import { GameData } from '.'; import { Cell, CellSaveState } from './engine'; import { GameMetadata } from './models/metadata'; import { A11Y_MESSAGE } from './models/rule'; import { GameSprite } from './models/tile'; import { Soundish } from './parser/astTypes'; export declare type Optional = T | null; export declare enum RULE_DIRECTION { UP = "UP", DOWN = "DOWN", LEFT = "LEFT", RIGHT = "RIGHT", ACTION = "ACTION", STATIONARY = "STATIONARY", RANDOMDIR = "RANDOMDIR" } export declare enum INPUT_BUTTON { UP = "UP", DOWN = "DOWN", LEFT = "LEFT", RIGHT = "RIGHT", ACTION = "ACTION", UNDO = "UNDO", RESTART = "RESTART" } export declare enum RULE_DIRECTION_RELATIVE { RELATIVE_LEFT = "<", RELATIVE_RIGHT = ">", RELATIVE_UP = "^", RELATIVE_DOWN = "V" } export declare type RULE_DIRECTION_WITH_RELATIVE = RULE_DIRECTION | RULE_DIRECTION_RELATIVE; export declare function _flatten(arrays: T[][]): T[]; export declare function _debounce(callback: () => any): () => void; export declare function opposite(dir: RULE_DIRECTION): RULE_DIRECTION.UP | RULE_DIRECTION.DOWN | RULE_DIRECTION.LEFT | RULE_DIRECTION.RIGHT; export declare function setEquals(set1: Set, set2: Set): boolean; export declare function setAddAll(setA: Set, iterable: Iterable): Set; export declare function setIntersection(setA: Set, setB: Iterable): Set; export declare function setDifference(setA: Set, setB: Iterable): Set; export declare function nextRandom(maxNonInclusive: number): number; export declare function resetRandomSeed(): void; export declare function setRandomValuesForTesting(values: number[]): void; export declare function clearRandomValuesForTesting(): void; export declare function getRandomSeed(): number; /** * A `DEBUGGER` flag in the game source that causes the evaluation to pause. * It works like the * [debugger]( * keyword in JavaScript. * * **Note:** the game needs to run in debug mode (`node --inspect-brk path/to/puzzlescript.js` or `npm run play-debug`) * for this flag to have any effect. * * This string can be added to: * * - A Rule. Example: `DEBUGGER [ > player | cat ] -> [ > player | > cat ]` * - A bracket when the condition is updated: `[ > player | cat ] DEBUGGER -> [ > player | > cat ]` * - A bracket when it is evaluated: `[ > player | cat ] -> [ > player | > cat ] DEBUGGER` * - A neighbor when the condition is updated: `[ > player DEBUGGER | cat ] -> [ > player | > cat ]` * - A neighbor when it is evaluated: `[ > player | cat ] -> [ > player | > cat DEBUGGER ]` * - A tile when the condition is updated: `[ > player | DEBUGGER cat ] -> [ > player | > cat ]` * - A tile when it is matched: `[ > player | cat ] -> [ > player | DEBUGGER > cat ]` */ export declare enum DEBUG_FLAG { BREAKPOINT = "DEBUGGER", /** * Pause when a Cell causes an entry to be removed from the set of matches for this rule/bracket/neighbor/tile */ BREAKPOINT_REMOVE = "DEBUGGER_REMOVE" } export interface ICacheable { toKey: () => string; } export declare function spritesThatInteractWithPlayer(game: GameData): Set; export declare function pollingPromise(ms: number, fn: () => T): Promise; export interface TypedMessageEvent extends MessageEvent { data: T; } export declare enum MESSAGE_TYPE { PAUSE = "PAUSE", RESUME = "RESUME", TICK = "TICK", PRESS = "PRESS", CLOSE = "CLOSE", ON_GAME_CHANGE = "ON_GAME_CHANGE", ON_PRESS = "ON_PRESS", ON_MESSAGE = "ON_MESSAGE", ON_MESSAGE_DONE = "ON_MESSAGE_DONE", ON_LEVEL_LOAD = "ON_LEVEL_LOAD", ON_LEVEL_CHANGE = "ON_LEVEL_CHANGE", ON_WIN = "ON_WIN", ON_SOUND = "ON_SOUND", ON_TICK = "ON_TICK", ON_PAUSE = "ON_PAUSE", ON_RESUME = "ON_RESUME" } export interface CellishJson { colIndex: number; rowIndex: number; spriteNames: string[]; } export interface SerializedTickResult { changedCells: CellishJson[]; soundToPlay: Optional; messageToShow: Optional; didWinGame: boolean; didLevelChange: boolean; wasAgainTick: boolean; a11yMessages: A11Y_MESSAGE; } export declare type WorkerMessage = { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_GAME_CHANGE; code: ArrayBuffer; level: number; checkpoint: Optional; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.PRESS; button: INPUT_BUTTON; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.CLOSE; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.PAUSE; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.RESUME; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_MESSAGE_DONE; }; export declare type WorkerResponse = { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_GAME_CHANGE; payload: ArrayBuffer; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.TICK; payload: SerializedTickResult; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.PRESS; payload: void; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.CLOSE; payload: void; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.PAUSE; payload: void; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.RESUME; payload: void; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_PRESS; direction: INPUT_BUTTON; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_MESSAGE; message: string; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_LEVEL_LOAD; level: number; levelSize: Optional<{ rows: number; cols: number; }>; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_LEVEL_CHANGE; level: number; cells: Optional; message: Optional; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_WIN; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_PAUSE; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_RESUME; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_SOUND; soundCode: number; } | { type: MESSAGE_TYPE.ON_TICK; changedCells: CellishJson[]; checkpoint: Optional; hasAgain: boolean; a11yMessages: Array>; }; export interface PuzzlescriptWorker { postMessage(msg: WorkerMessage, transferrables?: Transferable[]): void; addEventListener(type: 'message', handler: (msg: { data: WorkerResponse; }) => void): void; } export declare const shouldTick: (metadata: GameMetadata, lastTick: number) => boolean; export interface Cellish { colIndex: number; rowIndex: number; getSprites(): GameSprite[]; getSpritesAsSet(): Set; getWantsToMove(sprite: GameSprite): Optional; } export interface GameEngineHandler { onGameChange(gameData: GameData): void; onPress(dir: INPUT_BUTTON): void; onMessage(msg: string): Promise; onLevelLoad(level: number, newLevelSize: Optional<{ rows: number; cols: number; }>): void; onLevelChange(level: number, cells: Optional, message: Optional): void; onWin(): void; onSound(sound: Soundish): Promise; onTick(changedCells: Set, checkpoint: Optional, hasAgain: boolean, a11yMessages: Array>): void; onPause(): void; onResume(): void; } export interface GameEngineHandlerOptional { onGameChange?(gameData: GameData): void; onPress?(dir: INPUT_BUTTON): void; onMessage?(msg: string): Promise; onLevelLoad?(level: number, newLevelSize: Optional<{ rows: number; cols: number; }>): void; onLevelChange?(level: number, cells: Optional, message: Optional): void; onWin?(): void; onSound?(sound: Soundish): Promise; onTick?(changedCells: Set, checkpoint: Optional, hasAgain: boolean, a11yMessages: Array>): void; onPause?(): void; onResume?(): void; } export declare class EmptyGameEngineHandler implements GameEngineHandler { private subHandlers; constructor(subHandlers?: GameEngineHandlerOptional[]); onGameChange(gameData: GameData): void; onPress(dir: INPUT_BUTTON): void; onMessage(msg: string): Promise; onLevelLoad(level: number, newLevelSize: Optional<{ rows: number; cols: number; }>): void; onLevelChange(level: number, cells: Optional, message: Optional): void; onWin(): void; onSound(sound: Soundish): Promise; onTick(changedCells: Set, checkpoint: Optional, hasAgain: boolean, a11yMessages: Array>): void; onPause(): void; onResume(): void; } export interface Engineish { setGame(code: string, level: number, checkpoint: Optional): void; dispose(): void; pause?(): void; resume?(): void; press?(dir: INPUT_BUTTON): void; tick?(): void; }