declare class box2d { static DEBUG: boolean; static ENABLE_ASSERTS: boolean; static b2Assert(condition: boolean, opt_message?: string, ...var_args: any[]): void; static b2_maxFloat: number; static b2_epsilon: number; static b2_epsilon_sq: number; static b2_pi: number; // The maximum number of contact points between two convex // shapes. Do not change this value. static b2_maxManifoldPoints: number; // The maximum number of vertices on a convex polygon. You // cannot increase this too much because b2BlockAllocator has a // maximum object size. static b2_maxPolygonVertices: number; // This is used to fatten AABBs in the dynamic tree. This allows // proxies to move by a small amount without triggering a tree // adjustment. // This is in meters. static b2_aabbExtension: number; // This is used to fatten AABBs in the dynamic tree. This is // used to predict the future position based on the current // displacement. // This is a dimensionless multiplier. static b2_aabbMultiplier: number; // A small length used as a collision and constraint tolerance. // Usually it is chosen to be numerically significant, but // visually insignificant. static b2_linearSlop: number; // A small angle used as a collision and constraint tolerance. // Usually it is chosen to be numerically significant, but // visually insignificant. static b2_angularSlop: number; // The radius of the polygon/edge shape skin. This should not be // modified. Making this smaller means polygons will have an // insufficient buffer for continuous collision. // Making it larger may create artifacts for vertex collision. static b2_polygonRadius: number; // Maximum number of sub-steps per contact in continuous physics // simulation. static b2_maxSubSteps: number; // Maximum number of contacts to be handled to solve a TOI // impact. static b2_maxTOIContacts: number; // A velocity threshold for elastic collisions. Any collision // with a relative linear velocity below this threshold will be // treated as inelastic. static b2_velocityThreshold: number; // The maximum linear position correction used when solving // constraints. This helps to prevent overshoot. static b2_maxLinearCorrection: number; // The maximum angular position correction used when solving // constraints. This helps to prevent overshoot. static b2_maxAngularCorrection: number; // The maximum linear velocity of a body. This limit is very // large and is used to prevent numerical problems. You // shouldn't need to adjust this. static b2_maxTranslation: number; static b2_maxTranslationSquared: number; // The maximum angular velocity of a body. This limit is very // large and is used to prevent numerical problems. You // shouldn't need to adjust this. static b2_maxRotation: number; static b2_maxRotationSquared: number; // This scale factor controls how fast overlap is resolved. // Ideally this would be 1 so that overlap is removed in one // time step. However using values close to 1 often lead to // overshoot. static b2_baumgarte: number; static b2_toiBaumgarte: number; // The time that a body must be still before it will go to // sleep. static b2_timeToSleep: number; // A body cannot sleep if its linear velocity is above this // tolerance. static b2_linearSleepTolerance: number; // A body cannot sleep if its angular velocity is above this // tolerance. static b2_angularSleepTolerance: number; // Implement this function to use your own memory allocator. static b2Alloc(size: number): any; // If you implement b2Alloc, you should also implement this // function. static b2Free(mem: any): void; // Logging function. // You can modify this to use your logging facility. static b2Log(...var_args: any[]): void; // Current version. static b2_version: box2d.b2Version; static b2_changelist: number; static b2ParseInt(v: string): number; static b2ParseUInt(v: string): number; static b2MakeArray(length?: number, init?: (length: number) => any): Array; static b2MakeNumberArray(length?: number): Array; static b2_pi_over_180: number; static b2_180_over_pi: number; static b2_two_pi: number; static b2Abs(n: number): number; static b2Min(a: number, b: number): number; static b2Max(a: number, b: number): number; static b2Clamp(a: number, lo: number, hi: number): number; static b2Swap(a: Array, b: Array): void; // This function is used to ensure that a floating point number // is not a NaN or infinity. static b2IsValid(n: number): boolean; static b2Sq(n: number): number; // This is a approximate yet fast inverse square-root. static b2InvSqrt(n: number): number; static b2Sqrt(n: number): number; static b2Pow(x: number, y: number): number; static b2DegToRad(degrees: number): number; static b2RadToDeg(radians: number): number; static b2Cos(radians: number): number; static b2Sin(radians: number): number; static b2Acos(n: number): number; static b2Asin(n: number): number; static b2Atan2(y: number, x: number): number; // Next Largest Power of 2 // Given a binary integer value x, the next largest power of 2 // can be computed by a SWAR algorithm that recursively "folds" // the upper bits into the lower bits. This process yields a bit // vector with the same most significant 1 as x, but all 1's // below it. Adding 1 to that value yields the next largest // power of 2. For a 32-bit value: static b2NextPowerOfTwo(x: number): number; static b2IsPowerOfTwo(x: number): boolean; static b2Random(): number; static b2RandomRange(lo: number, hi: number): number; static b2Vec2_zero: box2d.b2Vec2; static b2AbsV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2MinV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2MaxV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2ClampV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, lo: box2d.b2Vec2, hi: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2RotateV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, c: number, s: number, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2RotateRadiansV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, radians: number, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2RotateDegreesV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, degrees: number, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Perform the dot product on two vectors. // a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y static b2DotVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2): number; // Perform the cross product on two vectors. In 2D this produces a scalar. // a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x static b2CrossVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2): number; // Perform the cross product on a vector and a scalar. In 2D // this produces a vector. static b2CrossVS(v: box2d.b2Vec2, s: number, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // box2d.b2CrossVS(v, 1.0, out) static b2CrossVOne(v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Perform the cross product on a scalar and a vector. In 2D // this produces a vector. static b2CrossSV(s: number, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // box2d.b2CrossSV(1.0, v, out) static b2CrossOneV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Add two vectors component-wise. static b2AddVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Subtract two vectors component-wise. static b2SubVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2MulSV(s: number, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // out = a + (s * b) static b2AddVMulSV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, s: number, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // out = a - (s * b) static b2SubVMulSV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, s: number, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // out = a + b2CrossSV(s, v) static b2AddVCrossSV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, s: number, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Get the center of two vectors. static b2MidVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Get the extent of two vectors (half-widths). static b2ExtVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2IsEqualToV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2): boolean; static b2DistanceVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2): number; static b2DistanceSquaredVV(a: box2d.b2Vec2, b: box2d.b2Vec2): number; static b2NegV(v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Perform the dot product on two vectors. static b2DotV3V3(a: box2d.b2Vec3, b: box2d.b2Vec3): number; // Perform the cross product on two vectors. static b2CrossV3V3(a: box2d.b2Vec3, b: box2d.b2Vec3, out: box2d.b2Vec3): box2d.b2Vec3; static b2AbsM(M: box2d.b2Mat22, out: box2d.b2Mat22): box2d.b2Mat22; // Multiply a matrix times a vector. If a rotation matrix is // provided, then this transforms the vector from one frame to // another. static b2MulMV(M: box2d.b2Mat22, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Multiply a matrix transpose times a vector. If a rotation // matrix is provided, then this transforms the vector from one // frame to another (inverse transform). static b2MulTMV(M: box2d.b2Mat22, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2AddMM(A: box2d.b2Mat22, B: box2d.b2Mat22, out: box2d.b2Mat22): box2d.b2Mat22; static b2MulMM(A: box2d.b2Mat22, B: box2d.b2Mat22, out: box2d.b2Mat22): box2d.b2Mat22; static b2MulTMM(A: box2d.b2Mat22, B: box2d.b2Mat22, out: box2d.b2Mat22): box2d.b2Mat22; // Multiply a matrix times a vector. static b2MulM33V3(A: box2d.b2Mat33, v: box2d.b2Vec3, out: box2d.b2Vec3): box2d.b2Vec3; static b2MulM33XYZ(A: box2d.b2Mat33, x: number, y: number, z: number, out: box2d.b2Vec3): box2d.b2Vec3; static b2MulM33V2(A: box2d.b2Mat33, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2MulM33XY(A: