import { EventEmitter2 } from 'eventemitter2' import { logger } from './logger' import { CollisionLayer } from './models/collisionLayer' import { GameData } from './models/game' import { A11Y_MESSAGE, A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE, IMutation, SimpleRuleGroup } from './models/rule' import { GameSprite, IGameTile } from './models/tile' import { Command, COMMAND_TYPE, LEVEL_TYPE, SoundItem } from './parser/astTypes' import { Comparator } from './sortedList' import { SpriteBitSet } from './spriteBitSet' import { _flatten, Cellish, GameEngineHandler, INPUT_BUTTON, Optional, resetRandomSeed, RULE_DIRECTION, setAddAll, setDifference, setEquals } from './util' interface ICollisionLayerState { readonly wantsToMove: Optional readonly sprite: GameSprite } interface ITickResult { changedCells: Set, didWinGame: boolean, didLevelChange: boolean, wasAgainTick: boolean, } type Snapshot = Array>> class ArrayAndMap { private readonly comparator: Comparator private readonly map: Map private keysArray: K[] constructor(comparator: Comparator) { this.comparator = comparator this.keysArray = [] = new Map() } public keys() { return this.keysArray } public values() { return } public set(key: K, value: V) { if (! { this.insertSorted(key) }, value) } public get(key: K) { return } public delete(key: K) { if ( { const index = this.keysArray.indexOf(key) if (index < 0) { throw new Error(`BUG: Item not found`) } this.keysArray.splice(index, 1) } } private insertSorted(key: K) { this.keysArray.push(key) this.keysArray = this.keysArray.sort(this.comparator) } } /** * The state of sprites in one position of the current level being played. * * This stores all the sprites and which direction those sprites want to move. * * The [[TerminalUI]] uses this object to render and the [[GameEngine]] uses this to maintain the state * of one position of the current level. */ export class Cell implements Cellish { public readonly rowIndex: number public readonly colIndex: number public readonly spriteBitSet: SpriteBitSet private readonly level: Optional private readonly state: ArrayAndMap private cacheCollisionLayers: CollisionLayer[] private cachedKeyValue: Optional constructor(level: Optional, sprites: Set, rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) { this.level = level this.rowIndex = rowIndex this.colIndex = colIndex this.state = new ArrayAndMap((c1, c2) => - this.cacheCollisionLayers = [] this.spriteBitSet = new SpriteBitSet(sprites) this.cachedKeyValue = null for (const sprite of sprites) { this._setWantsToMove(sprite, RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY) } } public _setWantsToMove(sprite: GameSprite, wantsToMove: Optional) { const collisionLayer = sprite.getCollisionLayer() const { wantsToMove: cellWantsToMove, sprite: cellSprite } = this.getStateForCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) const didActuallyChangeDir = cellWantsToMove !== wantsToMove const didActuallyChangeSprite = cellSprite !== sprite // replace the sprite in the bitSet if (cellSprite !== sprite) { if (cellSprite) { throw new Error(`BUG: Should have already been removed?`) // this.spriteBitSet.remove(cellSprite) } this.spriteBitSet.add(sprite) } this._setState(collisionLayer, sprite, wantsToMove) // call replaceSprite only **after** we updated the Cell if (cellSprite !== sprite) { this.replaceSpriteInLevel(cellSprite, sprite) } return didActuallyChangeSprite || didActuallyChangeDir } public _deleteWantsToMove(sprite: GameSprite) { // There may be other sprites in the same ... oh wait, no that's not possible. const collisionLayer = sprite.getCollisionLayer() const cellSprite = this.getSpriteByCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) const didActuallyChange = !!cellSprite if (cellSprite) { this.spriteBitSet.remove(cellSprite) } this._setState(collisionLayer, null, null) // delete the entry return didActuallyChange } public setWantsToMoveCollisionLayer(collisionLayer: CollisionLayer, wantsToMove: RULE_DIRECTION) { // Check that there is a sprite for this collision layer const { sprite, wantsToMove: cellWantsToMove } = this.getStateForCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) if (!sprite) { throw new Error(`BUG: No sprite for collision layer. Cannot set direction.