import * as actions from './actions'; import { ComponentType } from 'react'; import { withApi, buildName, PiralPlugin, Dict, withRootExtension, withAll, GlobalState } from 'piral-core'; import { DefaultHost, DefaultDialog } from './default'; import { Modals } from './Modals'; import { PiletModalsApi, ModalRegistration, BareModalComponentProps, ModalLayoutOptions } from './types'; export interface InitialModalDialog { /** * The name of the modal dialog. */ name: string; /** * The component to show representing the modal dialog. */ component: ComponentType>; /** * The default options for the modal dialog. */ defaults?: any; /** * The layout options for the modal dialog. */ layout?: ModalLayoutOptions; } /** * Available configuration options for the modals plugin. */ export interface ModalsConfig { /** * The initial modal dialogs. */ dialogs?: Array; /** * Defines how the next ID for the key is selected. * By default a random number is used. * * @param name The name of the modal dialog. */ selectId?(name: string): string; } function getModalDialogs(dialogs: Array) { const modals: Dict = {}; for (const { name, component, defaults, layout = {} } of dialogs) { modals[`global-${name}`] = { pilet: undefined, name, component, defaults, layout, }; } return modals; } function withModals(modals: Dict) { return (state: GlobalState): GlobalState => ({ ...state, components: { ModalsHost: DefaultHost, ModalsDialog: DefaultDialog, ...state.components, }, registry: { ...state.registry, modals, }, modals: [], }); } /** * Creates new Pilet API extensions for support modal dialogs. */ export function createModalsApi(config: ModalsConfig = {}): PiralPlugin { const { dialogs = [], selectId = (name) => `${name}-${~~(Math.random() * 10000)}` } = config; return (context) => { context.defineActions(actions); context.dispatch(withAll(withModals(getModalDialogs(dialogs)), withRootExtension('piral-modals', Modals))); return (api, target) => { const pilet =; return { showModal(simpleName, options) { const name = buildName(pilet, simpleName); const dialog = { id: selectId(name), name, alternative: simpleName, options, close() { context.closeModal(dialog); }, }; context.openModal(dialog); return dialog.close; }, registerModal(name, arg, defaults, layout = {}) { const id = buildName(pilet, name); context.registerModal(id, { pilet, name, component: withApi(context, arg, api, 'modal'), defaults, layout, }); return () => api.unregisterModal(name); }, unregisterModal(name) { const id = buildName(pilet, name); context.unregisterModal(id); }, }; }; }; }