title Modality author Sean Barrett homepage www.silverspaceship.com background_color #603060 noaction ======== OBJECTS ======== White White Black #202020 Grey #505050 #a0a0a0 01010 10101 01010 10101 01010 Background Red Target #3030a0 ..... .000. .0.0. .000. ..... Player Black Orange #c0c0c0 Blue .000. .111. 22222 .333. .3.3. Crate Orange Yellow 00000 0...0 0...0 0...0 00000 ======= LEGEND ======= . = Black + = White g = Grey p = Player and Black Q = Player and White * = Crate and Black @ = Crate and White t = Target and Black U = Target and White Nonwhite = Black or Grey Nonblack = White or Grey ======= SOUNDS ======= ================ COLLISIONLAYERS ================ Background White, Black, Grey Target Player, Crate ====== RULES ====== [ > Player Nonblack | Crate Nonblack ] -> [ > Player Nonblack | > Crate Nonblack ] [ > Player Black | Crate Black ] -> [ > Player Black | > Crate Black ] [ > Player White | Black ] -> CANCEL [ > Player Black | White ] -> CANCEL ============== WINCONDITIONS ============== All Crate on Target ======= LEVELS ======= u+... @+g.p +++.. ++++q +.*.+ u++.+ +g..+ +++++ ...... .++.+. .+q++. ..u.++ g.*.++ ++++++ ...t....... ...+....... .+.+.+...++ .+.++++..++ q@g++..++++ .+.++...+++ .+.+....+++ .+......+++ .++++++++++