title Stairways author Franklin P. Dyer ======== OBJECTS ======== Background . Lightgray Wall x Darkgray Gray 00000 01110 01010 01110 00000 Block o Darkbrown Brown 00000 01110 01010 01110 00000 Player p Black Brown #d2b48c Blue .000. 00000 .121. .333. .3.3. Stairs s Lightgray Gray Darkgray Black 00000 01110 02220 03330 00000 ======= LEGEND ======= @ = Block and Stairs ======= SOUNDS ======= ================ COLLISIONLAYERS ================ Background Stairs Player, Wall, Block ====== RULES ====== [> Player|Block No Stairs] -> [> Player|> Block No Stairs] [> Player|Block Stairs] -> [Player|> Block Stairs] [> Block|...|Block|Wall] -> [Block|...|Block|Wall] [Wall|< Block|...|Block] -> [Wall|Block|...|Block] [Background|< Block|...|Block] -> [Background|< Block|...|< Block] [> Block|...|Block|Background] -> [> Block|...|> Block|Background] ============== WINCONDITIONS ============== All Player on Stairs ======= LEVELS ======= message Find the stairs, and go down them. message All of the boxes in a row or column move together. xxxxxx x.po.x x.oo.x x....x x@o..x xxxxxx xxxxxxx x...oxx xoo.@xx xopoo.x x.o.oxx x.xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xoooo.x xo@...x x.opo.x x...o.x x.o...x xxxxxxx message You win!