\n${collisionLayer.toString()}`) } const didActuallyChange = cellWantsToMove !== wantsToMove this._setState(collisionLayer, sprite, wantsToMove) sprite.updateCell(this, wantsToMove) return didActuallyChange } public getSpriteByCollisionLayer(collisionLayer: CollisionLayer) { const { sprite } = this.getStateForCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) return sprite || null } public getCollisionLayers() { // return [...this._state.keys()] // .sort((c1, c2) => - return this.cacheCollisionLayers } public getSprites() { // Just pull out the sprite, not the wantsToMoveDir const sprites: GameSprite[] = [] const collisionLayers = this.getCollisionLayers() for (const collisionLayer of collisionLayers) { const sprite = this.getSpriteByCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) if (sprite) { sprites.push(sprite) } } return sprites.reverse() // reversed so we render sprites properly } public getSpritesAsSet() { // SLOW: Time sink // Just pull out the sprite, not the wantsToMoveDir const sprites = new Set() for (const { sprite } of this.state.values()) { sprites.add(sprite) } return sprites } public getSpriteAndWantsToMoves() { // Just pull out the sprite, not the wantsToMoveDir // Retur na new set so we can mutate it later const map = new Map() for (const collisionLayer of this.getCollisionLayers()) { const { sprite, wantsToMove } = this.getStateForCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) map.set(sprite, wantsToMove) } return map } public getCollisionLayerWantsToMove(collisionLayer: CollisionLayer) { const { wantsToMove } = this.getStateForCollisionLayer(collisionLayer) return wantsToMove || null } public hasSprite(sprite: GameSprite) { const cellSprite = this.getSpriteByCollisionLayer(sprite.getCollisionLayer()) return sprite === cellSprite } public getNeighbor(direction: string) { switch (direction) { case RULE_DIRECTION.UP: return this.getRelativeNeighbor(-1, 0) case RULE_DIRECTION.DOWN: return this.getRelativeNeighbor(1, 0) case RULE_DIRECTION.LEFT: return this.getRelativeNeighbor(0, -1) case RULE_DIRECTION.RIGHT: return this.getRelativeNeighbor(0, 1) default: throw new Error(`BUG: Unsupported direction "${direction}"`) } } public getWantsToMove(sprite: GameSprite) { return this.getCollisionLayerWantsToMove(sprite.getCollisionLayer()) } public hasCollisionWithSprite(otherSprite: GameSprite) { return !!this.getCollisionLayerWantsToMove(otherSprite.getCollisionLayer()) } public clearWantsToMove(sprite: GameSprite) { this._setWantsToMove(sprite, RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY) sprite.updateCell(this, RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY) } public addSprite(sprite: GameSprite, wantsToMove: Optional) { let didActuallyChange = false // If we already have a sprite in that collision layer then we need to remove it const prevSprite = this.getSpriteByCollisionLayer(sprite.getCollisionLayer()) const prevWantsToMove = this.getCollisionLayerWantsToMove(sprite.getCollisionLayer()) if (prevSprite && prevSprite !== sprite) { this.removeSprite(prevSprite) } if (wantsToMove) { didActuallyChange = this._setWantsToMove(sprite, wantsToMove) } else if (!this.hasSprite(sprite)) { wantsToMove = prevWantsToMove || RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY // try to preserve the wantsToMove didActuallyChange = this._setWantsToMove(sprite, wantsToMove) } sprite.addCell(this, wantsToMove) return didActuallyChange } public updateSprite(sprite: GameSprite, wantsToMove: RULE_DIRECTION) { // Copy/pasta from addSprite except it calls updateCell let didActuallyChange = false // If we already have a sprite in that collision layer then we need to remove it const prevSprite = this.getSpriteByCollisionLayer(sprite.getCollisionLayer()) if (prevSprite !