box2d.b2Mat33, x: number, y: number, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Multiply two rotations: q * r static b2MulRR(q: box2d.b2Rot, r: box2d.b2Rot, out: box2d.b2Rot): box2d.b2Rot; // Transpose multiply two rotations: qT * r static b2MulTRR(q: box2d.b2Rot, r: box2d.b2Rot, out: box2d.b2Rot): box2d.b2Rot; // Rotate a vector static b2MulRV(q: box2d.b2Rot, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // Inverse rotate a vector static b2MulTRV(q: box2d.b2Rot, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2MulXV(T: box2d.b2Transform, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; static b2MulTXV(T: box2d.b2Transform, v: box2d.b2Vec2, out: box2d.b2Vec2): box2d.b2Vec2; // v2 = A.q.Rot(B.q.Rot(v1) + B.p) + A.p // = (A.q * B.q).Rot(v1) + A.q.Rot(B.p) + A.p static b2MulXX(A: box2d.b2Transform, B: box2d.b2Transform, out: box2d.b2Transform): box2d.b2Transform; // v2 = A.q' * (B.q * v1 + B.p - A.p) // = A.q' * B.q * v1 + A.q' * (B.p - A.p) static b2MulTXX(A: box2d.b2Transform, B: box2d.b2Transform, out: box2d.b2Transform): box2d.b2Transform; static b2_gjkCalls: number; static b2_gjkIters: number; static b2_gjkMaxIters: number; // Compute the closest points between two shapes. Supports any combination of: // box2d.b2CircleShape, box2d.b2PolygonShape, box2d.b2EdgeShape. The simplex cache is input/output. // On the first call set box2d.b2SimplexCache.count to zero. static b2Distance(output: box2d.b2DistanceOutput, cache: box2d.b2SimplexCache, input: box2d.b2DistanceInput): void; // Compute the point states given two manifolds. The states // pertain to the transition from manifold1 to manifold2. So // state1 is either persist or remove while state2 is either add // or persist. static b2GetPointStates(state1: Array, state2: Array, manifold1: box2d.b2Manifold, manifold2: box2d.b2Manifold): void; static b2TestOverlapAABB(a: box2d.b2AABB, b: box2d.b2AABB): boolean; // Clipping for contact manifolds. // Sutherland-Hodgman clipping. static b2ClipSegmentToLine(vOut: Array, vIn: Array, normal: box2d.b2Vec2, offset: number, vertexIndexA: number): number; static b2TestOverlapShape(shapeA: box2d.b2Shape, shapeB: box2d.b2Shape, xfA: box2d.b2Transform, xfB: box2d.b2Transform): boolean; static b2_toiTime: number; static b2_toiMaxTime: number; static b2_toiCalls: number; static b2_toiIters: number; static b2_toiMaxIters: number; static b2_toiRootIters: number; static b2_toiMaxRootIters: number; // Compute the upper bound on time before two shapes penetrate. // Time is represented as a fraction between [0,tMax]. This uses // a swept separating axis and may miss some intermediate, // non-tunneling collision. If you change the time interval, you // should call this function again. // Note: use box2d.b2Distance to compute the contact point and // normal at the time of impact. static b2TimeOfImpact(output: box2d.b2TOIOutput, input: box2d.b2TOIInput): void; // Friction mixing law. The idea is to allow either fixture to // drive the restitution to zero. For example, anything slides // on ice. static b2MixFriction(friction1: number, friction2: number): number; // Restitution mixing law. The idea is allow for anything to // bounce off an inelastic surface. For example, a superball // bounces on anything. static b2MixRestitution(restitution1: number, restitution2: number): number; // Compute the collision manifold between an edge and a circle. // Compute contact points for edge versus circle. // This accounts for edge connectivity. static b2CollideEdgeAndCircle(manifold: box2d.b2Manifold, edgeA: box2d.b2EdgeShape, xfA: box2d.b2Transform, circleB: box2d.b2CircleShape, xfB: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Compute the collision manifold between an edge and a polygon. static b2CollideEdgeAndPolygon(manifold: box2d.b2Manifold, edgeA: box2d.b2EdgeShape, xfA: box2d.b2Transform, polygonB: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xfB: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Find the max separation between poly1 and poly2 using edge // normals from poly1. static b2FindMaxSeparation(edgeIndex: Array, poly1: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xf1: box2d.b2Transform, poly2: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xf2: box2d.b2Transform): number; static b2FindIncidentEdge(c: Array, poly1: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xf1: box2d.b2Transform, edge1: number, poly2: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xf2: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Find edge normal of max separation on A - return if separating axis is found // Find edge normal of max separation on B - return if separation axis is found // Choose reference edge as min(minA, minB) // Find incident edge // Clip // The normal points from 1 to 2 static b2CollidePolygons(manifold: box2d.b2Manifold, polyA: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xfA: box2d.b2Transform, polyB: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xfB: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Compute the collision manifold between two circles. static b2CollideCircles(manifold: box2d.b2Manifold, circleA: box2d.b2CircleShape, xfA: box2d.b2Transform, circleB: box2d.b2CircleShape, xfB: box2d.b2Transform): void; // Compute the collision manifold between a polygon and a // circle. static b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(manifold: box2d.b2Manifold, polygonA: box2d.b2PolygonShape, xfA: box2d.b2Transform, circleB: box2d.b2CircleShape, xfB: box2d.b2Transform): void; // This is used to sort pairs. static b2PairLessThan(pair1: box2d.b2Pair, pair2: box2d.b2Pair): number; static b2_minPulleyLength: number; } declare module box2d { enum b2JointType { e_unknownJoint = 0, e_revoluteJoint = 1, e_prismaticJoint = 2, e_distanceJoint = 3, e_pulleyJoint = 4, e_mouseJoint = 5, e_gearJoint = 6, e_wheelJoint = 7, e_weldJoint = 8, e_frictionJoint = 9, e_ropeJoint = 10, e_motorJoint = 11, e_areaJoint = 12 } enum b2LimitState { e_inactiveLimit = 0, e_atLowerLimit = 1, e_atUpperLimit = 2, e_equalLimits = 3 } enum b2ContactFeatureType { e_vertex = 0, e_face = 1 } enum b2ManifoldType { e_unknown = -1, e_circles = 0, e_faceA = 1, e_faceB = 2 } // This is used for determining the state of contact points. enum b2PointState { b2_nullState = 0, ///< point does not exist b2_addState = 1, ///< point was added in the update b2_persistState = 2, ///< point persisted across the update b2_removeState = 3 ///< point was removed in the update } enum b2TOIOutputState { e_unknown = 0, e_failed = 1, e_overlapped = 2, e_touching = 3, e_separated = 4 } enum b2SeparationFunctionType { e_unknown = -1, e_points = 0, e_faceA = 1, e_faceB = 2 } // Flags stored in m_flags enum b2ContactFlag { e_none = 0, e_islandFlag = 0x0001, /// Used when crawling contact graph when forming islands. e_touchingFlag = 0x0002, /// Set when the shapes are touching. e_enabledFlag = 0x0004, /// This contact can be disabled (by user) e_filterFlag = 0x0008, /// This contact needs filtering because a fixture filter was changed. e_bulletHitFlag = 0x0010, /// This bullet contact had a TOI event e_toiFlag = 0x0020 /// This contact has a valid TOI in m_toi } enum b2ShapeType { e_unknown = -1, e_circleShape = 0, e_edgeShape = 1, e_polygonShape = 2, e_chainShape = 3, e_shapeTypeCount = 4 } enum b2EPAxisType { e_unknown = 0, e_edgeA = 1, e_edgeB = 2 } enum b2EPColliderVertexType { e_isolated = 0, e_concave = 1, e_convex = 2 } enum b2DrawFlags { e_none = 0, e_shapeBit = 0x0001, ///< draw shapes e_jointBit = 0x0002, ///< draw joint connections e_aabbBit = 0x0004, ///< draw axis aligned bounding boxes e_pairBit = 0x0008, ///< draw broad-phase pairs e_centerOfMassBit = 0x0010, ///< draw center of mass frame e_controllerBit = 0x0020, /// @see box2d.b2Controller list e_all = 0x003f } // The body type. // enum= zero mass, zero velocity, may be manually moved // kinematic= zero mass, non-zero velocity set by user, moved by solver // dynamic= positive mass, non-zero velocity determined by forces, moved by solver enum b2BodyType { b2_unknown = -1, b2_staticBody = 0, b2_kinematicBody = 1, b2_dynamicBody = 2, b2_bulletBody = 3 // TODO_ERIN } enum b2BodyFlag { e_none = 0, e_islandFlag = 0x0001, e_awakeFlag = 0x0002, e_autoSleepFlag = 0x0004, e_bulletFlag = 0x0008, e_fixedRotationFlag = 0x0010, e_activeFlag = 0x0020, e_toiFlag = 0x0040 } enum b2WorldFlag { e_none = 0, e_newFixture = 0x1, e_locked = 0x2, e_clearForces = 0x4 } class b2Version { // Version numberinf scheme See // constructor(major?: number, minor?: number, revision?: number); major: number; minor: number; revision: number; toString(): string; } class b2Vec2 { // A 2D column vector. constructor(x?: number, y?: number); x: number; y: number; static ZERO: b2Vec2; static UNITX: b2Vec2; static UNITY: b2Vec2; static s_t0: b2Vec2; static s_t1: b2Vec2; static s_t2: b2Vec2; static s_t3: b2Vec2; static MakeArray(length?: number): Array; Clone(): b2Vec2; // Set this vector to all zeros. SetZero(): b2Vec2; // Set this vector to some specified coordinates. SetXY(x: number, y: number): b2Vec2; Copy(other: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Add a vector to this vector. SelfAdd(v: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SelfAddXY(x: number, y: number): b2Vec2; // Subtract a vector from this vector. SelfSub(v: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SelfSubXY(x: number, y: number): b2Vec2; // Multiply this vector by a scalar. SelfMul(s: number): b2Vec2; // this += s * v SelfMulAdd(s: number, v: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // this -= s * v SelfMulSub(s: number, v: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; Dot(v: b2Vec2): number; Cross(v: b2Vec2): number; // Get the length of this vector (the norm). Length(): number; GetLength(): number; // Get the length squared. For performance, use this instead of // b2Vec2::Length (if possible). LengthSquared(): number; GetLengthSquared(): number; // Convert this vector into a unit vector. Returns the length. Normalize(): number; SelfNormalize(): b2Vec2; SelfRotate(c: number, s: number): b2Vec2; SelfRotateRadians(radians: number): b2Vec2; SelfRotateDegrees(degrees: number): b2Vec2; // Does this vector contain finite coordinates? IsValid(): boolean; SelfCrossVS(s: number): b2Vec2; SelfCrossSV(s: number): b2Vec2; SelfMinV(v: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SelfMaxV(v: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SelfAbs(): b2Vec2; SelfNeg(): b2Vec2; // Get the skew vector such that dot(skew_vec, other) === // cross(vec, other) SelfSkew(): b2Vec2; } class b2Vec3 { constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number); x: number; y: number; z: number; static ZERO: b2Vec3; static s_t0: b2Vec3; Clone(): b2Vec3; SetZero(): b2Vec3; SetXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): b2Vec3; Copy(other: b2Vec3): b2Vec3; SelfNeg(): b2Vec3; SelfAdd(v: b2Vec3): b2Vec3; SelfAddXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): b2Vec3; SelfSub(v: b2Vec3): b2Vec3; SelfSubXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): b2Vec3; SelfMul(s: number): b2Vec3; } class b2Mat22 { // A 2-by-2 matrix. Stored in column-major order. constructor(); ex: b2Vec2; ey: b2Vec2; static IDENTITY: b2Mat22; Clone(): b2Mat22; // Construct this matrix using columns. static FromVV(c1: b2Vec2, c2: b2Vec2): b2Mat22; // Construct this matrix using scalars. static FromSSSS(r1c1: number, r1c2: number, r2c1: number, r2c2: number): b2Mat22; // Construct this matrix using an angle. This matrix becomes an // orthonormal rotation matrix. static FromAngleRadians(radians: number): b2Mat22; // Initialize this matrix using scalars. SetSSSS(r1c1: number, r1c2: number, r2c1: number, r2c2: number): b2Mat22; // Initialize this matrix using columns. SetVV(c1: b2Vec2, c2: b2Vec2): b2Mat22; // Initialize this matrix using an angle. This matrix becomes an // orthonormal rotation matrix. SetAngle(radians: number): b2Mat22; Copy(other: b2Mat22): b2Mat22; // Set this to the identity matrix. SetIdentity(): b2Mat22; // Set this matrix to all zeros. SetZero(): b2Mat22; // Extract the angle from this matrix (assumed to be a rotation // matrix). GetAngle(): number; GetInverse(out: b2Mat22): b2Mat22; // Solve A * x = b, where b is a column vector. This is more // efficient than computing the inverse in one-shot cases. Solve(b_x: number, b_y: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SelfAbs(): b2Mat22; SelfInv(): b2Mat22; SelfAddM(M: b2Mat22): b2Mat22; SelfSubM(M: b2Mat22): b2Mat22; } class b2Mat33 { // A 3-by-3 matrix. Stored in column-major order. constructor(); ex: b2Vec3; ey: b2Vec3; ez: b2Vec3; static IDENTITY: b2Mat33; Clone(): b2Mat33; SetVVV(c1: b2Vec3, c2: b2Vec3, c3: b2Vec3): b2Mat33; Copy(other: b2Mat33): b2Mat33; SetIdentity(): b2Mat33; // Set this matrix to all zeros. SetZero(): b2Mat33; SelfAddM(M: b2Mat33): b2Mat33; // Solve A * x = b, where b is a column vector. This is more // efficient than computing the inverse in one-shot cases. Solve33(b_x: number, b_y: number, b_z: number, out: b2Vec3): b2Vec3; // Solve A * x = b, where b is a column vector. This is more // efficient than computing the inverse in one-shot cases. Solve // only the upper 2-by-2 matrix equation. Solve22(b_x: number, b_y: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the inverse of this matrix as a 2-by-2. // Returns the zero matrix if singular. GetInverse22(M: b2Mat33): void; // Get the symmetric inverse of this matrix as a 3-by-3. // Returns the zero matrix if singular. GetSymInverse33(M: b2Mat33): void; } class b2Rot { // Rotation // Initialize from an angle in radians constructor(angle?: number); angle: number; s: number; c: number; static IDENTITY: b2Rot; Clone(): b2Rot; Copy(other: b2Rot): b2Rot; // Set using an angle in radians. SetAngle(angle: number): b2Rot; // Set to the identity rotation SetIdentity(): b2Rot; // Get the angle in radians GetAngle(): number; // Get the x-axis GetXAxis(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the y-axis GetYAxis(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; } class b2Transform { // A transform contains translation and rotation. It is used to // represent the position and orientation of rigid frames. constructor(); p: b2Vec2; q: b2Rot; static IDENTITY: b2Transform; Clone(): b2Transform; Copy(other: b2Transform): b2Transform; // Set this to the identity transform. SetIdentity(): b2Transform; // Set this based on the position and angle. SetPositionRotation(position: b2Vec2, q: b2Rot): b2Transform; SetPositionAngleRadians(pos: b2Vec2, a: number): b2Transform; SetPosition(position: b2Vec2): b2Transform; SetPositionXY(x: number, y: number): b2Transform; SetRotation(rotation: b2Rot): b2Transform; SetRotationAngleRadians(radians: number): b2Transform; GetPosition(): b2Vec2; GetRotation(): b2Rot; GetRotationAngle(): number; GetAngle(): number; } class b2Sweep { // This describes the motion of a body/shape for TOI computation. // Shapes are defined with respect to the body origin, which may // no coincide with the center of mass. However, to support dynamics // we must interpolate the center of mass position. constructor(); localCenter: b2Vec2; c0: b2Vec2; c: b2Vec2; a0: number; a: number; // Fraction of the current time step in the range [0,1] // c0 and a0 are the positions at alpha0. alpha0: number; Clone(): b2Sweep; Copy(other: b2Sweep): b2Sweep; // Get the interpolated transform at a specific time. GetTransform(xf: b2Transform, beta: number): b2Transform; // Advance the sweep forward, yielding a new initial state. Advance(alpha: number): void; // Normalize an angle in radians to be between -pi and pi // (actually 0 and 2*pi) Normalize(): void; } class b2ControllerEdge { // A controller edge is used to connect bodies and controllers // together in a bipartite graph. constructor(); controller: b2Controller; body: b2Body; prevBody: b2ControllerEdge; nextBody: b2ControllerEdge; prevController: b2ControllerEdge; nextController: b2ControllerEdge; } class b2Controller { // Base class for controllers. Controllers are a convience for // encapsulating common per-step functionality. constructor(); m_world: b2World; m_bodyList: b2ControllerEdge; m_bodyCount: number; m_prev: b2Controller; m_next: b2Controller; // Controllers override this to implement per-step // functionality. Step(step: b2TimeStep): void; // Controllers override this to provide debug drawing. Draw(debugDraw: b2Draw): void; // Get the next controller in the world's body list. GetNext(): b2Controller; // Get the previous controller in the world's body list. GetPrev(): b2Controller; // Get the parent world of this body. GetWorld(): b2World; // Get the attached body list GetBodyList(): b2ControllerEdge; // Adds a body to the controller list. AddBody(body: b2Body): void; // Removes a body from the controller list. RemoveBody(body: b2Body): void; // Removes all bodies from the controller list. Clear(): void; } class b2ConstantAccelController extends b2Controller { // Applies a force every frame constructor(); // The acceleration to apply A: b2Vec2; Step(step: b2TimeStep): void; // The force to apply F: b2Vec2; } class b2Jacobian { constructor(); linear: b2Vec2; angularA: number; angularB: number; SetZero(): b2Jacobian; Set(x: b2Vec2, a1: number, a2: number): b2Jacobian; } class b2JointEdge { // A joint edge is used to connect bodies and joints together in // a joint graph where each body is a node and each joint is an // edge. A joint edge belongs to a doubly linked list maintained // in each attached body. Each joint has two joint nodes, one // for each attached body. constructor(); other: b2Body; joint: b2Joint; prev: b2JointEdge; next: b2JointEdge; } class b2JointDef { // Joint definitions are used to construct joints. constructor(type: b2JointType); // The joint type is set automatically for concrete joint types. type: b2JointType; // Use this to attach application specific data to your joints. userData: any; // The first attached body. bodyA: b2Body; // The second attached body. bodyB: b2Body; // Set this flag to true if the attached bodies should collide. collideConnected: boolean; } class b2Joint { // The base joint class. Joints are used to constraint two // bodies together in various fashions. Some joints also feature // limits and motors. constructor(); m_type: b2JointType; m_prev: b2Joint; m_next: b2Joint; m_edgeA: b2JointEdge; m_edgeB: b2JointEdge; m_bodyA: b2Body; m_bodyB: b2Body; m_index: number; m_islandFlag: boolean; m_collideConnected: boolean; m_userData: any; // Get the anchor point on bodyA in world coordinates. GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the anchor point on bodyB in world coordinates. GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction force on bodyB at the joint anchor in // Newtons. GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction torque on bodyB in N*m. GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; // This returns true if the position errors are within // tolerance. SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; // Get the type of the concrete joint. GetType(): b2JointType; // Get the first body attached to this joint. GetBodyA(): b2Body; // Get the second body attached to this joint. GetBodyB(): b2Body; // Get the next joint the world joint list. GetNext(): b2Joint; // Get the user data pointer. GetUserData(): any; // Set the user data pointer. SetUserData(data: any): void; // Get collide connected. // Note: modifying the collide connect flag won't work correctly // because the flag is only checked when fixture AABBs begin to // overlap. GetCollideConnected(): boolean; // Dump this joint to the log file. Dump(): void; // Short-cut function to determine if either body is inactive. IsActive(): boolean; // Shift the origin for any points stored in world coordinates. ShiftOrigin(newOrigin: b2Vec2): void; } class b2RevoluteJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Revolute joint definition. This requires defining an anchor // point where the bodies are joined. The definition uses local // anchor points so that the initial configuration can violate // the constraint slightly. You also need to specify the initial // relative angle for joint limits. This helps when saving and // loading a game. // The local anchor points are measured from the body's origin // rather than the center of mass because: // 1. you might not know where the center of mass will be. // 2. if you add/remove shapes from a body and recompute the // mass, the joints will be broken. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state // (radians). referenceAngle: number; // A flag to enable joint limits. enableLimit: boolean; // The lower angle for the joint limit (radians). lowerAngle: number; // The upper angle for the joint limit (radians). upperAngle: number; // A flag to enable the joint motor. enableMotor: boolean; // The desired motor speed. Usually in radians per second. motorSpeed: number; // The maximum motor torque used to achieve the desired motor // speed. // Usually in N-m. maxMotorTorque: number; Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body, anchor: b2Vec2): void; } class b2RevoluteJoint extends b2Joint { // A revolute joint constrains two bodies to share a common // point while they are free to rotate about the point. The // relative rotation about the shared point is the joint angle. // You can limit the relative rotation with a joint limit that // specifies a lower and upper angle. You can use a motor to // drive the relative rotation about the shared point. A maximum // motor torque is provided so that infinite forces are not // generated. constructor(def: b2RevoluteJointDef); m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_impulse: b2Vec3; m_motorImpulse: number; m_enableMotor: boolean; m_maxMotorTorque: number; m_motorSpeed: number; m_enableLimit: boolean; m_referenceAngle: number; m_lowerAngle: number; m_upperAngle: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_mass: b2Mat33; m_motorMass: number; m_limitState: b2LimitState; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_K: b2Mat22; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction force given the inverse time step. // Unit is N. GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction torque due to the joint limit given the // inverse time step. // Unit is N*m. GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out?: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reference angle. GetReferenceAngle(): number; GetJointAngleRadians(): number; GetJointSpeed(): number; IsMotorEnabled(): boolean; EnableMotor(flag: boolean): void; // Get the current motor torque given the inverse time step. // Unit is N*m. GetMotorTorque(inv_dt: number): number; GetMotorSpeed(): number; SetMaxMotorTorque(torque: number): void; GetMaxMotorTorque(): number; IsLimitEnabled(): boolean; EnableLimit(flag: boolean): void; GetLowerLimit(): number; GetUpperLimit(): number; SetLimits(lower: number, upper: number): void; SetMotorSpeed(speed: number): void; // Dump to b2Log. Dump(): void; } class b2PrismaticJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Prismatic joint definition. This requires defining a line of // motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses // local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial // configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint // translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in // world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when // saving and loading a game. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The local translation unit axis in bodyA. localAxisA: b2Vec2; // The constrained angle between the bodies: bodyB_angle - // bodyA_angle. referenceAngle: number; // Enable/disable the joint limit. enableLimit: boolean; // The lower translation limit, usually in meters. lowerTranslation: number; // The upper translation limit, usually in meters. upperTranslation: number; // Enable/disable the joint motor. enableMotor: boolean; // The maximum motor torque, usually in N-m. maxMotorForce: number; // The desired motor speed in radians per second. motorSpeed: number; // Initialize the bodies, anchors, axis, and reference angle // using the world anchor and unit world axis. Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body, anchor: b2Vec2, axis: b2Vec2): void; } class b2PrismaticJoint extends b2Joint { // A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: // translation along an axis fixed in bodyA. Relative rotation // is prevented. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range // of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model // joint friction. constructor(def: b2PrismaticJointDef); m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_localXAxisA: b2Vec2; m_localYAxisA: b2Vec2; m_referenceAngle: number; m_impulse: b2Vec3; m_motorImpulse: number; m_lowerTranslation: number; m_upperTranslation: number; m_maxMotorForce: number; m_motorSpeed: number; m_enableLimit: boolean; m_enableMotor: boolean; m_limitState: b2LimitState; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_axis: b2Vec2; m_perp: b2Vec2; m_s1: number; m_s2: number; m_a1: number; m_a2: number; m_K: b2Mat33; m_K3: b2Mat33; m_K2: b2Mat22; m_motorMass: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local joint axis relative to bodyA. GetLocalAxisA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reference angle. GetReferenceAngle(): number; GetJointTranslation(): number; GetJointSpeed(): number; IsLimitEnabled(): boolean; EnableLimit(flag: boolean): void; GetLowerLimit(): number; GetUpperLimit(): number; SetLimits(upper: number, lower: number): void; IsMotorEnabled(): boolean; EnableMotor(flag: boolean): void; SetMotorSpeed(speed: number): void; GetMotorSpeed(): number; SetMaxMotorForce(force: number): void; GetMaxMotorForce(): number; GetMotorForce(inv_dt: number): number; // Dump to b2Log Dump(): void; } class b2GearJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Gear joint definition. This definition requires two existing // revolute or prismatic joints (any combination will work). constructor(); // The first revolute/prismatic joint attached to the gear // joint. joint1: b2Joint; // The second revolute/prismatic joint attached to the gear // joint. joint2: b2Joint; // The gear ratio. ratio: number; } class b2GearJoint extends b2Joint { // A gear joint is used to connect two joints together. Either // joint can be a revolute or prismatic joint. You specify a // gear ratio to bind the motions together: // coordinateA + ratio * coordinateB = constant // The ratio can be negative or positive. If one joint is a // revolute joint and the other joint is a prismatic joint, then // the ratio will have units of length or units of 1/length. // warning You have to manually destroy the gear joint if jointA // or jointB is destroyed. constructor(def: b2GearJointDef); m_joint1: b2Joint; m_joint2: b2Joint; m_typeA: b2JointType; m_typeB: b2JointType; m_bodyC: b2Body; m_bodyD: b2Body; m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorC: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorD: b2Vec2; m_localAxisC: b2Vec2; m_localAxisD: b2Vec2; m_referenceAngleA: number; m_referenceAngleB: number; m_constant: number; m_ratio: number; m_impulse: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_indexC: number; m_indexD: number; m_lcA: b2Vec2; m_lcB: b2Vec2; m_lcC: b2Vec2; m_lcD: b2Vec2; m_mA: number; m_mB: number; m_mC: number; m_mD: number; m_iA: number; m_iB: number; m_iC: number; m_iD: number; m_JvAC: b2Vec2; m_JvBD: b2Vec2; m_JwA: number; m_JwB: number; m_JwC: number; m_JwD: number; m_mass: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_qC: b2Rot; m_qD: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_lalcC: b2Vec2; m_lalcD: b2Vec2; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // Get the first joint. GetJoint1(): b2Joint; // Get the second joint. GetJoint2(): b2Joint; GetRatio(): number; SetRatio(ratio: number): void; // Dump joint to dmLog Dump(): void; } class b2DistanceProxy { // A distance proxy is used by the GJK algorithm. // It encapsulates any shape. constructor(); m_buffer: Array; m_vertices: Array; m_count: number; m_radius: number; Reset(): b2DistanceProxy; // Initialize the proxy using the given shape. The shape must // remain in scope while the proxy is in use. SetShape(shape: b2Shape, index: number): void; // Get the supporting vertex index in the given direction. GetSupport(d: b2Vec2): number; // Get the supporting vertex in the given direction. GetSupportVertex(d: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the vertex count. GetVertexCount(): number; // Get a vertex by index. Used by box2d.b2Distance. GetVertex(index: number): b2Vec2; } class b2SimplexCache { // Used to warm start box2d.b2Distance. // Set count to zero on first call. constructor(); metric: number; count: number; indexA: Array; indexB: Array; Reset(): b2SimplexCache; } class b2DistanceInput { // Input for box2d.b2Distance. // You have to option to use the shape radii in the