/// /// declare module Phaser { module Physics { class Box2D { constructor(game: Phaser.Game, config?: any); // @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game. game: Phaser.Game; // @property {string} version - The version of the Box2D Plugin that is running. version: string; // @property {number} ptmRatio - Pixels to Meters ratio - @default 50 ptmRatio: number; // @property {box2d.b2World} world - The Box2D world in which the simulation is run. world: box2d.b2World; // @property {Phaser.Physics.Box2D.DefaultDebugDraw} - used for rendering debug information debugDraw: Box2D.DefaultDebugDraw; // @property {Phaser.Physics.Box2D.DefaultContactListener} - used to check if bodies have contact callbacks set contactListener: Box2D.DefaultContactListener; // @property {number} nextBodyId - The id to give the next created body nextBodyId: number; // @property {number} nextFixtureId - The id to give the next created fixture nextFixtureId: number; // @property {box2d.b2Vec2} gravity - The gravity of the Box2D world. gravity: Box2D.PointProxy; // @property {number} friction - The default friction for fixtures created by 'enable', or other functions like setRectangle, setPolygon etc friction: number; // @property {number} restitution - The default restitution for fixtures created by 'enable', or other functions like setRectangle, setPolygon etc restitution: number; // @property {number} density - The default density for fixtures created by 'enable', or other functions like setRectangle, setPolygon etc density: number; // @property {number} frameRate - The frame rate the world will be stepped at. Defaults to 1 / 60, but you can change here. Also see useElapsedTime property. frameRate: number; // @property {number} velocityIterations - The maximum number of iterations allowed to adjust velocities to match constraints. Defaults to 8. velocityIterations: number; // @property {number} positionIterations - The maximum number of iterations allowed to adjust positions to match constraints. Defaults to 3. positionIterations: number; // @property {boolean} useElapsedTime - If true the frameRate value will be ignored and instead Box2D will step with the value of Game.Time.physicsElapsed, which is a delta time value. useElapsedTime: boolean; // @property {boolean} paused - The paused state of the Box2D world. paused: boolean; // @property {box2d.b2ParticleSystem} particleSystem - The World Particle System. Enabled with World.createParticleSystem. particleSystem: box2d.b2ParticleSystem; // @property {box2d.b2Body} mouseJointBody - A static body with no fixtures, used internally as the 'body A' for mouse joints when dragging dynamic bodies. mouseJointBody: box2d.b2Body; // @property {box2d.b2MouseJoint} mouseJoint - The active mouse joint for dragging dynamic bodies. mouseJoint: box2d.b2MouseJoint; // Pixel to meter function overrides. // mpx: Function; // pxm: Function; // @property {object} walls - An object containing the 4 wall bodies that bound the physics world. walls: Box2D.WallsObject; // @property {Phaser.Signal} onBodyAdded - Dispatched when a new Body is added to the World. onBodyAdded: Phaser.Signal; // @property {Phaser.Signal} onBodyRemoved - Dispatched when a Body is removed from the World. onBodyRemoved: Phaser.Signal; static worldBoundsFilterCategory: number; // Returns the next id to use to keep body ids unique getNextBodyId(): number; // Returns the next id to use to keep fixture ids unique getNextFixtureId(): number; // This will add a Box2D physics body into the removal list for the next step. removeBodyNextStep(body: Box2D.Body): void; // Called at the start of the core update loop. Purges flagged bodies from the world. preUpdate(): void; // This will create a Box2D physics body on the given game object or array of game objects. // A game object can only have 1 physics body active at any one time, and it can't be changed until the object is destroyed. // Note: When the game object is enabled for Box2D physics it has its anchor x/y set to 0.5 so it becomes centered. enable(object: any, children?: boolean): void; // Creates a Box2D physics body on the given game object. // A game object can only have 1 physics body active at any one time, and it can't be changed until the body is nulled. enableBody(object: any): void; // Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the Game.World dimensions. // You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom. setBoundsToWorld(left?: boolean, right?: boolean, top?: boolean, bottom?: boolean, collisionCategory?: number, collisionMask?: number): void; // Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the given world pixel dimensions. // You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom. setBounds(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, left?: boolean, right?: