import * as React from 'react'; import type { CSSMotionProps } from './CSSMotion'; import type { KeyObject } from './util/diff'; export interface CSSMotionListProps extends Omit, Omit, 'children'> { keys: (React.Key | { key: React.Key; [name: string]: any; })[]; component?: string | React.ComponentType | false; /** This will always trigger after final visible changed. Even if no motion configured. */ onVisibleChanged?: (visible: boolean, info: { key: React.Key; }) => void; /** All motion leaves in the screen */ onAllRemoved?: () => void; } export interface CSSMotionListState { keyEntities: KeyObject[]; } /** * Generate a CSSMotionList component with config * @param transitionSupport No need since CSSMotionList no longer depends on transition support * @param CSSMotion CSSMotion component */ export declare function genCSSMotionList(transitionSupport: boolean, CSSMotion?: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent; }>): React.ComponentClass; declare const _default: React.ComponentClass; export default _default;