computation. constructor(); proxyA: b2DistanceProxy; proxyB: b2DistanceProxy; transformA: b2Transform; transformB: b2Transform; useRadii: boolean; Reset(): b2DistanceInput; } class b2DistanceOutput { // Output for box2d.b2Distance. constructor(); pointA: b2Vec2; pointB: b2Vec2; distance: number; iterations: number; Reset(): b2DistanceOutput; } class b2SimplexVertex { constructor(); wA: b2Vec2; wB: b2Vec2; w: b2Vec2; a: number; indexA: number; indexB: number; Copy(other: b2SimplexVertex): b2SimplexVertex; } class b2Simplex { constructor(); m_v1: b2SimplexVertex; m_v2: b2SimplexVertex; m_v3: b2SimplexVertex; m_vertices: Array; m_count: number; ReadCache(cache: b2SimplexCache, proxyA: b2DistanceProxy, transformA: b2Transform, proxyB: b2DistanceProxy, transformB: b2Transform): void; WriteCache(cache: b2SimplexCache): void; GetSearchDirection(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetClosestPoint(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetWitnessPoints(pA: b2Vec2, pB: b2Vec2): void; GetMetric(): number; // Solve a line segment using barycentric coordinates. // // p = a1 * w1 + a2 * w2 // a1 + a2 = 1 // // The vector from the origin to the closest point on the line is // perpendicular to the line. // e12 = w2 - w1 // dot(p, e) = 0 // a1 * dot(w1, e) + a2 * dot(w2, e) = 0 // // 2-by-2 linear system // [1 1 ][a1] = [1] // [w1.e12 w2.e12][a2] = [0] // // Define // d12_1 = dot(w2, e12) // d12_2 = -dot(w1, e12) // d12 = d12_1 + d12_2 // // Solution // a1 = d12_1 / d12 // a2 = d12_2 / d12 // Solve2(): void; // Possible regions: // - points[2] // - edge points[0]-points[2] // - edge points[1]-points[2] // - inside the triangle Solve3(): void; } class b2WeldJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Weld joint definition. You need to specify local anchor // points where they are attached and the relative body angle. // The position of the anchor points is important for computing // the reaction torque. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in the reference state // (radians). referenceAngle: number; // The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. Rotation only. // Disable softness with a value of 0. frequencyHz: number; // The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. dampingRatio: number; Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body, anchor: b2Vec2): void; } class b2WeldJoint extends b2Joint { // A weld joint essentially glues two bodies together. A weld // joint may distort somewhat because the island constraint // solver is approximate. constructor(def: b2WeldJointDef); m_frequencyHz: number; m_dampingRatio: number; m_bias: number; m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_referenceAngle: number; m_gamma: number; m_impulse: b2Vec3; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_mass: b2Mat33; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_K: b2Mat33; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reference angle. GetReferenceAngle(): number; // Set/get frequency in Hz. SetFrequency(hz: number): void; GetFrequency(): number; // Set/get damping ratio. SetDampingRatio(ratio: number): void; GetDampingRatio(): number; // Dump to b2Log Dump(): void; } class b2RopeJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Rope joint definition. This requires two body anchor points // and a maximum lengths. // Note: by default the connected objects will not collide. see // collideConnected in box2d.b2JointDef. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The maximum length of the rope. // Warning: this must be larger than box2d.b2_linearSlop or the // joint will have no effect. maxLength: number; } class b2RopeJoint extends b2Joint { // A rope joint enforces a maximum distance between two points // on two bodies. It has no other effect. // Warning: if you attempt to change the maximum length during // the simulation you will get some non-physical behavior. A // model that would allow you to dynamically modify the length // would have some sponginess, so I chose not to implement it // that way. See box2d.b2DistanceJoint if you want to // dynamically control length. constructor(def: b2RopeJointDef); m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_maxLength: number; m_length: number; m_impulse: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_u: b2Vec2; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_mass: number; m_state: b2LimitState; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Set/Get the maximum length of the rope. SetMaxLength(length: number): void; GetMaxLength(): number; GetLimitState(): b2LimitState; // Dump joint to dmLog Dump(): void; } class b2GravityController extends b2Controller { // Applies simplified gravity between every pair of bodies constructor(); // Specifies the strength of the gravitiation force G: number; // If true, gravity is proportional to r^-2, otherwise r^-1 invSqr: boolean; Step(step: b2TimeStep): void; } class b2Profile { // Profiling data. Times are in milliseconds. constructor(); step: number; collide: number; solve: number; solveInit: number; solveVelocity: number; solvePosition: number; broadphase: number; solveTOI: number; Reset(): b2Profile; } class b2TimeStep { // This is an internal structure. constructor(); dt: number; inv_dt: number; dtRatio: number; velocityIterations: number; positionIterations: number; warmStarting: boolean; Copy(step: b2TimeStep): b2TimeStep; } class b2Position { // This is an internal structure. constructor(); c: b2Vec2; a: number; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; } class b2Velocity { // This is an internal structure. constructor(); v: b2Vec2; w: number; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; } class b2SolverData { // Solver Data constructor(); step: b2TimeStep; positions: Array; velocities: Array; } class b2ContactFeature { // The features that intersect to form the contact point // This must be 4 bytes or less. constructor(id: b2ContactID); _id: b2ContactID; _indexA: number; _indexB: number; _typeA: number; _typeB: number; indexA: number; indexB: number; typeA: number; typeB: number; } class b2ContactID { // Contact ids to facilitate warm starting. constructor(); cf: b2ContactFeature; key: number; Copy(o: b2ContactID): b2ContactID; Clone(): b2ContactID; } class b2ManifoldPoint { // A manifold point is a contact point belonging to a contact // manifold. It holds details related to the geometry and dynamics // of the contact points. // The local point usage depends on the manifold type: // -e_circles: the local center of circleB // -e_faceA: the local center of cirlceB or the clip point of polygonB // -e_faceB: the clip point of polygonA // This structure is stored across time steps, so we keep it small. // Note: the impulses are used for internal caching and may not // provide reliable contact forces, especially for high speed collisions. constructor(); localPoint: b2Vec2; normalImpulse: number; tangentImpulse: number; id: b2ContactID; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; Reset(): void; Copy(o: b2ManifoldPoint): b2ManifoldPoint; } class b2Manifold { // A manifold for two touching convex shapes. // Box2D supports multiple types of contact: // - clip point versus plane with radius // - point versus point with radius (circles) // The local point usage depends on the manifold type: // -e_circles: the local center of circleA // -e_faceA: the center of faceA // -e_faceB: the center of faceB // Similarly the local normal usage: // -e_circles: not used // -e_faceA: the normal on polygonA // -e_faceB: the normal on polygonB // We store contacts in this way so that position correction can // account for movement, which is critical for continuous physics. // All contact scenarios must be expressed in one of these types. // This structure is stored across time steps, so we keep it small. constructor(); points: Array; localNormal: b2Vec2; localPoint: b2Vec2; type: b2ManifoldType; pointCount: number; Reset(): void; Copy(o: b2Manifold): b2Manifold; Clone(): b2Manifold; } class b2WorldManifold { // This is used to compute the current state of a contact // manifold. constructor(); normal: b2Vec2; points: Array; separations: Array; // Evaluate the manifold with supplied transforms. This assumes // modest motion from the original state. This does not change // the point count, impulses, etc. The radii must come from the // shapes that generated the manifold. Initialize(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, radiusA: number, xfB: b2Transform, radiusB: number): void; } class b2ClipVertex { // Used for computing contact manifolds. constructor(); v: b2Vec2; id: b2ContactID; static MakeArray(length?: number): Array; Copy(other: b2ClipVertex): b2ClipVertex; } class b2RayCastInput { // Ray-cast input data. The ray extends from p1 to p1 + // maxFraction * (p2 - p1). constructor(); p1: b2Vec2; p2: b2Vec2; maxFraction: number; Copy(o: b2RayCastInput): b2RayCastInput; } class b2RayCastOutput { // Ray-cast output data. The ray hits at p1 + fraction * (p2 - // p1), where p1 and p2 come from box2d.b2RayCastInput. constructor(); normal: b2Vec2; fraction: number; Copy(o: b2RayCastOutput): b2RayCastOutput; } class b2AABB { // An axis aligned bounding box. constructor(); lowerBound: b2Vec2; upperBound: b2Vec2; m_out_center: b2Vec2; m_out_extent: b2Vec2; Copy(o: b2AABB): b2AABB; // Verify that the bounds are sorted. IsValid(): boolean; // Get the center of the AABB. GetCenter(): b2Vec2; // Get the extents of the AABB (half-widths). GetExtents(): b2Vec2; // Get the perimeter length GetPerimeter(): number; // Combine an AABB into this one. Combine1(aabb: b2AABB): b2AABB; // Combine two AABBs into this one. Combine2(aabb1: b2AABB, aabb2: b2AABB): b2AABB; static Combine(aabb1: b2AABB, aabb2: b2AABB, out: b2AABB): b2AABB; // Does this aabb contain the provided AABB. Contains(aabb: b2AABB): boolean; // From Real-time Collision Detection, p179. RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput): boolean; TestOverlap(other: b2AABB): boolean; } class b2Timer { // Timer for profiling. This has platform specific code and may // not work on every platform. constructor(); m_start: number; Reset(): b2Timer; GetMilliseconds(): number; } class b2Counter { constructor(); m_count: number; m_min_count: number; m_max_count: number; GetCount(): number; GetMinCount(): number; GetMaxCount(): number; ResetCount(): number; ResetMinCount(): void; ResetMaxCount(): void; Increment(): void; Decrement(): void; } class b2TOIInput { // Input parameters for b2TimeOfImpact constructor(); proxyA: b2DistanceProxy; proxyB: b2DistanceProxy; sweepA: b2Sweep; sweepB: b2Sweep; tMax: number; } class b2TOIOutput { // Output parameters for b2TimeOfImpact. constructor(); state: b2TOIOutputState; t: number; } class b2SeparationFunction { constructor(); m_proxyA: b2DistanceProxy; m_proxyB: b2DistanceProxy; m_sweepA: b2Sweep; m_sweepB: b2Sweep; m_type: b2SeparationFunctionType; m_localPoint: b2Vec2; m_axis: b2Vec2; // TODO_ERIN might not need to return the separation Initialize(cache: b2SimplexCache, proxyA: b2DistanceProxy, sweepA: b2Sweep, proxyB: b2DistanceProxy, sweepB: b2Sweep, t1: number): number; FindMinSeparation(indexA: Array, indexB: Array, t: number): number; Evaluate(indexA: number, indexB: number, t: number): number; } class b2ContactEdge { // A contact edge is used to connect bodies and contacts // together in a contact graph where each body is a node and // each contact is an edge. A contact edge belongs to a doubly // linked list maintained in each attached body. Each contact // has two contact nodes, one for each attached body. constructor(); other: b2Body; contact: b2Contact; prev: b2ContactEdge; next: b2ContactEdge; } class b2Contact { // The class manages contact between two shapes. A contact // exists for each overlapping AABB in the broad-phase (except // if filtered). Therefore a contact object may exist that has // no contact points. constructor(); m_flags: b2ContactFlag; // World pool and list pointers. m_prev: b2Contact; m_next: b2Contact; // Nodes for connecting bodies. m_nodeA: b2ContactEdge; m_nodeB: b2ContactEdge; m_fixtureA: b2Fixture; m_fixtureB: b2Fixture; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_manifold: b2Manifold; m_toiCount: number; m_toi: number; m_friction: number; m_restitution: number; m_tangentSpeed: number; m_oldManifold: b2Manifold; // Get the contact manifold. Do not modify the manifold unless // you understand the internals of Box2D. GetManifold(): b2Manifold; // Get the world manifold. GetWorldManifold(worldManifold: b2WorldManifold): void; // Is this contact touching? IsTouching(): boolean; // Enable/disable this contact. This can be used inside the // pre-solve contact listener. The contact is only disabled for // the current time step (or sub-step in continuous collisions). SetEnabled(flag: boolean): void; // Has this contact been disabled? IsEnabled(): boolean; // Get the next contact in the world's contact list. GetNext(): b2Contact; // Get fixture A in this contact. GetFixtureA(): b2Fixture; GetChildIndexA(): number; // Get fixture B in this contact. GetFixtureB(): b2Fixture; GetChildIndexB(): number; // Evaluate this contact with your own manifold and transforms. Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; // Flag this contact for filtering. Filtering will occur the // next time step. FlagForFiltering(): void; // Override the default friction mixture. You can call this in // box2d.b2ContactListener::PreSolve. // This value persists until set or reset. SetFriction(friction: number): void; // Get the friction. GetFriction(): number; // Reset the friction mixture to the default value. ResetFriction(): void; // Override the default restitution mixture. You can call this // in box2d.b2ContactListener::PreSolve. // The value persists until you set or reset. SetRestitution(restitution: number): void; // Get the restitution. GetRestitution(): number; // Reset the restitution to the default value. ResetRestitution(): void; // Set the desired tangent speed for a conveyor belt behavior. // In meters per second. SetTangentSpeed(speed: number): void; // Get the desired tangent speed. In meters per second. GetTangentSpeed(): number; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; // Update the contact manifold and touching status. // Note: do not assume the fixture AABBs are overlapping or are // valid. Update(listener: b2ContactListener): void; ComputeTOI(sweepA: b2Sweep, sweepB: b2Sweep): number; } class b2PolygonAndCircleContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2EdgeAndPolygonContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2MassData { // This holds the mass data computed for a shape. constructor(); // The mass of the shape, usually in kilograms. mass: number; // The position of the shape's centroid relative to the shape's // origin. center: b2Vec2; // The rotational inertia of the shape about the local origin. I: number; } class b2Shape { // A shape is used for collision detection. You can create a // shape however you like. // Shapes used for simulation in box2d.b2World are created // automatically when a box2d.b2Fixture is created. Shapes may // encapsulate a one or more child shapes. constructor(type: b2ShapeType, radius: number); m_type: b2ShapeType; m_radius: number; // Clone the concrete shape using the provided allocator. Clone(): b2Shape; Copy(other: b2Shape): b2Shape; // Get the type of this shape. You can use this to down cast to // the concrete shape. GetType(): b2ShapeType; // Get the number of child primitives. GetChildCount(): number; // Test a point for containment in this shape. This only works // for convex shapes. TestPoint(xf: b2Transform, p: b2Vec2): boolean; // Cast a ray against a child shape. RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput, transform: b2Transform, childIndex: number): boolean; // Given a transform, compute the associated axis aligned // bounding box for a child shape. ComputeAABB(aabb: b2AABB, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): void; // Compute the mass properties of this shape using its // dimensions and density. // The inertia tensor is computed about the local origin. ComputeMass(massData: b2MassData, density: number): void; SetupDistanceProxy(proxy: b2DistanceProxy, index: number): void; ComputeSubmergedArea(normal: b2Vec2, offset: number, xf: b2Transform, c: b2Vec2): number; // Dump this shape to the log file. Dump(): void; } class b2PolygonShape extends b2Shape { // A convex polygon. It is assumed that the interior of the // polygon is to the left of each edge. // Polygons have a maximum number of vertices equal to // box2d.b2_maxPolygonVertices. In most cases you should not // need many vertices for a convex polygon. constructor(); m_centroid: b2Vec2; m_vertices: Array; m_normals: Array; m_count: number; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. Clone(): b2Shape; Copy(other: b2Shape): b2Shape; // Build vertices to represent an axis-aligned box centered on // the local origin. SetAsBox(hx: number, hy: number): b2PolygonShape; // Build vertices to represent an oriented box. SetAsOrientedBox(hx: number, hy: number, center: b2Vec2, angle: number): b2PolygonShape; // Create a convex hull from the given array of local points. // The count must be in the range [3, b2_maxPolygonVertices]. // warning the points may be re-ordered, even if they form a // convex polygon // warning collinear points are handled but not removed. // Collinear points may lead to poor stacking behavior. Set(vertices: Array, count?: number): b2PolygonShape; SetAsVector(vertices: Array, count?: number): b2PolygonShape; SetAsArray(vertices: Array, count?: number): b2PolygonShape; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. GetChildCount(): number; TestPoint(xf: b2Transform, p: b2Vec2): boolean; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): boolean; ComputeAABB(aabb: b2AABB, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): void; ComputeMass(massData: b2MassData, density: number): void; // Validate convexity. This is a very time consuming operation. Validate(): boolean; SetupDistanceProxy(proxy: b2DistanceProxy, index: number): void; ComputeSubmergedArea(normal: b2Vec2, offset: number, xf: b2Transform, c: b2Vec2): number; // Dump this shape to the log file. Dump(): void; static ComputeCentroid(vs: Array, count: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; } class b2EPAxis { // This structure is used to keep track of the best separating // axis. constructor(); type: b2EPAxisType; index: number; separation: number; } class b2TempPolygon { // This holds polygon B expressed in frame A. constructor(); vertices: Array; normals: Array; count: number; } class b2ReferenceFace { // Reference face used for clipping constructor(); i1: number; i2: number; v1: b2Vec2; v2: b2Vec2; normal: b2Vec2; sideNormal1: b2Vec2; sideOffset1: number; sideNormal2: b2Vec2; sideOffset2: number; } class b2EPCollider { // This class collides and edge and a polygon, taking into // account edge adjacency. constructor(); m_polygonB: b2TempPolygon; m_xf: b2Transform; m_centroidB: b2Vec2; m_v0: b2Vec2; m_v1: b2Vec2; m_v2: b2Vec2; m_v3: b2Vec2; m_normal0: b2Vec2; m_normal1: b2Vec2; m_normal2: b2Vec2; m_normal: b2Vec2; m_type1: b2EPColliderVertexType; m_type2: b2EPColliderVertexType; m_lowerLimit: b2Vec2; m_upperLimit: b2Vec2; m_radius: number; m_front: boolean; // Algorithm: // 1. Classify v1 and v2 // 2. Classify polygon centroid as front or back // 3. Flip normal if necessary // 4. Initialize normal range to [-pi, pi] about face normal // 5. Adjust normal range according to adjacent edges // 6. Visit each separating axes, only accept axes within the range // 7. Return if _any_ axis indicates separation // 8. Clip Collide(manifold: b2Manifold, edgeA: b2EdgeShape, xfA: b2Transform, polygonB: b2PolygonShape, xfB: b2Transform): void; ComputeEdgeSeparation(out: b2EPAxis): b2EPAxis; ComputePolygonSeparation(out: b2EPAxis): b2EPAxis; } class b2EdgeShape extends b2Shape { // A line segment (edge) shape. These can be connected in chains // or loops to other edge shapes. The connectivity information // is used to ensure correct contact normals. constructor(); // These are the edge vertices m_vertex1: b2Vec2; m_vertex2: b2Vec2; // Optional adjacent vertices. These are used for smooth // collision. m_vertex0: b2Vec2; m_vertex3: b2Vec2; m_hasVertex0: boolean; m_hasVertex3: boolean; // Set this as an isolated edge. Set(v1: b2Vec2, v2: b2Vec2): b2EdgeShape; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. Clone(): b2Shape; Copy(other: b2Shape): b2Shape; GetChildCount(): number; TestPoint(xf: b2Transform, p: b2Vec2): boolean; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. // p = p1 + t * d // v = v1 + s * e // p1 + t * d = v1 + s * e // s * e - t * d = p1 - v1 RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): boolean; ComputeAABB(aabb: b2AABB, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): void; ComputeMass(massData: b2MassData, density: number): void; SetupDistanceProxy(proxy: b2DistanceProxy, index: number): void; ComputeSubmergedArea(normal: b2Vec2, offset: number, xf: b2Transform, c: b2Vec2): number; // Dump this shape to the log file. Dump(): void; } class b2ChainShape extends b2Shape { // A chain shape is a free form sequence of line segments. // The chain has two-sided collision, so you can use inside and outside collision. // Therefore, you may use any winding order. // Since there may be many vertices, they are allocated using b2Alloc. // Connectivity information is used to create smooth collisions. // WARNING: The chain will not collide properly if there are self-intersections. constructor(); // The vertices. Owned by this class. m_vertices: Array; // The vertex count. m_count: number; m_prevVertex: b2Vec2; m_nextVertex: b2Vec2; m_hasPrevVertex: boolean; m_hasNextVertex: boolean; // Create a loop. This automatically adjusts connectivity. CreateLoop(vertices: Array, count?: number): b2ChainShape; // Create a chain with isolated end vertices. CreateChain(vertices: Array, count?: number): b2ChainShape; // Establish connectivity to a vertex that precedes the first vertex. // Don't call this for loops. SetPrevVertex(prevVertex: b2Vec2): b2ChainShape; // Establish connectivity to a vertex that follows the last vertex. // Don't call this for loops. SetNextVertex(nextVertex: b2Vec2): b2ChainShape; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. Vertices are cloned using b2Alloc. Clone(): b2Shape; Copy(other: b2Shape): b2Shape; GetChildCount(): number; // Get a child edge. GetChildEdge(edge: b2EdgeShape, index: number): void; // This always return false. TestPoint(xf: b2Transform, p: b2Vec2): boolean; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): boolean; static s_edgeShape: b2EdgeShape; ComputeAABB(aabb: b2AABB, xf: b2Transform, childIndex: number): void; ComputeMass(massData: b2MassData, density: number): void; SetupDistanceProxy(proxy: b2DistanceProxy, index: number): void; ComputeSubmergedArea(normal: b2Vec2, offset: number, xf: b2Transform, c: b2Vec2): number; // Dump this shape to the log file. Dump(): void; } class b2ChainAndPolygonContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2PolygonContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2CircleContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2ChainAndCircleContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2EdgeAndCircleContact extends b2Contact { constructor(); static Create(allocator: any): b2Contact; static Destroy(contact: b2Contact, allocator: any): void; Reset(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): void; Evaluate(manifold: b2Manifold, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform): void; } class b2VelocityConstraintPoint { constructor(); rA: b2Vec2; rB: b2Vec2; normalImpulse: number; tangentImpulse: number; normalMass: number; tangentMass: number; velocityBias: number; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; } class b2ContactVelocityConstraint { constructor(); points: Array; normal: b2Vec2; tangent: b2Vec2; normalMass: b2Mat22; K: b2Mat22; indexA: number; indexB: number; invMassA: number; invMassB: number; invIA: number; invIB: number; friction: number; restitution: number; tangentSpeed: number; pointCount: number; contactIndex: number; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; } class b2ContactPositionConstraint { constructor(); localPoints: Array; localNormal: b2Vec2; localPoint: b2Vec2; indexA: number; indexB: number; invMassA: number; invMassB: number; localCenterA: b2Vec2; localCenterB: b2Vec2; invIA: number; invIB: number; type: b2ManifoldType; radiusA: number; radiusB: number; pointCount: number; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; } class b2ContactSolverDef { constructor(); step: b2TimeStep; contacts: Array; count: number; positions: Array; velocities: Array; allocator: any; } class b2ContactSolver { constructor(); m_step: b2TimeStep; m_positions: Array; m_velocities: Array; m_allocator: any; m_positionConstraints: Array; m_velocityConstraints: Array; m_contacts: Array; m_count: number; Initialize(def: b2ContactSolverDef): b2ContactSolver; // Initialize position dependent portions of the velocity // constraints. InitializeVelocityConstraints(): void; WarmStart(): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(): void; StoreImpulses(): void; // Sequential solver. SolvePositionConstraints(): boolean; // Sequential position solver for position constraints. SolveTOIPositionConstraints(toiIndexA: number, toiIndexB: number): boolean; } class b2PositionSolverManifold { constructor(); normal: b2Vec2; point: b2Vec2; separation: number; Initialize(pc: b2ContactPositionConstraint, xfA: b2Transform, xfB: b2Transform, index: number): void; } class b2DestructionListener { // Joints and fixtures are destroyed when their associated body // is destroyed. Implement this listener so that you may nullify // references to these joints and shapes. constructor(); // Called when any joint is about to be destroyed due to the // destruction of one of its attached bodies. SayGoodbyeJoint(joint: b2Joint): void; // Called when any fixture is about to be destroyed due to the // destruction of its parent body. SayGoodbyeFixture(fixture: b2Fixture): void; } class b2ContactFilter { // Implement this class to provide collision filtering. In other // words, you can implement this class if you want finer control // over contact creation. constructor(); // Return true if contact calculations should be performed // between these two shapes. // warning for performance reasons this is only called when the // AABBs begin to overlap. ShouldCollide(fixtureA: b2Fixture, fixtureB: b2Fixture): boolean; } class b2ContactImpulse { // Contact impulses for reporting. Impulses are used instead of // forces because sub-step forces may approach infinity for // rigid body collisions. These match up one-to-one with the // contact points in b2Manifold. constructor(); normalImpulses: Array; tangentImpulses: Array; count:number; } class b2ContactListener { // Implement this class to get contact information. You can use // these results for things like sounds and game logic. You can // also get contact results by traversing the contact lists // after the time step. However, you might miss some contacts // because continuous physics leads to sub-stepping. // Additionally you may receive multiple callbacks for the same // contact in a single time step. // You should strive to make your callbacks efficient because // there may be many callbacks per time step. // warning You cannot create/destroy Box2D entities inside these // callbacks. constructor(); // Called when two fixtures begin to touch. BeginContact(contact: b2Contact): void; // Called when two fixtures cease to touch. EndContact(contact: b2Contact): void; // This is called after a contact is updated. This allows you to // inspect a contact before it goes to the solver. If you are // careful, you can modify the contact manifold (e.g. disable // contact). // A copy of the old manifold is provided so that you can detect // changes. // Note: this is called only for awake bodies. // Note: this is called even when the number of contact points // is zero. // Note: this is not called for sensors. // Note: if you set the number of contact points to zero, you // will not get an EndContact callback. However, you may get a // BeginContact callback the next step. PreSolve(contact: b2Contact, oldManifold: b2Manifold): void; // This lets you inspect a contact after the solver is finished. // This is useful for inspecting impulses. // Note: the contact manifold does not include time of impact // impulses, which can be arbitrarily large if the sub-step is // small. Hence the impulse is provided explicitly in a separate // data structure. // Note: this is only called for contacts that are touching, // solid, and awake. PostSolve(contact: b2Contact, impulse: b2ContactImpulse): void; static b2_defaultListener: b2ContactListener; } class b2QueryCallback { // Callback class for AABB queries. // See b2World::Query