boolean, top?: boolean, bottom?: boolean, collisionCategory?: number, collisionMask?: number): void; // Pauses the Box2D world independent of the game pause state. pause(): void; // Resumes a paused Box2D world. resume(): void; // Internal Box2D update loop. update(): void; // Clears all bodies from the simulation, resets callbacks. reset(): void; // Clears all bodies from the simulation, resets callbacks. clear(): void; // Clears all bodies from the simulation and unlinks World from Game. Should only be called on game shutdown. Call `clear` on a State change. destroy(): void; // Creates a new Body and adds it to the World. createBody(x?: number, y?: number, density?: number): Box2D.Body; // Creates a new dynamic Body and adds a Circle fixture to it of the given size. createCircle(x?: number, y?: number, radius?: number, offsetX?: number, offsetY?: number): Box2D.Body; // Creates a new dynamic Body and adds a Rectangle fixture to it of the given dimensions. createRectangle(x?: number, y?: number, width?: number, height?: number, offsetX?: number, offsetY?: number, rotation?: number): Box2D.Body; // Creates a new dynamic Body and adds a Polygon fixture to it. createPolygon(x: number, y: number, vertices: number[], firstIndex?: number, count?: number): Box2D.Body; // Adds an already created Box2D Body to this Box2D world. addBody(body: Box2D.Body): boolean; // Removes a body from the world. This will silently fail if the body wasn't part of the world to begin with. removeBody(body: Box2D.Body): Box2D.Body; // Populates and returns an array with references to of all current Bodies in the world. getBodies(): Box2D.Body[]; // Checks the given object to see if it has a Box2D body and if so returns it. getBody(object: Object): Box2D.Body; // Converts the current world into a JSON object. toJSON(): any; // Convert Box2D physics value (meters) to pixel scale. // By default we use a scale of 50px per meter. // If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object. mpx(v: number): number; // Convert pixel value to Box2D physics scale (meters). // By default we use a scale of 50px per meter. // If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object. pxm(v: number): number; // Runs the standard 'debug draw' rendering. What actually gets drawn will depend // on the current status of the flags set in the debug draw object held by the b2World. // This could perhaps be made modifiable at runtime, but for now it is just rendering // shapes (see usage of b2Shapes flag below). renderDebugDraw(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void; // Renders information about the body as text. This is intended to be used internally by Phaser.Utils.Debug. // To make use of this from your code you would call something like game.debug.bodyInfo(sprite, x, y) renderBodyInfo(debug: Utils.Debug, body: Box2D.Body): void; // Returns all fixtures found under the given point. Set the onlyOne parameter to true if you only // care about finding one fixture under the point. getFixturesAtPoint(x: number, y: number, onlyOne?: boolean, onlyDynamic?: boolean): box2d.b2Fixture[]; // Returns all bodies (Phaser.Physics.Box2D.Body) found under the given coordinates. Set the onlyOne // parameter to true if you only care about finding one body. getBodiesAtPoint(x: number, y: number, onlyOne?: boolean, onlyDynamic?: boolean): box2d.b2Body[]; // If there is a dynamic body under the given point, a mouse joint will be created // to drag that body around. Use the mouseDragMove and mouseDragEnd functions to // continue the drag action. Any mouse drag already in progress will be canceled. mouseDragStart(point: Phaser.Point): void; // Updates the target location of the active mouse joint, if there is one. If there // is no mouse joint active, this does nothing. mouseDragMove(point: Phaser.Point): void; // Ends the active mouse joint if there is one. If there is no mouse joint active, does nothing. mouseDragEnd(): void; // Creates a distance joint. distanceJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, length?: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number, frequency?: number, damping?: number): box2d.b2DistanceJoint; // Creates a rope joint. ropeJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, length?: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number): box2d.b2RopeJoint; // Creates a revolute joint. revoluteJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number, motorSpeed?: number, motorTorque?: number, motorEnabled?: boolean, lowerLimit?: number, upperLimit?: number, limitEnabled?: boolean): box2d.b2RevoluteJoint; // Creates a prismatic joint. prismaticJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, axisX?: number, axisY?: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number, motorSpeed?: number, motorForce?: