import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; export type EasingMode = | 'linear' | 'easeInQuad' | 'easeOutQuad' | 'easeInOutQuad' | 'easeInCubic' | 'easeOutCubic' | 'easeInOutCubic' | 'easeInQuart' | 'easeOutQuart' | 'easeInOutQuart' | 'easeInQuint' | 'easeOutQuint' | 'easeInOutQuint' | 'easeInSine' | 'easeOutSine' | 'easeInOutSine' | 'easeInExpo' | 'easeOutExpo' | 'easeInOutExpo' | 'easeInCirc' | 'easeOutCirc' | 'easeInOutCirc' | 'easeInElastic' | 'easeOutElastic' | 'easeInOutElastic' | 'easeInBack' | 'easeOutBack' | 'easeInOutBack' | 'easeInBounce' | 'easeOutBounce' | 'easeInOutBounce'; export interface CollapsibleProps { /** * Alignment of the content when transitioning, can be top, center or bottom * * @default top */ align?: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom'; /** * Whether to show the child components or not * * @default true */ collapsed?: boolean; /** * Which height should the component collapse to * * @default 0 */ collapsedHeight?: number; /** * Duration of transition in milliseconds * * @default 300 */ duration?: number; /** * Function or function name from Easing (or tween-functions if < RN 0.8). Collapsible will try to combine Easing functions for you if you name them like tween-functions * * @default easeOutCubic */ easing?: EasingMode | any; /** * Optional styling for the container */ style?: StyleProp; } export default class Collapsible extends React.Component< CollapsibleProps, any > {}