import React from 'react'; import type { ColorValue, StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import { StyleSheet, Animated } from 'react-native'; import overlay from '../../styles/overlay'; import { black, white } from '../../styles/themes/v2/colors'; import type { InternalTheme, ThemeProp } from '../../types'; import Tooltip from '../Tooltip/Tooltip'; import AppbarAction from './AppbarAction'; import AppbarBackAction from './AppbarBackAction'; import AppbarContent from './AppbarContent'; export type AppbarModes = 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'center-aligned'; const borderStyleProperties = [ 'borderRadius', 'borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius', ]; export const getAppbarColor = ( theme: InternalTheme, elevation: number, customBackground?: ColorValue, elevated?: boolean ) => { const { isV3, dark: isDarkTheme, mode, colors } = theme; const isAdaptiveMode = mode === 'adaptive'; if (customBackground) { return customBackground; } if (!isV3) { if (isDarkTheme && isAdaptiveMode) { return overlay(elevation, colors?.surface); } return colors.primary; } if (elevated) { return theme.colors.elevation.level2; } return colors.surface; }; export const getAppbarBorders = ( style: | Animated.Value | Animated.AnimatedInterpolation | Animated.WithAnimatedObject ) => { const borders: Record = {}; for (const property of borderStyleProperties) { const value = style[property as keyof typeof style]; if (value) { borders[property] = value; } } return borders; }; type RenderAppbarContentProps = { children: React.ReactNode; isDark: boolean; shouldCenterContent?: boolean; isV3: boolean; renderOnly?: (React.ComponentType | false)[]; renderExcept?: React.ComponentType[]; mode?: AppbarModes; theme?: ThemeProp; }; export const DEFAULT_APPBAR_HEIGHT = 56; const MD3_DEFAULT_APPBAR_HEIGHT = 64; export const modeAppbarHeight = { small: MD3_DEFAULT_APPBAR_HEIGHT, medium: 112, large: 152, 'center-aligned': MD3_DEFAULT_APPBAR_HEIGHT, }; export const modeTextVariant = { small: 'titleLarge', medium: 'headlineSmall', large: 'headlineMedium', 'center-aligned': 'titleLarge', } as const; export const renderAppbarContent = ({ children, isDark, shouldCenterContent = false, isV3, renderOnly, renderExcept, mode = 'small', theme, }: RenderAppbarContentProps) => { return ( React.Children.toArray(children as React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]) .filter((child) => child != null && typeof child !== 'boolean') .filter((child) => // @ts-expect-error: TypeScript complains about the type of type but it doesn't matter renderExcept ? !renderExcept.includes(child.type) : child ) // @ts-expect-error: TypeScript complains about the type of type but it doesn't matter .filter((child) => (renderOnly ? renderOnly.includes(child.type) : child)) .map((child, i) => { if ( !React.isValidElement(child) || ![AppbarContent, AppbarAction, AppbarBackAction, Tooltip].includes( // @ts-expect-error: TypeScript complains about the type of type but it doesn't matter child.type ) ) { return child; } const props: { color?: string; style?: StyleProp; mode?: AppbarModes; theme?: ThemeProp; } = { theme, color: typeof child.props.color !== 'undefined' ? child.props.color : isV3 ? undefined : isDark ? white : black, }; if (child.type === AppbarContent) { props.mode = mode; = [ isV3 ? i === 0 && !shouldCenterContent && styles.v3Spacing : i !== 0 && styles.v2Spacing, shouldCenterContent && styles.centerAlignedContent,, ]; } return React.cloneElement(child, props); }) ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ centerAlignedContent: { alignItems: 'center', }, v2Spacing: { marginLeft: 8, }, v3Spacing: { marginLeft: 12, }, });