number, motorEnabled?: boolean, owerLimit?: number, upperLimit?: number, limitEnabled?: boolean, offsetAngle?:number): box2d.b2PrismaticJoint; // Creates a friction joint. frictionJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, maxForce?:number, maxTorque?:number, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number): box2d.b2FrictionJoint; // Creates a weld joint. weldJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number, frequency?:number, damping?:number): box2d.b2WeldJoint; // Creates a motor joint. motorJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, maxForce? :number, maxTorque?:number, correctionFactor?:number, offsetX?:number, offsetY?:number, offsetAngle?: number): box2d.b2MotorJoint; // Creates a wheel joint. wheelJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number, axisX?: number, axisY?: number, frequency?: number, damping?: number, motorSpeed?: number, motorTorque?: number, motorEnabled?: boolean): box2d.b2WheelJoint; // Creates a pulley joint. pulleyJoint(bodyA: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, bodyB: Box2D.Body | Phaser.Sprite, ax?: number, ay?: number, bx?: number, by?: number, gax?: number, gay?: number, gbx?: number, gby?: number, ratio?: number, lengthA?: number, lengthB?: number): box2d.b2PulleyJoint; // Creates a gear joint. gearJoint(joint1: box2d.b2Joint, joint2: box2d.b2Joint, ratio?:number): box2d.b2GearJoint; // Clears all physics bodies from the given TilemapLayer that were created with `World.convertTilemap`. clearTilemapLayerBodies(map: Phaser.Tilemap, layer: number | string | Phaser.TilemapLayer): void; // Goes through all tiles in the given Tilemap and TilemapLayer and converts those set to collide into physics bodies. // Only call this *after* you have specified all of the tiles you wish to collide with calls like Tilemap.setCollisionBetween, etc. // Every time you call this method it will destroy any previously created bodies and remove them from the world. // Therefore understand it's a very expensive operation and not to be done in a core game update loop. convertTilemap(map: Phaser.Tilemap, layer: number | string | Phaser.TilemapLayer, addToWorld?: boolean, optimize?: boolean): Box2D.Body[]; // Casts a ray and finds intersecting fixtures in the world. raycast(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, closestHitOnly?: boolean, filterFunction?: Function): Box2D.RaycastHit[]; // Finds all fixtures with AABBs overlapping the given area. This does NOT mean // that the fixtures themselves are actually overlapping the given area. queryAABB(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): Box2D.AABBHit[]; // Finds all fixtures that overlap the given fixture. queryFixture(fixture: box2d.b2Fixture): Box2D.AABBHit[]; // If the PTM ratio is changed after creating the world, the debug draw scale needs to be updated. setPTMRatio(newRatio: number): void; } module Box2D { class DefaultDebugDraw { constructor(pixelsPerMeter: number); color: box2d.b2Color; // Sets which aspects of the world to render SetFlags(flags: number): void; // Gets which aspects of the world are currently set to be rendered GetFlags(): number; // Sets the canvas context to use in subsequent rendering and applies overall transform. start(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void; // Resets transform state to original stop(): void; // Push transform PushTransform(xf: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Pop transform PopTransform(): box2d.b2Transform; // Draw polygon DrawPolygon(vertices: Array, vertexCount: number, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // Draw solid polygon DrawSolidPolygon(vertices: Array, vertexCount: number, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // Draw circle DrawCircle(center: box2d.b2Vec2, radius: number, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // Draw solid circle DrawSolidCircle(center: box2d.b2Vec2, radius: number, axis: box2d.b2Vec2, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // Draw segment DrawSegment(p1: box2d.b2Vec2, p2: box2d.b2Vec2, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // Draw transform DrawTransform(xf: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Draw point DrawPoint(p: box2d.b2Vec2, size: number, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // Draw AABB DrawAABB(aabb: box2d.b2AABB, color: box2d.b2Color): void; // shapes - Specifies whether the debug draw should render shapes. shapes: boolean; // joints - Specifies whether the debug draw should render joints. joints: boolean; // @property {boolean} aabbs - Specifies whether the debug draw should render fixture AABBs. aabbs: boolean; // @property {boolean} pairs - Specifies whether the debug draw should render contact pairs. pairs: boolean; // @property {boolean} centerOfMass - Specifies whether the debug draw should render the center of mass of bodies. centerOfMass: boolean; } class DefaultContactListener { constructor(); // Called when two fixtures begin to touch. BeginContact(contact: box2d.b2Contact): void; // Called when two fixtures cease touching. EndContact(contact: box2d.b2Contact): void; // Common code for begin and end contacts. handleContactBeginOrEnd(contact: box2d.b2Contact, begin: boolean): void; // This is called after a contact is updated. This allows you to // inspect a contact before it goes to the solver. If you are // careful, you can modify the contact manifold (e.g. disable contact). PreSolve(contact: box2d.b2Contact, oldManifold: box2d.b2Manifold): void; // This lets you inspect a contact after the solver is finished. PostSolve(contact: box2d.b2Contact, impulse: box2d.b2ContactImpulse): void; } class PointProxy { constructor(world: Physics.Box2D, object: any, gettor: Function, settor: Function); x: number; y: number; } class Body { constructor(game: Phaser.Game, sprite: Phaser.Sprite, x?: number, y?: number, density?: number, world?: Physics.Box2D); // @property {Phaser.Game} game - Local reference to game. game: Phaser.Game; // @property {Phaser.Physics.Box2D} world - Local reference to the Box2D World. world: Physics.Box2D; // @property {number} id - a unique id for this body in the world id: number; // @property {Phaser.Sprite} sprite - Reference to the parent Sprite. sprite: Phaser.Sprite; // @property {number} type - The type of physics system this body belongs to. type: number; // @property {Phaser.Point} offset - The offset of the Physics Body from the Sprite x/y position. offset: Phaser.Point; // @property {box2d.b2BodyDef} bodyDef - The Box2D body definition bodyDef: box2d.b2BodyDef; // @property {box2d.b2Body} data - The Box2D body data. data: box2d.b2Body; // @property {Phaser.Physics.Box2D.PointProxy} velocity - The velocity of the body. Set velocity.x to a negative value to move to the left, position to the right. velocity.y negative values move up, positive move down. velocity: Box2D.PointProxy; // @property {boolean} removeNextStep - To avoid deleting this body during a physics step, and causing all kinds of problems, set removeNextStep to true to have it removed in the next preUpdate. removeNextStep: boolean; // Sets a callback to be fired any time a fixture in this Body begins or ends contact with a fixture in the given Body. setBodyContactCallback(object: Phaser.Sprite | Box2D.Body, callback: Function, callbackContext: any): void; // Sets a callback to be fired any time the given fixture begins or ends contact something setFixtureContactCallback(fixture: box2d.b2Fixture, callback: Function, callbackContext: any): void; // Sets a callback to be fired any time a fixture in this body begins contact with a fixture in another body that matches given category set. setCategoryContactCallback(category: number, callback: Function, callbackContext: any) : void; // Sets a callback to be fired when PreSolve is done for contacts between a fixture in this body and a fixture in the given Body. setBodyPresolveCallback(object: Phaser.Sprite | Box2D.Body, callback: Function, callbackContext: any): void; // Sets a callback to be fired when PreSolve is done for contacts between a fixture in this body the given fixture. setFixturePresolveCallback(fixture: box2d.b2Fixture, callback: Function, callbackContext:any) : void; // Sets a callback to be fired when PreSolve is done for contacts between a fixture in this body and a fixture in another body that matches given category set. setCategoryPresolveCallback(category: number, callback: Function, callbackContext: any) : void; // Sets a callback to be fired when PostSolve is done for contacts between a fixture in this body and a fixture in the given Body. setBodyPostsolveCallback(object: Phaser.Sprite | Box2D.Body, callback: Function, callbackContext:any) : void; // Sets a callback to be fired when PostSolve is done for contacts between a fixture in this body the given fixture. setFixturePostsolveCallback(fixture: box2d.b2Fixture, callback: Function, callbackContext: any): void; // Sets a callback to be fired when PostSolve is done for contacts between a fixture in this body and a fixture in another body that matches given category set. setCategoryPostsolveCallback(category: number, callback:Function, callbackContext:any): void; // Sets the given collision category for all fixtures in this Body, unless a specific fixture is given. setCollisionCategory(category: number, fixture?: box2d.b2Fixture): void; // Sets the given collision mask for all fixtures in this Body, unless a specific fixture is given. setCollisionMask(mask: number, fixture?: box2d.b2Fixture): void; // Apply force at the center of mass. This will not cause any