name: pubnub-angular version: 4.2.0 schema: 1 scm: changelog: - version: v4.2.0 date: 2019-05-24 changes: - type: feature text: Add reconnect for v4 wrapper - type: fix text: Fix for encrypt method with customCipherKey - version: v4.1.0 date: 2017-10-30 changes: - type: feature text: Add deleteMessages and fetchMessages for v4 wrapper - type: fix text: Active events broadcaster only with the param triggerEvent - version: v4.0.3 date: 2017-09-21 changes: - type: feature text: Add delegated method setHeartbeatInterval for v4 wrapper - version: v4.0.2 date: 2016-11-14 changes: - type: fix text: Add delegated method setFilterExpression for v4 wrapper - version: v4.0.1 date: 2016-11-11 changes: - type: fix text: Add missing delegated methods (v3 -> fire, v4 -> removeListener, push, unsubscribeAll, decrypt, encrypt, fire ) - version: v4.0.0 date: 2016-10-06 changes: - type: feature text: V4 support. - version: v3.2.1 date: 2016-06-13 changes: - type: improvement text: | When subscribing directly to a -pnpres channel, the AngularJS events were broadcasted on the channel itself and not on the -pnpres channel as it should have been. - type: improvement text: | $pubnubChannel.$extend(): Avoid to share extensions across every $pubnubChannel objects. - version: v3.2.0 date: 2016-05-10 changes: - type: feature text: Adding new $pubnubChannel and $pubnubChannelGroup injectables to simplify working with channel and channel groups - version: v3.1.2 date: 2016-05-02 changes: - type: improvement text: Adjustments to build package and upgraded dependencies. - version: v3.1.1 date: 2016-01-27 changes: - type: feature text: | [#18]( adding `mobile_gw_provision` to the delegated methods ([@kminkler]( - version: 3.1.0 date: changes: - type: improvement text: added eslint, babel and webpack to the compilation process - version: 3.0.0 date: changes: - type: feature text: | full rewrite :)