import * as React from 'react'; import type { CellRender, Components, Locale, OnPanelChange, PanelMode, PickerMode, SharedPanelProps, SharedTimeProps } from '../interface'; export interface PickerPanelRef { nativeElement: HTMLDivElement; } export interface BasePickerPanelProps extends Pick, 'locale' | 'generateConfig' | 'disabledDate' | 'minDate' | 'maxDate' | 'prevIcon' | 'nextIcon' | 'superPrevIcon' | 'superNextIcon'>, SharedTimeProps, Pick, 'tabIndex'> { prefixCls?: string; direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl'; onSelect?: (date: DateType) => void; defaultPickerValue?: DateType | null; pickerValue?: DateType | null; onPickerValueChange?: (date: DateType) => void; mode?: PanelMode; /** * Compatible with origin API. * Not mean the PickerPanel `onChange` event. */ onPanelChange?: OnPanelChange; picker?: PickerMode; showTime?: true | SharedTimeProps; /** * Only worked in `date` mode. Show the current week */ showWeek?: boolean; cellRender?: CellRender; /** @deprecated use cellRender instead of dateRender */ dateRender?: (currentDate: DateType, today: DateType) => React.ReactNode; /** @deprecated use cellRender instead of monthCellRender */ monthCellRender?: (currentDate: DateType, locale: Locale) => React.ReactNode; /** @private Used for Picker passing */ hoverValue?: DateType[]; /** @private Used for Picker passing */ hoverRangeValue?: [start: DateType, end: DateType]; /** @private Used for Picker passing */ onHover?: (date: DateType) => void; components?: Components; /** @private This is internal usage. Do not use in your production env */ hideHeader?: boolean; } export interface SinglePickerPanelProps extends BasePickerPanelProps { multiple?: false; defaultValue?: DateType | null; value?: DateType | null; onChange?: (date: DateType) => void; } export type PickerPanelProps = BasePickerPanelProps & { /** multiple selection. Not support time or datetime picker */ multiple?: boolean; defaultValue?: DateType | DateType[] | null; value?: DateType | DateType[] | null; onChange?: (date: DateType | DateType[]) => void; }; declare const _default: (props: BasePickerPanelProps & { /** multiple selection. Not support time or datetime picker */ multiple?: boolean; defaultValue?: DateType | DateType[]; value?: DateType | DateType[]; onChange?: (date: DateType | DateType[]) => void; } & React.RefAttributes) => React.ReactElement; export default _default;