rotation. applyForce(x: number, y: number): void; // If this Body is dynamic then this will zero its angular velocity. setZeroRotation(): void; // If this Body is dynamic then this will zero its velocity on both axis. setZeroVelocity(): void; // Sets the linear damping and angular damping to zero. setZeroDamping(): void; // Transform a world point to local body frame. toLocalPoint(out: box2d.b2Vec2, worldPoint: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Transform a local point to world frame. toWorldPoint(out: box2d.b2Vec2, localPoint: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Transform a world vector to local body frame. toLocalVector(out: box2d.b2Vec2, worldVector: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Transform a local vector to world frame. toWorldVector(out: box2d.b2Vec2, localVector: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // This will rotate the Body by the given speed to the left (counter-clockwise). rotateLeft(speed: number): void; // This will rotate the Body by the given speed to the left (clockwise). rotateRight(speed: number): void; // Moves the Body forwards based on its current angle and the given speed. // The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second. moveForward(speed: number): void; // Moves the Body backwards based on its current angle and the given speed. // The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second. moveBackward(speed: number): void; // Applies a force to the Body that causes it to 'thrust' forwards, based on its current angle and the given speed. thrust(power: number): void; // Applies a force to the Body that causes it to 'thrust' backwards (in reverse), based on its current angle and the given speed. reverse(power: number): void; // If this Body is dynamic then this will move it to the left by setting its x velocity to the given speed. // The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second. moveLeft(speed: number): void; // If this Body is dynamic then this will move it to the right by setting its x velocity to the given speed. // The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second. moveRight(speed: number): void; // If this Body is dynamic then this will move it up by setting its y velocity to the given speed. // The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second. moveUp(speed: number): void; // If this Body is dynamic then this will move it down by setting its y velocity to the given speed. // The speed is represented in pixels per second. So a value of 100 would move 100 pixels in 1 second. moveDown(speed: number): void; // Internal method. This is called directly before the sprites are sent to the renderer and after the update function has finished. // preUpdate(): void; // Internal method. This is called directly before the sprites are sent to the renderer and after the update function has finished. // postUpdate(): void; // Sets this body as inactive. It will not participate in collisions or // any other aspect of the physics simulation. Intended for use by Phaser.Sprite.kill() kill(): void; // Restores the active status of this body. reset(x: number, y: number): void; // Removes this physics body from the world. removeFromWorld(): void; // Destroys this Body and all references it holds to other objects. destroy(): void; // Removes all fixtures from this Body. clearFixtures(): void; // Adds a Circle fixture to this Body. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation. // It will use the World friction, restitution and density by default. addCircle(radius:number, offsetX ?:number, offsetY ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Adds a Rectangle fixture to this Body. You can control the offset from the center of the body and the rotation. // It will use the World friction, restitution and density by default. addRectangle(width ?:number, height ?:number, offsetX ?:number, offsetY ?:number, rotation ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Creates a new Edge Shape and adds it to this Body. // It will use the World friction, restitution and density by default. addEdge(x1 ?:number, y1 ?:number, x2 ?:number, y2 ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Creates a new chain shape and adds it to this Body. // It will use the World friction, restitution and density by default. addChain(vertices: number[], firstIndex ?:number, count ?:number, loop ?:boolean): box2d.b2Fixture; // Creates a new loop shape and adds it to this Body. addLoop(vertices: number[], firstIndex ?:number, count ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Creates a new polygon shape and adds it to this Body. addPolygon(vertices: number[], firstIndex ?: number, count ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Remove a shape from the body. Will automatically update the mass properties and bounding radius. removeFixture(fixture: box2d.b2Fixture): boolean; // Clears any previously set fixtures. Then creates a new Circle shape and adds it to this Body. setCircle(radius ?:number, offsetX ?:number, offsetY ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Clears any previously set fixtures. The creates a new Rectangle fixture at the given size and offset, and adds it to this Body. // If you wish to create a Rectangle to match the size of a Sprite or Image see Body.setRectangleFromSprite. setRectangle(width ?:number, height ?:number, offsetX ?:number, offsetY ?:number, rotation ?