== sprite) { throw new Error(`BUG: Should not be trying to update the direction of a sprite that is not in the cell`) } if (wantsToMove) { didActuallyChange = this._setWantsToMove(sprite, wantsToMove) } else if (!this.hasSprite(sprite)) { throw new Error(`BUG: sprite should already be in the cell since we are updating it`) } sprite.updateCell(this, wantsToMove) return didActuallyChange } public removeSprite(sprite: GameSprite) { const didActuallyChange = this._deleteWantsToMove(sprite) sprite.removeCell(this) return didActuallyChange } public toString() { return `Cell [${this.rowIndex}][${this.colIndex}] ${[...this.getSpriteAndWantsToMoves().entries()].map(([sprite, wantsToMove]) => `${wantsToMove} ${sprite.getName()}`).join(' ')}` } public toKey() { if (!this.cachedKeyValue) { const strs = [] for (const { sprite, wantsToMove } of this.state.values()) { strs.push(`${wantsToMove} ${sprite.getName()}`) } this.cachedKeyValue = strs.join(' ') } return this.cachedKeyValue } public toSnapshot() { return this.getSpritesAsSet() } public fromSnapshot(newSprites: Set) { const currentSprites = this.getSpritesAsSet() const spritesToRemove = setDifference(currentSprites, newSprites) const spritesToAdd = setDifference(newSprites, currentSprites) // Remove Sprites this.removeSprites(spritesToRemove) // Add Sprites this.addSprites(spritesToAdd) } // This method is replaced by LetterCells (because they are not boud to a level) protected replaceSpriteInLevel(cellSprite: Optional, newSprite: GameSprite) { this.getLevel().replaceSprite(this, cellSprite, newSprite) } private _setState(collisionLayer: CollisionLayer, sprite: Optional, wantsToMove: Optional) { let needsToUpdateCache if (sprite) { needsToUpdateCache = this.cacheCollisionLayers.indexOf(collisionLayer) < 0 this.state.set(collisionLayer, { wantsToMove, sprite }) } else { this.state.delete(collisionLayer) needsToUpdateCache = true } if (needsToUpdateCache) { // Update the collisionLayer Cache this.cacheCollisionLayers = this.state.keys() } this.invalidateKey() } private getLevel() { if (!this.level) { throw new Error(`BUG: we need an engine Level in order to find neighbors. It is optional for letters in messages`) } return this.level } private getStateForCollisionLayer(collisionLayer: CollisionLayer) { const state = this.state.get(collisionLayer) if (!state) { return { wantsToMove: null, sprite: null } } return state } private getRelativeNeighbor(y: number, x: number) { return this.getLevel().getCellOrNull(this.rowIndex + y, this.colIndex + x) } private removeSprites(sprites: Iterable) { for (const sprite of sprites) { this.removeSprite(sprite) } } private addSprites(sprites: Iterable) { for (const sprite of sprites) { this.addSprite(sprite, null) } } private invalidateKey() { this.cachedKeyValue = null } } export class Level { private cells: Optional private rowCache: Array> private colCache: Array> constructor() { this.rowCache = [] this.colCache = [] this.cells = null } public setCells(cells: Cell[][]) { this.cells = cells } public getCells() { if (!this.cells) { throw new Error(`BUG: Should have called setCells() first`) } return this.cells } public getCellOrNull(rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) { const row = this.getCells()[rowIndex] if (row) { return row[colIndex] } return null } public getCell(rowIndex: number, colIndex: number) { // Skip error checks for performance return this.getCells()[rowIndex][colIndex] } public replaceSprite(cell: Cell, oldSprite: Optional, newSprite: Optional) { // When a new Cell is instantiated it will call this method but `this.cells` is not defined yet if (this.cells) { // Invalidate the row/column cache. It will be rebuilt when requested this.rowCache[cell.rowIndex] = null this.colCache[cell.colIndex] = null } } public rowContainsSprites(rowIndex: number, spritesPresent: SpriteBitSet, anySpritesPresent: SpriteBitSet) { let cache = this.rowCache[rowIndex] if (!cache) { cache = this.computeRowCache(rowIndex) this.rowCache[rowIndex] = cache } return cache.containsAll(spritesPresent) && anySpritesPresent.isEmpty() ? true : cache.containsAny(anySpritesPresent) } public colContainsSprites(colIndex: number, sprites: SpriteBitSet, anySpritesPresent: SpriteBitSet) { let cache = this.colCache[colIndex] if (!cache) { cache = this.computeColCache(colIndex) this.colCache[colIndex] = cache } return cache.containsAll(sprites) && anySpritesPresent.isEmpty() ? true : cache.containsAny(anySpritesPresent) } private computeRowCache(rowIndex: number) { const cols = this.getCells()[0].length const bitSets = [] for (let index = 0; index < cols; index++) { bitSets.push(this.getCell(rowIndex, index).spriteBitSet) } return (new SpriteBitSet()).union(bitSets) } private computeColCache(colIndex: number) { const rows = this.getCells().length