import type { GenerateConfig } from '../generate'; import type { CustomFormat, InternalMode, Locale, NullableDateType } from '../interface'; export declare const WEEK_DAY_COUNT = 7; export declare function isSameDecade(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, decade1: NullableDateType, decade2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSameYear(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, year1: NullableDateType, year2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function getQuarter(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, date: DateType): number; export declare function isSameQuarter(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, quarter1: NullableDateType, quarter2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSameMonth(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, month1: NullableDateType, month2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSameDate(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, date1: NullableDateType, date2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSameTime(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, time1: NullableDateType, time2: NullableDateType): boolean; /** * Check if the Date is all the same of timestamp */ export declare function isSameTimestamp(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, time1: NullableDateType, time2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSameWeek(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, locale: string, date1: NullableDateType, date2: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSame(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, locale: Locale, source: NullableDateType, target: NullableDateType, type: InternalMode): boolean; /** Between in date but not equal of date */ export declare function isInRange(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, startDate: NullableDateType, endDate: NullableDateType, current: NullableDateType): boolean; export declare function isSameOrAfter(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, locale: Locale, date1: NullableDateType, date2: NullableDateType, type: InternalMode): boolean; export declare function getWeekStartDate(locale: string, generateConfig: GenerateConfig, value: DateType): DateType; export declare function formatValue(value: DateType, { generateConfig, locale, format, }: { generateConfig: GenerateConfig; locale: Locale; format: string | CustomFormat; }): string; /** * Fill the time info into Date if provided. */ export declare function fillTime(generateConfig: GenerateConfig, date: DateType, time?: DateType): DateType;