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Clears any previously set fixtures. // Then creates a Rectangle shape sized to match the dimensions and orientation of the Sprite given. // If no Sprite is given it defaults to using the parent of this Body. setRectangleFromSprite(sprite: Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image): box2d.b2Fixture; // Clears any previously set fixtures. Then creates a new edge shape and adds it to this Body. setEdge(x1 ?:number, y1 ?:number, x2 ?:number, y2?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Clears any previously set fixtures. Then creates a new chain shape and adds it to this Body. setChain(vertices: number[], firstIndex?:number, count?:number, loop?:boolean): box2d.b2Fixture; // An alias for setChain. setLoop(vertices: number[], firstIndex?:number, count?:number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Clears any previously set fixtures. Then creates a new polygon shape and adds it to this Body. setPolygon(vertices: number[], firstIndex?: number, count?: number): box2d.b2Fixture; // Reads the shape data from a physics data file stored in the Game.Cache and adds it as a polygon to this Body. loadPolygon(key: string, object: string, sprite: Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image):boolean; // Checks if the given point (pixel coords) is contained by any of the fixtures on this body. // Not efficient for checking a large number of bodies to find which is under the mouse. (Use // Phaser.Physics.Box2D.getBodiesAtPoint for that.) containsPoint(point: Phaser.Point): boolean; // @property {boolean} static - Returns true if the Body is static. Setting Body.static to 'false' will make it dynamic. static: boolean; // @property {boolean} dynamic - Returns true if the Body is dynamic. Setting Body.dynamic to 'false' will make it static. dynamic: boolean; // @property {boolean} kinematic - Returns true if the Body is kinematic. Setting Body.kinematic to 'false' will make it static. kinematic: boolean; // @property {number} angle - The angle of this Body in degrees. angle: number; // @property {number} linearDamping - The linear damping acting acting on the body. linearDamping: number; // @property {number} angularDamping - The angular damping acting acting on the body. angularDamping: number; // @property {number} angularVelocity - The angular velocity of the body. angularVelocity: number; // @property {boolean} fixedRotation - If true, the body will not rotate. fixedRotation: boolean; // @property {number} gravityScale - Set to zero to completely ignore gravity, or negative values to reverse gravity for this body. gravityScale: number; // @property {number} friction - When setting, all fixtures on the body will be set to the given friction. When getting, the friction of the first fixture will be returned, or zero if no fixtures are present. friction: number; // @property {number} restitution - When setting, all fixtures on the body will be set to the given restitution. When getting, the restitution of the first fixture will be returned, or zero if no fixtures are present. restitution: number; // @property {boolean} sensor - When setting, all fixtures on the body will be set to the given sensor status. When getting, the sensor status of the first fixture will be returned, or false if no fixtures are present. sensor: boolean; // @property {boolean} bullet - Set to true to give the body 'bullet' status, and use continous collision detection when moving it. bullet: boolean; // @property {number} mass - the new mass for the body. Setting this to zero will cause the body to become a static body. mass: number; // @property {number} rotation - The angle of this Body in radians. rotation: number; // @property {number} x - The x coordinate of this Body. x: number; // @property {number} y - The y coordinate of this Body. y: number; // @property {boolean} collideWorldBounds - Should the Body collide with the World bounds? collideWorldBounds: boolean; } class WallsObject { left: any; right: any; top: any; bottom: any; } class AABBHit { body: Box2D.Body; fixture: box2d.b2Fixture; } class RaycastHit extends AABBHit { point: Phaser.Point; normal: Phaser.Point; } } } }