const bitSets = [] for (let index = 0; index < rows; index++) { bitSets.push(this.getCell(index, colIndex).spriteBitSet) } return (new SpriteBitSet()).union(bitSets) } } /** * Internal class that ise used to maintain the state of a level. * * This should not be called directly. Instead, use [[GameEngine]] . */ export class LevelEngine extends EventEmitter2 { public readonly gameData: GameData public pendingPlayerWantsToMove: Optional public hasAgainThatNeedsToRun: boolean private currentLevel: Optional private tempOldLevel: Optional private undoStack: Snapshot[] constructor(gameData: GameData) { super() this.gameData = gameData this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun = false this.undoStack = [] this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove = null this.currentLevel = null this.tempOldLevel = null } public setLevel(levelNum: number) { this.undoStack = [] this.gameData.clearCaches() const levelData = this.gameData.levels[levelNum] if (!levelData) { throw new Error(`Invalid levelNum: ${levelNum}`) } if (levelData.type === LEVEL_TYPE.MAP) { resetRandomSeed() const levelSprites = => { return => { const sprites = new Set(col.getSprites()) const backgroundSprite = this.gameData.getMagicBackgroundSprite() if (backgroundSprite) { sprites.add(backgroundSprite) } return sprites }) }) // Clone the board because we will be modifying it this._setLevel(levelSprites) if (this.gameData.metadata.runRulesOnLevelStart) { const { messageToShow, isWinning, hasRestart } = this.tick() if (messageToShow || isWinning || hasRestart) { console.log(`Error: Game should not cause a sound/message/win/restart during the initial tick. "${messageToShow}" "${isWinning}" "${hasRestart}"`) // tslint:disable-line:no-console } } this.takeSnapshot(this.createSnapshot()) // Return the cells so the UI can listen to when they change return this.getCells() } else { throw new Error(`BUG: LEVEL_MESSAGE should not reach this point`) } } public setMessageLevel(sprites: Array>>) { this.tempOldLevel = this.currentLevel this._setLevel(sprites) } public restoreFromMessageLevel() { this.currentLevel = this.tempOldLevel this.tempOldLevel = null // this.setLevel(this.tempOldLevel) } public getCurrentLevel() { if (this.currentLevel) { return this.currentLevel } else { throw new Error(`BUG: There is no current level. Maybe it is a message level or maybe setLevel was never called`) } } public toSnapshot() { return this.getCurrentLevel().getCells().map((row) => { return => { const ret: string[] = [] cell.getSpriteAndWantsToMoves().forEach((wantsToMove, sprite) => { ret.push(`${wantsToMove} ${sprite.getName()}`) }) return ret }) }) } public tick() { logger.debug(() => ``) if (this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun) { // run the AGAIN rules this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun = false // let the .tick() make it true } switch (this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove) { case INPUT_BUTTON.UNDO: this.doUndo() this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove = null return { changedCells: new Set(this.getCells()), soundToPlay: null, messageToShow: null, hasCheckpoint: false, hasRestart: false, isWinning: false, mutations: [], a11yMessages: [] } case INPUT_BUTTON.RESTART: this.doRestart() this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove = null return { changedCells: new Set(this.getCells()), soundToPlay: null, messageToShow: null, hasCheckpoint: false, hasRestart: true, isWinning: false, mutations: [], a11yMessages: [] } default: // no-op } const ret = this.tickNormal() // TODO: Handle the commands like RESTART, CANCEL, WIN at this point let soundToPlay: Optional> = null let messageToShow: Optional = null let hasCheckpoint = false let hasWinCommand = false let hasRestart = false for (const command of ret.commands) { switch (command.type) { case COMMAND_TYPE.RESTART: hasRestart = true break case COMMAND_TYPE.SFX: soundToPlay = command.sound break case COMMAND_TYPE.MESSAGE: this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun = false // make sure we won't be waiting on another tick messageToShow = command.message break case COMMAND_TYPE.WIN: hasWinCommand = true break case COMMAND_TYPE.CHECKPOINT: hasCheckpoint = true break case COMMAND_TYPE.AGAIN: case COMMAND_TYPE.CANCEL: break default: throw new Error(`BUG: Unsupported command "${command}"`) } } logger.debug(() => `checking win condition.