import { CellSaveState } from '../engine' import { hexToRgb, IColor } from '../models/colors' import { GameData } from '../models/game' import { A11Y_MESSAGE, A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE } from '../models/rule' import { GameSprite } from '../models/tile' import { Soundish } from '../parser/astTypes' // import { playSound } from '../sound/sfxr' import { _flatten, Cellish, EmptyGameEngineHandler, GameEngineHandler, GameEngineHandlerOptional, INPUT_BUTTON, Optional, RULE_DIRECTION, setIntersection, spritesThatInteractWithPlayer } from '../util' import BaseUI from './base' interface ITableCell { td: HTMLTableCellElement, label: HTMLSpanElement, pixels: HTMLSpanElement[][] } function mapIncrement(map: Map, item: T) { const num = map.get(item) map.set(item, num ? num + 1 : 1) } class TableUI extends BaseUI implements GameEngineHandler { private readonly table: HTMLElement private readonly liveLog: Element private inputsProcessed: number private tableCells: ITableCell[][] private handler: EmptyGameEngineHandler private interactsWithPlayer: Set private usedInMessages: Set private didPressCauseTick: boolean private silencedOutput: boolean private messagesSincePress: number private isCollecting: boolean private collectedSprites: Map private collectingTickCount: number constructor(table: HTMLElement, handler?: GameEngineHandlerOptional) { super() this.table = table this.tableCells = [] this.inputsProcessed = 0 this.interactsWithPlayer = new Set() this.usedInMessages = new Set() table.classList.add('ps-table') this.markAcceptingInput(false) // To use this as a handler, the functions need to be bound to `this` this.onPress = this.onPress.bind(this) this.onLevelChange = this.onLevelChange.bind(this) this.handler = new EmptyGameEngineHandler(handler ? [handler] : []) const liveLog = table.querySelector('[aria-live]') || document.querySelector('[aria-live]') if (!liveLog) { throw new Error(`Error: For screenreaders to work, an element inside the table (for now) with an aria-live attribute needs to exist in the initial page. See`) // tslint:disable-line:max-line-length } this.liveLog = liveLog this.didPressCauseTick = false this.silencedOutput = false this.messagesSincePress = 0 this.isCollecting = false this.collectedSprites = new Map() this.collectingTickCount = 0 } public onPause() { this.table.setAttribute('data-ps-state', 'paused') this.handler.onPause() } public onResume() { this.table.setAttribute('data-ps-state', 'running') this.handler.onResume() } public onGameChange(gameData: GameData) { super.onGameChange(gameData) this.silencedOutput = false this.didPressCauseTick = false this.interactsWithPlayer = spritesThatInteractWithPlayer(this.getGameData()) this.usedInMessages = new Set(this.interactsWithPlayer) this.collectedSprites.clear() this.handler.onGameChange(gameData) } public onPress(dir: INPUT_BUTTON) { this.didPressCauseTick = true this.liveLog.innerHTML = '' // clear out the log this.markAcceptingInput(false) switch (dir) { case INPUT_BUTTON.UNDO: case INPUT_BUTTON.RESTART: this.renderScreen(false) } this.handler.onPress(dir) } public onLevelLoad(level: number, newLevelSize: Optional<{rows: number, cols: number}>) { this.handler.onLevelLoad(level, newLevelSize) } public onLevelChange(levelNum: number, cells: Optional, message: Optional) { this.clearScreen() this.table.setAttribute('data-ps-current-level', `${levelNum}`) if (cells) { super.onLevelChange(levelNum, cells, message) // Draw the level // Draw the empty table this.tableCells = [] const gameData = this.getGameData() const { width, height } = gameData.metadata.flickscreen || gameData.metadata.zoomscreen || { width: cells[0].length, height: cells.length } this.table.setAttribute('tabindex', '0') const tbody = document.createElement('tbody') for (let currentY = 0; currentY < height; currentY++) { const tr = document.createElement('tr') const tableRow = [] // Add the row header with a summary of which sprites are in the row // const th = document.createElement('th') // th.classList.add('ps-row-summary') // th.textContent = 'Sprites in Row:' // tr.appendChild(th) for (let currentX = 0; currentX < width; currentX++) { const td = document.createElement('td') const tableCellPixels = [] td.classList.add('ps-cell') const cellLabel = document.createElement('span') cellLabel.classList.add('ps-cell-label') td.appendChild(cellLabel) const sprite = document.createElement('div') sprite.classList.add('ps-sprite-whole') sprite.