title Teleporters author Rosden Shadow [Mark Signorelli] homepage rosden.itch.io run_rules_on_level_Start background_color #2E3E4D text_color #E5C17E ======== OBJECTS ======== Background #2E3E4D #1F2026 11000 01010 00000 01010 00011 Target #F2F2AA ..... .0.0. ..0.. .0.0. ..... Wall #E5C17E #CC7A52 #736053 #423D39 21110 02110 20221 31332 33323 Wallfeel #E5C17E #CC7A52 #736053 #423D39 ..... ..... ..... 10020 21102 Playerright #E5C17E #CC7A52 (#E0AAF2 #E57ED5) #845C5C #5B4846 .000. 11202 11313 11110 .1.1. playerleft #E5C17E #CC7A52 (#E0AAF2 #E57ED5) #845C5C #5B4846 .000. 20211 31311 01111 .1.1. Crate #E5C17E #CC7A52 #736053 #423D39 21110 21110 21110 22221 33333 cratefeel #E5C17E #CC7A52 #736053 #423D39 ..... ..... ..... ..... 10000 tele #E0AAF2 #A87EE5 ..... .101. .0.0. .101. ..... telestop #E0AAF2 #A87EE5 ..... .101. .0.0. .101. ..... teleblock #FFD9FC #E0AAF2 #A87EE5 #705C84 21100 21110 22110 32223 .333. teleblofeel #FFD9FC #E0AAF2 #A87EE5 #705C84 ..... ..... ..... ..... .000. tele2 #7EE58D #82A17C ..... .101. .0.0. .101. ..... telestop2 #7EE58D #82A17C ..... .101. .0.0. .101. ..... teleblock2 #D9FFDC #7EE58D #82A17C #394239 21100 21110 22110 32223 .333. teleblofeel2 #D9FFDC #7EE58D #82A17C #394239 ..... ..... ..... ..... .000. furnace1 #F2F2AA #B32D2D #4D2E37 #73535E ..1.. .101. 10101 .101. 22332 furnace2 #B32D2D #F2F2AA #4D2E37 #73535E ..... ..1.. .101. 10101 22332 ash #4D2E37 #73535E ..... ..... ..... ..0.. .100. baash black ..... ..... ..0.. .000. ..... telepl PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... telecra PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... telecrax PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ttpl black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ttcr black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... telepl2 PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... telecra2 PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... telecra2x PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... thecrax PURPLE ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ttpl2 black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ttcr2 black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... furnswi1 black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... furnswi2 black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... downshift black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... upshift black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... leftshift black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... rightshift black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... noshift black ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... thefloor #2E3E4D 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 ======= LEGEND ======= . = Background # = Wall P = Playerright * = Crate @ = Crate and Target O = Target t = teleblock & = tele 1 = teleblock2 2 = tele2 f=furnace1 -=thefloor feel = teleblofeel or wallfeel or cratefeel or teleblofeel2 furnace = furnace1 or furnace2 or furnswi1 or furnswi2 player=playerright or playerleft pushable=teleblock or crate or teleblock2 telex=tele or telepl or telecra or telestop or tele2 or tele2 or telepl2 or telecra2 or telestop2 exposure = ttpl or ttcr or ttpl2 or ttcr2 telsto=player or crate or teleblock2 telsto2=player or crate or teleblock crax=telecrax or telecra2x or thecrax mover = teleblock or teleblock2 thefire = teleblock or teleblock2 firex =teleblock or teleblock2 or tele firex2 =teleblock or teleblock2 or tele2 