import * as React from 'react'; import { View, ViewStyle, StyleSheet, StyleProp } from 'react-native'; export type Props = React.ComponentPropsWithRef & { /** * Content of the `DialogContent`. */ children: React.ReactNode; style?: StyleProp; }; /** * A component to show content in a Dialog. * *
* *
* * * ## Usage * ```js * import * as React from 'react'; * import { Dialog, Portal, Text } from 'react-native-paper'; * * const MyComponent = () => { * const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false); * * const hideDialog = () => setVisible(false); * * return ( * * * * This is simple dialog * * * * ); * }; * * export default MyComponent; * ``` */ const DialogContent = (props: Props) => ( {props.children} ); DialogContent.displayName = 'Dialog.Content'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { paddingBottom: 24, paddingHorizontal: 24, }, }); export default DialogContent;