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true') for (let row = 0; row < this.SPRITE_HEIGHT; row++) { const spriteRow = document.createElement('div') spriteRow.classList.add('ps-sprite-row') const pixelRow = [] for (let col = 0; col < this.SPRITE_WIDTH; col++) { const spritePixel = document.createElement('span') spritePixel.classList.add('ps-sprite-pixel') spriteRow.appendChild(spritePixel) pixelRow.push(spritePixel) } sprite.appendChild(spriteRow) tableCellPixels.push(pixelRow) } td.appendChild(sprite) tr.appendChild(td) tableRow.push({ td, label: cellLabel, pixels: tableCellPixels }) } tbody.appendChild(tr) this.tableCells.push(tableRow) } this.table.prepend(tbody) for (const row of cells) { this.drawCells(row, false) } } this.markAcceptingInput(true) this.handler.onLevelChange(levelNum, cells, message) } public async onMessage(msg: string) { await this.handler.onMessage(msg) } public onWin() { this.handler.onWin() } public async onSound(sound: Soundish) { // playSound(sound.soundCode) // tslint:disable-line:no-floating-promises await this.handler.onSound(sound) } public onTick(changedCells: Set, checkpoint: Optional, hasAgain: boolean, a11yMessages: Array>) { this.collectingTickCount++ this.printMessageLog(a11yMessages, hasAgain) this.drawCells(changedCells, false) this.markAcceptingInput(!hasAgain) this.didPressCauseTick = false this.handler.onTick(changedCells, checkpoint, hasAgain, a11yMessages) } public willAllLevelsFitOnScreen(gameData: GameData) { return true } public _drawPixel(x: number, y: number, fgHex: string, bgHex: Optional, chars: string) { const rowIndex = Math.floor(y / this.SPRITE_HEIGHT) const colIndex = Math.floor(x / this.SPRITE_WIDTH) const pixelY = y % this.SPRITE_HEIGHT const pixelX = x % this.SPRITE_WIDTH const pixel = this.tableCells[rowIndex][colIndex].pixels[pixelY][pixelX] if (!pixel) { throw new Error(`BUG: Could not set pixel because table is too small`) } let style = `color: ${fgHex};` if (bgHex) { style += ` background-color: ${bgHex};` } pixel.setAttribute('style', style) // pixel.textContent = chars } public clearScreen() { super.clearScreen() // clear all the rows const tbody = this.table.querySelector('tbody') tbody && tbody.remove() this.liveLog.innerHTML = '' this.tableCells = [] } protected renderLevelScreen(levelRows: Cellish[][], renderScreenDepth: number) { this.drawCells(_flatten(levelRows), false, renderScreenDepth) } protected setPixel(x: number, y: number, hex: string, fgHex: Optional, chars: string) { const rowIndex = Math.floor(y / this.SPRITE_HEIGHT) const colIndex = Math.floor(x / this.SPRITE_WIDTH) const pixelY = y % this.SPRITE_HEIGHT const pixelX = x % this.SPRITE_WIDTH const pixel = this.tableCells[rowIndex][colIndex].pixels[pixelY][pixelX] if (!pixel) { throw new Error(`BUG: Could not set pixel because table is too small`) } if (!chars || chars.trim().length === 0) { chars = '' } if (!this.renderedPixels[y]) { this.renderedPixels[y] = [] } const onScreenPixel = this.renderedPixels[y][x] if (!onScreenPixel || onScreenPixel.hex !== hex || onScreenPixel.chars !== chars) { this.renderedPixels[y][x] = { hex, chars } const { r, g, b, a } = hexToRgb(hex) if (a !