import * as React from 'react'; import {useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState, useRef} from 'react'; import {cloneElement} from 'react'; import {MapContext} from './map'; import assert from '../utils/assert'; import {deepEqual} from '../utils/deep-equal'; import type { MapInstance, ISource, CustomSource, GeoJSONSourceImplementation, ImageSourceImplemtation, AnySourceImplementation } from '../types'; import type {GeoJSONSourceRaw, ImageSourceRaw, VectorSourceRaw} from '../types/style-spec-maplibre'; export type SourceProps = (SourceT | CustomSource) & { id?: string; children?: any; }; let sourceCounter = 0; function createSource( map: MapInstance, id: string, props: SourceProps ) { // @ts-ignore if ( && { const options = {...props}; delete; delete options.children; // @ts-ignore map.addSource(id, options); return map.getSource(id); } return null; } /* eslint-disable complexity */ function updateSource( source: AnySourceImplementation, props: SourceProps, prevProps: SourceProps ) { assert( ===, 'source id changed'); assert(props.type === prevProps.type, 'source type changed'); let changedKey = ''; let changedKeyCount = 0; for (const key in props) { if (key !== 'children' && key !== 'id' && !deepEqual(prevProps[key], props[key])) { changedKey = key; changedKeyCount++; } } if (!changedKeyCount) { return; } const type = props.type; if (type === 'geojson') { (source as GeoJSONSourceImplementation).setData( (props as unknown as GeoJSONSourceRaw).data as any ); } else if (type === 'image') { (source as ImageSourceImplemtation).updateImage({ url: (props as unknown as ImageSourceRaw).url, coordinates: (props as unknown as ImageSourceRaw).coordinates }); } else if ('setCoordinates' in source && changedKeyCount === 1 && changedKey === 'coordinates') { source.setCoordinates((props as ImageSourceRaw).coordinates); } else if ('setUrl' in source) { // Added in 1.12.0: // vectorTileSource.setTiles // vectorTileSource.setUrl switch (changedKey) { case 'url': source.setUrl((props as VectorSourceRaw).url); break; case 'tiles': source.setTiles((props as VectorSourceRaw).tiles); break; default: } } else { // eslint-disable-next-line console.warn(`Unable to update prop: ${changedKey}`); } } /* eslint-enable complexity */ function Source(props: SourceProps) { const map = useContext(MapContext).map.getMap(); const propsRef = useRef(props); const [, setStyleLoaded] = useState(0); const id = useMemo(() => || `jsx-source-${sourceCounter++}`, []); useEffect(() => { if (map) { /* global setTimeout */ const forceUpdate = () => setTimeout(() => setStyleLoaded(version => version + 1), 0); map.on('styledata', forceUpdate); forceUpdate(); return () => {'styledata', forceUpdate); // @ts-ignore if ( && && map.getSource(id)) { // Parent effects are destroyed before child ones, see // // Source can only be removed after all child layers are removed const allLayers = map.getStyle()?.layers; if (allLayers) { for (const layer of allLayers) { // @ts-ignore (2339) source does not exist on all layer types if (layer.source === id) { map.removeLayer(; } } } map.removeSource(id); } }; } return undefined; }, [map]); // @ts-ignore let source = map && && map.getSource(id); if (source) { updateSource(source, props, propsRef.current); } else { source = createSource(map, id, props); } propsRef.current = props; return ( (source && props.children, child => child && cloneElement(child, { source: id }) )) || null ); } export default Source;