`) if (this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun) { logger.debug(() => `AGAIN command executed, with changes detected - will execute another turn.`) } return { changedCells: new Set(ret.changedCells.keys()), hasCheckpoint, soundToPlay, messageToShow, hasRestart, isWinning: hasWinCommand || this.isWinning(), mutations: ret.mutations, a11yMessages: ret.a11yMessages } } public hasAgain() { return this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun } public canUndo() { return this.undoStack.length > 1 } public press(button: INPUT_BUTTON) { return this.pressDir(button) } public /*for testing*/ tickUpdateCells() { logger.debug(() => `applying rules`) return this._tickUpdateCells(this.gameData.rules.filter((r) => !r.isLate())) } public /*only for unit tests*/ tickMoveSprites(changedCells: Set) { const movedCells: Set = new Set() const a11yMessages: Array> = [] // Loop over all the cells, see if a Rule matches, apply the transition, and notify that cells changed let somethingChanged do { somethingChanged = false for (const cell of changedCells) { for (const [sprite, wantsToMove] of cell.getSpriteAndWantsToMoves()) { switch (wantsToMove) { case RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY: // nothing to do break case RULE_DIRECTION.ACTION: // just clear the wantsToMove flag somethingChanged = true cell.clearWantsToMove(sprite) break case RULE_DIRECTION.UP: case RULE_DIRECTION.DOWN: case RULE_DIRECTION.LEFT: case RULE_DIRECTION.RIGHT: const neighbor = cell.getNeighbor(wantsToMove) // Make sure if (neighbor && !neighbor.hasCollisionWithSprite(sprite)) { cell.removeSprite(sprite) neighbor.addSprite(sprite, RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY) movedCells.add(neighbor) movedCells.add(cell) somethingChanged = true a11yMessages.push({ type: A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.MOVE, oldCell: cell, newCell: neighbor, sprite, direction: wantsToMove }) // Don't delete until we are sure none of the sprites want to move // changedCells.delete(cell) } else { // Clear the wantsToMove flag LATER if we hit a wall (a sprite in the same collisionLayer) or are at the end of the map // We do this later because we are looping as long as something changed // cell.clearWantsToMove(sprite) } break default: throw new Error(`BUG: wantsToMove should have been handled earlier: ${wantsToMove}`) } } } } while (somethingChanged) // Clear the wantsToMove from all remaining cells for (const cell of changedCells) { for (const [sprite] of cell.getSpriteAndWantsToMoves()) { cell.clearWantsToMove(sprite) } } return { movedCells, a11yMessages } } // Used for UNDO and RESTART public createSnapshot() { return this.getCurrentLevel().getCells().map((row) => => cell.toSnapshot())) } private pressDir(direction: INPUT_BUTTON) { // Should disable keypresses if `AGAIN` is running. // It is commented because the didSpritesChange logic is not correct. // a rule might add a sprite, and then another rule might remove a sprite. // We need to compare the set of sprites before and after ALL rules ran. // This will likely be implemented as part of UNDO or CHECKPOINT. // if (!this.hasAgain()) { this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove = direction // } } private doRestart() { // Add the initial checkpoint to the top (rather than clearing the stack) // so the player can still "UNDO" after pressing "RESTART" const snapshot = this.undoStack[0] this.undoStack.push(snapshot) this.applySnapshot(snapshot) } private doUndo() { const snapshot = this.undoStack.pop() if (snapshot && this.undoStack.length > 0) { // the 0th entry is the initial load of the level this.applySnapshot(snapshot) } else if (snapshot) { // oops, put the snapshot back on the stack this.undoStack.push(snapshot) } } private _setLevel(levelSprites: Array>>) { const level = new Level() this.currentLevel = level const spriteCells =, rowIndex) => { return, colIndex) => { const backgroundSprite = this.gameData.getMagicBackgroundSprite() if (backgroundSprite) { sprites.add(backgroundSprite) } return new Cell(level, sprites, rowIndex, colIndex) }) }) level.setCells(spriteCells) // link