== null) { pixel.setAttribute('style', `background-color: rgba(${r},${g},${b},${a})`) } else { pixel.setAttribute('style', `background-color: ${hex}`) // pixel.textContent = chars } } } protected drawCellsAfterRecentering(cells: Iterable, renderScreenDepth: number) { for (const cell of cells) { this._drawCell(cell, renderScreenDepth) } } protected checkIfCellCanBeDrawnOnScreen(cellStartX: number, cellStartY: number) { return true } protected getMaxSize() { // just pick something big for now return { columns: 1000, rows: 1000 } } private printMessageLog(a11yMessages: Array>, hasAgain: boolean) { if (this.silencedOutput && !this.didPressCauseTick) { return } const GAME_TICK = 'game tick' let pendingMessages: string[] = [] const addMessage = (msg: string, sprites: GameSprite[]) => { pendingMessages.push(msg) if (this.isCollecting) { for (const sprite of sprites) { mapIncrement(this.collectedSprites, sprite) } } } const printPendingMessages = () => { for (const msg of pendingMessages) { const p = document.createElement('p') p.textContent = msg this.liveLog.append(p) if (!this.didPressCauseTick) { this.messagesSincePress++ } } } if (hasAgain) { addMessage(GAME_TICK, []) } for (const message of a11yMessages) { switch (message.type) { case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.ADD: for (const sprite of setIntersection(this.usedInMessages, message.sprites)) { addMessage(`Added ${sprite.getName()} @ ${message.cell.rowIndex},${message.cell.colIndex}`, [sprite]) } break case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.REPLACE: for (const { oldSprite, newSprite } of message.replacements) { if (this.usedInMessages.has(oldSprite)) { if (this.usedInMessages.has(newSprite)) { addMessage(`Replaced ${oldSprite.getName()} with ${newSprite.getName()} @ ${message.cell.rowIndex},${message.cell.colIndex}`, [oldSprite, newSprite]) } else { addMessage(`Removed* ${oldSprite.getName()} @ ${message.cell.rowIndex},${message.cell.colIndex}`, [oldSprite]) } } else if (this.usedInMessages.has(newSprite)) { addMessage(`Added* ${newSprite.getName()} @ ${message.cell.rowIndex},${message.cell.colIndex}`, [newSprite]) } } break case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.REMOVE: for (const sprite of setIntersection(this.usedInMessages, message.sprites)) { addMessage(`Removed ${sprite.getName()} @ ${message.cell.rowIndex},${message.cell.colIndex}`, [sprite]) } break case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.MOVE: addMessage(`Moved ${message.sprite.getName()} ${message.direction} to ${message.newCell.rowIndex},${message.newCell.colIndex}`, [message.sprite]) break default: throw new Error(`BUG: unsupported a11y message type ${message}`) } } if (this.didPressCauseTick) { if (pendingMessages.length > 10) { pendingMessages = [...pendingMessages.slice(0, 4), '(truncated messages)', ...pendingMessages.slice(pendingMessages.length - 4, pendingMessages.length)] } } else if (this.silencedOutput) { pendingMessages = [] } else if (!this.isCollecting && (this.messagesSincePress > 10 || pendingMessages.length > 10)) { if (this.collectedSprites.size > 0) { // We tried collecting before but it did not seem to work so just go silent this.silencedOutput = true pendingMessages = [`Things keep changing so switching to a quieter mode`] } else { // start collecting this.isCollecting = true this.collectingTickCount = 0 pendingMessages = [`Many things changed (probably animations). Collecting data for a few ticks to see what to ignore`] } } else if (this.isCollecting && this.collectingTickCount < 20) { pendingMessages = [] // stay silent while collecting } else if (this.isCollecting) { this.isCollecting = false pendingMessages = [`Done collecting. Found ${this.collectedSprites.size} sprites to ignore: ${[...this.collectedSprites.keys()].map((sprite) => sprite.getName()).join(', ')}`] this.messagesSincePress = 0 for (const [sprite, count] of this.collectedSprites) { if (count > 4) { this.usedInMessages.delete(sprite) } } } printPendingMessages() if (this.didPressCauseTick) { this.messagesSincePress = 0 } } private markAcceptingInput(flag: boolean) { if (flag) { this.table.setAttribute('data-ps-accepting-input', 'true') } else { this.inputsProcessed++ this.table.setAttribute('data-ps-accepting-input', 'false') } this.table.setAttribute('data-ps-last-input-processed', `${this.inputsProcessed}`) } private _drawCell(cell: Cellish, renderScreenDepth: number = 0) { if (!this.gameData) { throw new Error(`BUG: gameData was not set yet`) } if (!this.hasVisualUi) { throw new Error(`BUG: Should not get to this point`) } // Remove any sprites that do not impact (transitively) the player const sprites = cell.getSprites() const spritesForDebugging = sprites.filter((s) => this.interactsWithPlayer.has(s)) const { isOnScreen, cellStartX, cellStartY } = this.cellPosToXY(cell) if (!isOnScreen) { return // no need to render because it is off-screen } // Inject the set of sprites for a11y const tableRow = this.tableCells[cell.rowIndex - this.windowOffsetRowStart] if (!tableRow) { throw new Error(`BUG: Should not be trying to draw when there are no table cells`) } const tableCell = tableRow[cell.colIndex - this.windowOffsetColStart] if (!tableCell) { throw new Error(`BUG: Should not be trying to draw when there is not a matching table cell`) } const cellLabel = tableCell.label if (!cellLabel) { throw new Error(`BUG: Could not find cell in the table: [${cell.rowIndex} - ${this.windowOffsetRowStart}][${cell.colIndex} - ${this.windowOffsetColStart}]`) } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { cellLabel.setAttribute('data-debug-sprites', => s.getName()).join(' ')) } if (spritesForDebugging.length > 0) { cellLabel.classList.remove('ps-cell-empty') const player = this.gameData.getPlayer() if (player.getSpritesThatMatch(cell).size > 0) { cellLabel.classList.add('ps-player') } else { cellLabel.classList.remove('ps-player') } cellLabel.textContent = => s.getName()).join(', ') } else { cellLabel.classList.remove('ps-player') cellLabel.classList.add('ps-cell-empty') cellLabel.textContent = '(empty)' // (empty) } const pixels: IColor[][] = this.getPixelsForCell(cell) pixels.forEach((spriteRow, spriteRowIndex) => { spriteRow.forEach((spriteColor: IColor, spriteColIndex) => { if (!this.gameData) { throw new Error(`BUG: gameData was not set yet`) } const x = cellStartX + spriteColIndex const y = cellStartY + spriteRowIndex let color: Optional = null if (spriteColor) { if (!spriteColor.isTransparent()) { color = spriteColor } else if (this.gameData.metadata.backgroundColor) { color = this.gameData.metadata.backgroundColor } else { color = null } } if (color) { const { r, g, b /*,a*/ } = color.toRgb() const hex = color.toHex() let fgHex = null let chars = ' ' // Print a debug number which contains the number of sprites in this cell // Change the foreground color to be black if the color is light if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { if (r > 192 && g > 192 && b > 192) { fgHex = '#000000' } else { fgHex = '#ffffff' } const sprite = spritesForDebugging[spriteRowIndex] if (sprite) { let spriteName = sprite.getName() let wantsToMove switch (cell.getWantsToMove(sprite)) { case RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY: wantsToMove = '' break case RULE_DIRECTION.UP: wantsToMove = '^' break case RULE_DIRECTION.DOWN: wantsToMove = 'v' break case RULE_DIRECTION.LEFT: wantsToMove = '<' break case RULE_DIRECTION.RIGHT: wantsToMove = '>' break case RULE_DIRECTION.ACTION: wantsToMove = 'X' break default: throw new Error(`BUG: Invalid wantsToMove "${cell.getWantsToMove(sprite)}"`) } spriteName = `${wantsToMove}${spriteName}` if (spriteName.length > 10) { const beforeEllipsis = spriteName.substring(0, this.SPRITE_WIDTH) const afterEllipsis = spriteName.substring(spriteName.length - this.SPRITE_WIDTH + 1) spriteName = `${beforeEllipsis}.${afterEllipsis}` } const msg = `${spriteName.substring(spriteColIndex * 2, spriteColIndex * 2 + 2)}` chars = msg.substring(0, 2) } if (spriteRowIndex === this.SPRITE_HEIGHT - 1 && spriteColIndex === this.SPRITE_WIDTH - 1) { if (spritesForDebugging.length > this.SPRITE_WIDTH * 2 - 1) { chars = `${spritesForDebugging.length}` } else { chars = ` ${spritesForDebugging.length}` } } } this.setPixel(x, y, hex, fgHex, chars) } }) }) } } export default TableUI