prebuild [options] --target -t version (version to build or install for) --runtime -r runtime (Node runtime [node, electron or node-webkit] to build or install for, default is node) --all (prebuild for all known abi versions) --upload -u [gh-token] (upload prebuilds to github) --upload-all -u [gh-token] (upload all files from ./prebuilds folder to github) --preinstall -i script (run this script before prebuilding) --prepack -c script (run this script before packing, can be used to codesign) --path -p path (make a prebuild here) --include-regex (regex to match files that will be distributed [default: '\.node$']) --libc (use provided libc rather than system default) --backend (specify build backend, default is 'node-gyp') --format (specify additional parameters for `node-gyp` backend) --strip (strip debug information) --debug (set Debug or Release configuration) --verbose (log verbosely) --version (print prebuild version and exit)