up all the cells. Loop over all the sprites // in case they are NO tiles (so the cell is included) const batchCells: Map = new Map() function spriteSetToKey(sprites: Set) { const key = [] for (const spriteName of [...sprites].map((sprite) => sprite.getName()).sort()) { key.push(spriteName) } return key.join(' ') } const allCells = this.getCells() // But first, fill up any empty condition brackets with ALL THE CELLS for (const rule of this.gameData.rules) { rule.addCellsToEmptyRules(allCells) } for (const cell of allCells) { const key = spriteSetToKey(cell.getSpritesAsSet()) let batch = batchCells.get(key) if (!batch) { batch = [] batchCells.set(key, batch) } batch.push(cell) } // Print progress while loading up the Cells let i = 0 for (const [key, cells] of batchCells) { if ((batchCells.size > 100 && i % 10 === 0) || cells.length > 100) { this.emit('loading-cells', { cellStart: i, cellEnd: i + cells.length, cellTotal: allCells.length, key }) } // All Cells contain the same set of sprites so just pull out the 1st one for (const sprite of this.gameData.objects) { const cellSprites = cells[0].getSpritesAsSet() const hasSprite = cellSprites.has(sprite) if (hasSprite || sprite.hasNegationTileWithModifier()) { if (hasSprite) { sprite.addCells(sprite, cells, RULE_DIRECTION.STATIONARY) } else { sprite.removeCells(sprite, cells) } } } i += cells.length } return level } private getCells() { return _flatten(this.getCurrentLevel().getCells()) } private tickUpdateCellsLate() { logger.debug(() => `applying late rules`) return this._tickUpdateCells(this.gameData.rules.filter((r) => r.isLate())) } private _tickUpdateCells(rules: Iterable) { const changedMutations: Set = new Set() const a11yMessages: Array> = [] const evaluatedRules: SimpleRuleGroup[] = [] if (!this.currentLevel) { throw new Error(`BUG: Level Cells do not exist yet`) } for (const rule of rules) { const cellMutations = rule.evaluate(this.currentLevel, false/*evaluate all rules*/) if (cellMutations.length > 0) { evaluatedRules.push(rule) } for (const mutation of cellMutations) { changedMutations.add(mutation) for (const message of mutation.messages) { a11yMessages.push(message) } } } // We may have mutated the same cell 4 times (e.g. [Player]->[>Player]) so consolidate const changedCells = new Set() const commands: Set>> = new Set() for (const mutation of changedMutations) { if (mutation.hasCell()) { changedCells.add(mutation.getCell()) } else { commands.add(mutation.getCommand()) } } return { evaluatedRules, changedCells, commands, mutations: changedMutations, a11yMessages } } private tickNormal() { let changedCellMutations = new Set() const initialSnapshot = this.createSnapshot() if (this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove) { this.takeSnapshot(initialSnapshot) logger.debug(`=======================\nTurn starts with input of ${this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove.toLowerCase()}.`) const t = this.gameData.getPlayer() for (const cell of t.getCellsThatMatch(_flatten(this.getCurrentLevel().getCells()))) { for (const sprite of t.getSpritesThatMatch(cell)) { cell.updateSprite(sprite, inputButtonToRuleDirection(this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove)) changedCellMutations.add(cell) } } this.pendingPlayerWantsToMove = null } else { logger.debug(() => `Turn starts with no input.`) } const { changedCells: changedCellMutations2, evaluatedRules, commands, mutations, a11yMessages: a11yMessages1 } = this.tickUpdateCells() changedCellMutations = setAddAll(changedCellMutations, changedCellMutations2) // Continue evaluating again rules only when some sprites have changed // The didSpritesChange logic is not correct. // a rule might add a sprite, and then another rule might remove a sprite. // We need to compare the set of sprites before and after ALL rules ran. // This will likely be implemented as part of UNDO or CHECKPOINT. const { movedCells, a11yMessages: a11yMessages2 } = this.tickMoveSprites(new Set(changedCellMutations.keys())) const { changedCells: changedCellsLate, evaluatedRules: evaluatedRulesLate, commands: commandsLate, mutations: mutationsLate, a11yMessages: a11yMessages3 } = this.tickUpdateCellsLate() const allCommands = [...commands, ...commandsLate] const didCancel = !!allCommands.filter((c) => c.type === COMMAND_TYPE.CANCEL)[0] if (didCancel) { this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun = false if (this.undoStack.length > 0) { this.applySnapshot(this.undoStack[this.undoStack.length - 1]) } return { changedCells: new Set(), checkpoint: null, commands: new Set>>(), evaluatedRules, mutations: new Set(), a11yMessages: [] } } let checkpoint: Optional = null const didCheckpoint = !!allCommands.find((c) => c.type === COMMAND_TYPE.CHECKPOINT) if (didCheckpoint) { this.undoStack = [] checkpoint = this.createSnapshot() this.takeSnapshot(checkpoint) } // set this only if we did not CANCEL and if some cell changed const changedCells = setAddAll(setAddAll(changedCellMutations, changedCellsLate), movedCells) if (allCommands.find((c) => c.type === COMMAND_TYPE.AGAIN)) { // Compare all the cells to the top of the undo stack. If it does not differ this.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun = this.doSnapshotsDiffer(initialSnapshot, this.createSnapshot()) } // reduce the changedCells based on what was in the cell before the tick const realChangedCells = this.getRealChangedCells(initialSnapshot, changedCells) const realA11yMessages = this.getRealA11yMessages(realChangedCells, [...a11yMessages1, ...a11yMessages2, ...a11yMessages3]) return { changedCells: realChangedCells, evaluatedRules: evaluatedRules.concat(evaluatedRulesLate), commands: allCommands, mutations: new Set([...mutations, ...mutationsLate]), a11yMessages: realA11yMessages } } private getRealA11yMessages(changedCells: Set, a11yMessages: Array>) { return a11yMessages.filter((m) => { switch (m.type) { case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.ADD: case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.REPLACE: case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.REMOVE: return changedCells.has(m.cell) case A11Y_MESSAGE_TYPE.MOVE: return changedCells.has(m.oldCell) || changedCells.has(m.newCell) } }) } private getRealChangedCells(initialSnapshot: Snapshot, changedCells: Set) { const realChangedCells = new Set() for (const cell of changedCells) { if (!setEquals(cell.getSpritesAsSet(), initialSnapshot[cell.rowIndex][cell.colIndex])) { realChangedCells.add(cell) } } return realChangedCells } private isWinning() { let conditionsSatisfied = this.gameData.winConditions.length > 0 this.gameData.winConditions.forEach((winCondition) => { if (!winCondition.isSatisfied(this.getCells())) { conditionsSatisfied = false } }) return conditionsSatisfied } private takeSnapshot(snapshot: Snapshot) { this.undoStack.push(snapshot) } private applySnapshot(snpashot: Snapshot) { const cells = this.getCurrentLevel().getCells() for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cells.length; rowIndex++) { const row = cells[rowIndex] const snapshotRow = snpashot[rowIndex] for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < row.length; colIndex++) { const cell = row[colIndex] const state = snapshotRow[colIndex] cell.fromSnapshot(state) } } } private doSnapshotsDiffer(snapshot1: Snapshot, snapshot2: Snapshot) { for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < snapshot1.length; rowIndex++) { for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < snapshot1[0].length; colIndex++) { const sprites1 = snapshot1[rowIndex][colIndex] const sprites2 = snapshot2[rowIndex][colIndex] if (!setEquals(sprites1, sprites2)) { return true } } } return false } } export interface ILoadingCellsEvent { cellStart: number, cellEnd: number, cellTotal: number, key: string } export type ILoadingProgressHandler = (info: ILoadingCellsEvent) => void export type CellSaveState = string[][][] /** * Maintains the state of the game. Here is an example flow: * * ```js * const engine = new GameEngine(gameData) * engine.setLevel(0) * engine.pressRight() * engine.tick() * engine.tick() * engine.pressUp() * engine.tick() * engine.pressUndo() * engine.tick() * ``` */ export class GameEngine { private levelEngine: LevelEngine private currentLevelNum: number private handler: GameEngineHandler constructor(gameData: GameData, handler: GameEngineHandler) { this.currentLevelNum = -1234567 this.handler = handler this.levelEngine = new LevelEngine(gameData) } public on(eventName: string, handler: ILoadingProgressHandler) { this.levelEngine.on(eventName, handler) } public getGameData() { return this.levelEngine.gameData } public getCurrentLevelCells() { return this.levelEngine.getCurrentLevel().getCells() } public getCurrentLevel() { return this.getGameData().levels[this.getCurrentLevelNum()] } public getCurrentLevelNum() { return this.currentLevelNum } public hasAgain() { return this.levelEngine.hasAgain() } public setLevel(levelNum: number, checkpoint: Optional) { this.levelEngine.hasAgainThatNeedsToRun = false this.currentLevelNum = levelNum const level = this.getGameData().levels[levelNum] if (level.type === LEVEL_TYPE.MAP) { this.handler.onLevelLoad(levelNum, { rows: level.cells.length, cols: level.cells[0].length }) this.levelEngine.setLevel(levelNum) if (checkpoint) { this.loadSnapshotFromJSON(checkpoint) } this.handler.onLevelChange(this.currentLevelNum, this.levelEngine.getCurrentLevel().getCells(), null) } else { this.handler.onLevelLoad(levelNum, null) this.handler.onLevelChange(this.currentLevelNum, null, level.message) } } public async tick(): Promise { // When the current level is a Message, wait until the user presses ACTION const currentLevel = this.getCurrentLevel() if (currentLevel.type === LEVEL_TYPE.MESSAGE) { await this.handler.onMessage(currentLevel.message) let didWinGameInMessage = false if (this.currentLevelNum === this.levelEngine.gameData.levels.length - 1) { this.handler.onWin() didWinGameInMessage = true } else { this.setLevel(this.currentLevelNum + 1, null/*no checkpoint*/) } // clear any keys that were pressed this.levelEngine.pendingPlayerWantsToMove = null return { changedCells: new Set(), didWinGame: didWinGameInMessage, didLevelChange: true, wasAgainTick: false } } let hasAgain = this.levelEngine.hasAgain() if (!hasAgain && !(this.levelEngine.gameData.metadata.realtimeInterval || this.levelEngine.pendingPlayerWantsToMove)) { return { changedCells: new Set(), didWinGame: false, didLevelChange: false, wasAgainTick: false } } const previousPending = this.levelEngine.pendingPlayerWantsToMove const { changedCells, hasCheckpoint, soundToPlay, messageToShow, isWinning, hasRestart, a11yMessages } = this.levelEngine.tick() if (previousPending && !this.levelEngine.pendingPlayerWantsToMove) { this.handler.onPress(previousPending) } const checkpoint = hasCheckpoint ? this.saveSnapshotToJSON() : null if (hasRestart) { this.handler.onTick(changedCells, checkpoint, hasAgain, a11yMessages) return { changedCells, didWinGame: false, didLevelChange: false, wasAgainTick: false } } hasAgain = this.levelEngine.hasAgain() this.handler.onTick(changedCells, checkpoint, hasAgain, a11yMessages) let didWinGame = false if (isWinning) { if (this.currentLevelNum === this.levelEngine.gameData.levels.length - 1) { didWinGame = true this.handler.onWin() } else { this.setLevel(this.currentLevelNum + 1, null/*no checkpoint*/) } } if (soundToPlay) { await this.handler.onSound(soundToPlay) } if (messageToShow) { await this.handler.onMessage(messageToShow) } return { changedCells, didWinGame, didLevelChange: isWinning, wasAgainTick: hasAgain } } public press(direction: INPUT_BUTTON) { } public saveSnapshotToJSON(): CellSaveState { return this.getCurrentLevelCells().map((row) => => [...cell.toSnapshot()].map((s) => s.getName()))) } public loadSnapshotFromJSON(json: CellSaveState) { json.forEach((rowSave, rowIndex) => { rowSave.forEach((cellSave, colIndex) => { const cell = this.levelEngine.getCurrentLevel().getCell(rowIndex, colIndex) const spritesToHave = => { const sprite = this.getGameData()._getSpriteByName(spriteName) if (sprite) { return sprite } else { throw new Error(`BUG: Could not find sprite to add named ${spriteName}`) } }) cell.fromSnapshot(new Set(spritesToHave)) }) }) } public isCurrentLevelAMessage() { return this.getCurrentLevel().type === LEVEL_TYPE.MESSAGE } } function inputButtonToRuleDirection(button: INPUT_BUTTON) { switch (button) { case INPUT_BUTTON.UP: return RULE_DIRECTION.UP case INPUT_BUTTON.DOWN: return RULE_DIRECTION.DOWN case INPUT_BUTTON.LEFT: return RULE_DIRECTION.LEFT case INPUT_BUTTON.RIGHT: return RULE_DIRECTION.RIGHT case INPUT_BUTTON.ACTION: return RULE_DIRECTION.ACTION default: throw new Error(`BUG: Invalid input button at this point. Only up/down/left/right/action are allowed. "${button}"`) } }