** * Accessibility state for the FAB. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the FAB. */ accessibilityState?: AccessibilityState; /** * Whether an icon change is animated. */ animated?: boolean; /** * @deprecated Deprecated in v.3x - use prop size="small". * * Whether FAB is mini-sized, used to create visual continuity with other elements. This has no effect if `label` is specified. */ small?: boolean; /** * Custom color for the icon and label of the `FAB`. */ color?: string; /** * Color of the ripple effect. */ rippleColor?: ColorValue; /** * Whether `FAB` is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and `onPress` is not called on touch. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Whether `FAB` is currently visible. */ visible?: boolean; /** * Whether to show a loading indicator. */ loading?: boolean; /** * Function to execute on press. */ onPress?: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * Function to execute on long press. */ onLongPress?: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing `onLongPress`. */ delayLongPress?: number; /** * @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 * * Size of the `FAB`. * - `small` - FAB with small height (40). * - `medium` - FAB with default medium height (56). * - `large` - FAB with large height (96). */ size?: FABSize; /** * Custom size for the `FAB`. This prop takes precedence over size prop */ customSize?: number; /** * @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 * * Mode of the `FAB`. You can change the mode to adjust the the shadow: * - `flat` - button without a shadow. * - `elevated` - button with a shadow. */ mode?: FABMode; /** * @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 * * Color mappings variant for combinations of container and icon colors. */ variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'tertiary' | 'surface'; style?: Animated.WithAnimatedValue>; /** * @optional */ theme?: ThemeProp; testID?: string; ref?: React.RefObject; } & IconOrLabel; /** * A floating action button represents the primary action on a screen. It appears in front of all screen content. *
* * * * *
* * ## Usage * ```js * import * as React from 'react'; * import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; * import { FAB } from 'react-native-paper'; * * const MyComponent = () => ( * console.log('Pressed')} * /> * ); * * const styles = StyleSheet.create({ * fab: { * position: 'absolute', * margin: 16, * right: 0, * bottom: 0, * }, * }) * * export default MyComponent; * ``` */ const FAB = forwardRef( ( { icon, label, accessibilityLabel = label, accessibilityState, animated = true, color: customColor, rippleColor: customRippleColor, disabled, onPress, onLongPress, delayLongPress, theme: themeOverrides, style, visible = true, uppercase: uppercaseProp, loading, testID = 'fab', size = 'medium', customSize, mode = 'elevated', variant = 'primary', }: Props, ref ) => { const theme = useInternalTheme(themeOverrides); const uppercase = uppercaseProp ?? !theme.isV3; const { current: visibility } = React.useRef( new Animated.Value(visible ? 1 : 0) ); const { isV3, animation } = theme; const { scale } = animation; React.useEffect(() => { if (visible) { Animated.timing(visibility, { toValue: 1, duration: 200 * scale, useNativeDriver: true, }).start(); } else { Animated.timing(visibility, { toValue: 0, duration: 150 * scale, useNativeDriver: true, }).start(); } }, [visible, scale, visibility]); const IconComponent = animated ? CrossFadeIcon : Icon; const fabStyle = getFabStyle({ customSize, size, theme }); const { borderRadius = fabStyle.borderRadius, backgroundColor: customBackgroundColor, } = (StyleSheet.flatten(style) || {}) as ViewStyle; const { backgroundColor, foregroundColor, rippleColor } = getFABColors({ theme, variant, disabled, customColor, customBackgroundColor, customRippleColor, }); const isLargeSize = size === 'large'; const isFlatMode = mode === 'flat'; const iconSize = isLargeSize ? 36 : 24; const loadingIndicatorSize = isLargeSize ? 24 : 18; const font = isV3 ? theme.fonts.labelLarge : theme.fonts.medium; const extendedStyle = getExtendedFabStyle({ customSize, theme }); const textStyle = { color: foregroundColor, ...font, }; const md3Elevation = isFlatMode || disabled ? 0 : 3; const newAccessibilityState = { ...accessibilityState, disabled }; return ( {icon && loading !== true ? ( ) : null} {loading ? ( ) : null} {label ? ( {label} ) : null} ); } ); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ elevated: { elevation: 6, }, content: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, label: { marginHorizontal: 8, }, uppercaseLabel: { textTransform: 'uppercase', }, disabled: { elevation: 0, }, }); export default FAB; // @component-docs ignore-next-line export { FAB };