shift=downshift or rightshift or leftshift or upshift or noshift ======= SOUNDS ======= sfx0 36772507 sfx1 17669903 sfx2 14764102 sfx3 68781305 ================ COLLISIONLAYERS ================ Background exposure thefloor ash,baash Target shift crax telex Player, Wall, pushable,furnace feel ====== RULES ====== [feel]->[] [telestop no telsto]->[tele] [telestop2 no telsto2]->[tele2] [thecrax]->[ ] [telecrax] -> [thecrax] [telecra2x] -> [thecrax] [ > Player | pushable ] -> [ > Player | > pushable ] sfx0 [> crate | furnace] -> [ baash | furnace] sfx2 [> player |baash] ->[player|baash] [baash]->[ash] [ left Playerright] -> [ left playerleft] [ right Playerleft] -> [ right playerright] [furnace1]->[furnswi1] [furnace2]->[furnswi2] [furnswi1]->[furnace2] [furnswi2]->[furnace1] (teleblock) [> teleblock|tele] ->[teleblock|tele] [> player | tele] -> [ |telepl] sfx1 [teleblock2 tele] -> [telecra noshift] sfx1 [teleblock2 telestop|]-> [teleblock2 telestop| telecra2x] [telecra2x | ] ->[telecra2x | telecra2x] [telepl | no ttpl ]->[telepl|ttpl] [ttpl | no ttpl] -> [ttpl |ttpl] [telecra | no ttcr ]->[telecra|ttcr] [ttcr | no ttcr] -> [ttcr |ttcr] [ttpl | teleblock] -> [ttpl |telestop Playerright] ([telepl]->[teleblock]) [telepl| crax]->[teleblock telestop2|] [telepl no crax]->[teleblock] [ttcr | teleblock] -> [ttcr |telestop teleblock2] [telecra| telecra2x]->[teleblock telestop2|] [telecra no telecra2x]->[teleblock] [ttpl]->[] [ttcr]->[] (end teleblock) (teleblock2) [> teleblock2|tele2] ->[teleblock2|tele2] [> player | tele2] -> [ |telepl2] sfx1 [ teleblock tele2] -> [telecra2 noshift] sfx1 [teleblock telestop2|]-> [teleblock telestop2 |telecrax] [telecrax | ] ->[telecrax | telecrax] [telepl2 | no ttpl2 ]->[telepl2|ttpl2] [ttpl2 | no ttpl2] -> [ttpl2 |ttpl2] [telecra2 | no ttcr2 ]->[telecra2|ttcr2] [ttcr2 | no ttcr2] -> [ttcr2 |ttcr2] [ttpl2 | teleblock2] -> [ttpl2 |telestop2 Playerright] ([telepl2]->[teleblock2]) [telepl2| telecrax]->[teleblock2 telestop|] [telepl2 no telecrax]->[teleblock2] [ttcr2 | teleblock2] -> [ttcr2 |telestop2 teleblock] [telecra2| crax]->[teleblock2 telestop|] [telecra2 no crax]->[teleblock2] [ttpl2]->[] [ttcr2]->[] (end teleblock) [Up mover]->[up mover upshift] [down mover]->[down mover downshift] [right mover]->[right mover rightshift] [left mover]->[left mover leftshift] [mover upshift|no thefire]->[up mover up upshift|] [mover downshift|no thefire]->[down mover down downshift|] [mover rightshift|no thefire]->[right mover right rightshift|] [mover leftshift|no thefire]->[left mover left leftshift|] [> teleblock | firex] -> [teleblock noshift | firex] [> teleblock2 | firex2] -> [teleblock2 noshift | firex2] late up [wall| ]-> [wall|wallfeel] late up [crate| ]-> [crate|cratefeel] late up [teleblock| ]-> [teleblock|teleblofeel] late up [teleblock2| ]-> [teleblock2|teleblofeel2] []->again ============== WINCONDITIONS ============== all target on mover ======= LEVELS ======= message have all crosses have a block on them message level 1 of 3 --------- --#####-- ####.#### #..#.#..# #..#O#..# #.......# #.2...t.# #.1...&.# #...P...# ###...### --#####-- ( message level 2 of 4 --------- --#####-- ###...### #.2...t.# #.......# #...O...# #.......# #.&...1.# #...P...# ###...### --#####-- ) message level 2 of 3 --------- -#######- ##..#..## #.1...t.# #.......# ####.#### #.&...2.# #...P...# #...O...# ##.....## -#######- message level 3 of 3 --------- -#######- ##.....## #.1.#.t.# #...P...# ###.O.### #.......# #.....2.# #.&.#...# ##..##### -####---- message great successful teleporting!