constructor(); // Called for each fixture found in the query AABB. ReportFixture(): boolean; } class b2RayCastCallback { // Callback class for ray casts. // See b2World::RayCast constructor(); // Called for each fixture found in the query. You control how // the ray cast proceeds by returning a float: // return -1: ignore this fixture and continue // return 0: terminate the ray cast // return fraction: clip the ray to this point // return 1: don't clip the ray and continue // of intersection ReportFixture(fixture: b2Fixture, point: b2Vec2, normal: b2Vec2, fraction: number): number; } class b2Island { // This is an internal class. constructor(); m_allocator: any; m_listener: b2ContactListener; m_bodies: Array; m_contacts: Array; m_joints: Array; m_positions: Array; m_velocities: Array; m_bodyCount: number; m_jointCount: number; m_contactCount: number; m_bodyCapacity: number; m_contactCapacity: number; m_jointCapacity: number; Initialize(bodyCapacity: number, contactCapacity: number, jointCapacity: number, allocator: any, listener: b2ContactListener): void; Clear(): void; AddBody(body: b2Body): void; AddContact(contact: b2Contact): void; AddJoint(joint: b2Joint): void; Solve(profile: b2Profile, step: b2TimeStep, gravity: b2Vec2, allowSleep: boolean): void; SolveTOI(subStep: b2TimeStep, toiIndexA: number, toiIndexB: number): void; Report(constraints: Array): void; } class b2ContactRegister { constructor(); } class b2ContactFactory { constructor(allocator: any); AddType(createFcn: Function, destroyFcn: Function, type1: b2ShapeType, type2: b2ShapeType): void; InitializeRegisters(): void; Create(fixtureA: b2Fixture, indexA: number, fixtureB: b2Fixture, indexB: number): b2Contact; Destroy(contact: b2Contact): void; } class b2GrowableStack { // This is a growable LIFO stack with an initial capacity of N. // If the stack size exceeds the initial capacity, the heap is // used to increase the size of the stack. constructor(N: number); m_stack: Array; m_count: number; Reset(): b2GrowableStack; Push(element: any): void; Pop(): any; GetCount(): number; } class b2TreeNode { // A node in the dynamic tree. The client does not interact with // this directly. constructor(id?: number); m_id: number; // Enlarged AABB aabb: b2AABB; userData: any; parent: b2TreeNode; child1: b2TreeNode; child2: b2TreeNode; // leaf = 0, free node = -1 height: number; IsLeaf(): boolean; } class b2DynamicTree { // A dynamic tree arranges data in a binary tree to accelerate // queries such as volume queries and ray casts. Leafs are proxies // with an AABB. In the tree we expand the proxy AABB by b2_fatAABBFactor // so that the proxy AABB is bigger than the client object. This allows the client // object to move by small amounts without triggering a tree update. // // Nodes are pooled and relocatable, so we use node indices rather than pointers. constructor(); m_root: b2TreeNode; m_freeList: b2TreeNode; // This is used to incrementally traverse the tree for // re-balancing. m_path: number; m_insertionCount: number; // Get proxy user data. GetUserData(proxy: b2TreeNode): any; // Get the fat AABB for a proxy. GetFatAABB(proxy: b2TreeNode): b2AABB; // Query an AABB for overlapping proxies. The callback class is // called for each proxy that overlaps the supplied AABB. Query(callback: (treeNode: b2TreeNode) => boolean, aabb: b2AABB): void; // Ray-cast against the proxies in the tree. This relies on the callback // to perform a exact ray-cast in the case were the proxy contains a shape. // The callback also performs the any collision filtering. This has performance // roughly equal to k * log(n), where k is the number of collisions and n is the // number of proxies in the tree. RayCast(callback: (raycastInput: b2RayCastInput, treeNode: b2TreeNode) => number, input: b2RayCastInput): void; AllocateNode(): b2TreeNode; FreeNode(node: b2TreeNode): void; // Create a proxy. Provide a tight fitting AABB and a userData // pointer. CreateProxy(aabb: b2AABB, userData: any): b2TreeNode; // Destroy a proxy. This asserts if the id is invalid. DestroyProxy(proxy: b2TreeNode): void; // Move a proxy with a swepted AABB. If the proxy has moved // outside of its fattened AABB, then the proxy is removed from // the tree and re-inserted. Otherwise the function returns // immediately. MoveProxy(proxy: b2TreeNode, aabb: b2AABB, displacement: b2Vec2): boolean; InsertLeaf(leaf: b2TreeNode): void; RemoveLeaf(leaf: b2TreeNode): void; // Perform a left or right rotation if node A is imbalanced. // Returns the new root index. Balance(A: b2TreeNode): b2TreeNode; // Compute the height of the binary tree in O(N) time. Should // not be called often. GetHeight(): number; // Get the ratio of the sum of the node areas to the root area. GetAreaRatio(): number; // Compute the height of a sub-tree. ComputeHeightNode(node: b2TreeNode): number; ComputeHeight(): number; ValidateStructure(index: b2TreeNode): void; ValidateMetrics(index: b2TreeNode): void; // Validate this tree. For testing. Validate(): void; // Get the maximum balance of an node in the tree. The balance // is the difference in height of the two children of a node. GetMaxBalance(): number; // Build an optimal tree. Very expensive. For testing. RebuildBottomUp(): void; // Shift the world origin. Useful for large worlds. // The shift formula is: position -= newOrigin ShiftOrigin(newOrigin: b2Vec2): void; } class b2Pair { constructor(); proxyA: b2TreeNode; proxyB: b2TreeNode; } class b2BroadPhase { // The broad-phase is used for computing pairs and performing // volume queries and ray casts. This broad-phase does not // persist pairs. Instead, this reports potentially new pairs. // It is up to the client to consume the new pairs and to track // subsequent overlap. constructor(); m_tree: b2DynamicTree; m_proxyCount: number; m_moveCount: number; m_moveBuffer: Array; m_pairCount: number; m_pairBuffer: Array; // Create a proxy with an initial AABB. Pairs are not reported // until UpdatePairs is called. CreateProxy(aabb: b2AABB, userData: any): b2TreeNode; // Destroy a proxy. It is up to the client to remove any pairs. DestroyProxy(proxy: b2TreeNode): void; // Call MoveProxy as many times as you like, then when you are // done call UpdatePairs to finalized the proxy pairs (for your // time step). MoveProxy(proxy: b2TreeNode, aabb: b2AABB, displacement: b2Vec2): void; // Call to trigger a re-processing of it's pairs on the next // call to UpdatePairs. TouchProxy(proxy: b2TreeNode): void; // Get the fat AABB for a proxy. GetFatAABB(proxy: b2TreeNode): b2AABB; // Get user data from a proxy. Returns NULL if the id is // invalid. GetUserData(proxy: b2TreeNode): any; // Test overlap of fat AABBs. TestOverlap(proxyA: b2TreeNode, proxyB: b2TreeNode): boolean; // Get the number of proxies. GetProxyCount(): number; // Get the height of the embedded tree. GetTreeHeight(): number; // Get the balance of the embedded tree. GetTreeBalance(): number; // Get the quality metric of the embedded tree. GetTreeQuality(): number; // Shift the world origin. Useful for large worlds. The shift // formula is: position -= newOrigin ShiftOrigin(newOrigin: b2Vec2): void; // Update the pairs. This results in pair callbacks. This can // only add pairs. UpdatePairs(contactManager: any): void; // Query an AABB for overlapping proxies. The callback class is // called for each proxy that overlaps the supplied AABB. Query(callback: Function, aabb: b2AABB): void; // Ray-cast against the proxies in the tree. This relies on the // callback to perform a exact ray-cast in the case were the // proxy contains a shape. The callback also performs the any // collision filtering. This has performance roughly equal to k // * log(n), where k is the number of collisions and n is the // number of proxies in the tree. RayCast(callback: Function, input: b2RayCastInput): void; BufferMove(proxy: b2TreeNode): void; UnBufferMove(proxy: b2TreeNode): void; } class b2ContactManager { // Delegate of box2d.b2World. constructor(); m_broadPhase: b2BroadPhase; m_contactList: b2Contact; m_contactCount: number; m_contactFilter: b2ContactFilter; m_contactListener: b2ContactListener; m_allocator: any; m_contactFactory: b2ContactFactory; Destroy(c: b2Contact): void; // This is the top level collision call for the time step. Here // all the narrow phase collision is processed for the world // contact list. Collide(): void; FindNewContacts(): void; // Broad-phase callback. AddPair(proxyUserDataA: b2FixtureProxy, proxyUserDataB: b2FixtureProxy): void; } class b2JointFactory { static Create(def: b2JointDef, allocator: any): b2Joint; static Destroy(joint: b2Joint, allocator: any): void; } class b2Color { // Color for debug drawing. Each value has the range [0,1]. constructor(rr: number, gg: number, bb: number); r: number; g: number; b: number; SetRGB(rr: number, gg: number, bb: number): b2Color; static MakeStyleString(): string; static RED: b2Color; static GREEN: b2Color; static BLUE: b2Color; } class b2Draw { // Implement and register this class with a b2World to provide // debug drawing of physics entities in your game. constructor(); m_drawFlags: b2DrawFlags; // Set the drawing flags. SetFlags(flags: b2DrawFlags): void; // Get the drawing flags. GetFlags(): b2DrawFlags; // Append flags to the current flags. AppendFlags(flags: b2DrawFlags): void; // Clear flags from the current flags. ClearFlags(flags: b2DrawFlags): void; PushTransform(xf: b2Transform): void; PopTransform(xf: b2Transform): void; // Draw a closed polygon provided in CCW order. DrawPolygon(vertices: Array, vertexCount: number, color: b2Color): void; // Draw a solid closed polygon provided in CCW order. DrawSolidPolygon(vertices: Array, vertexCount: number, color: b2Color): void; // Draw a circle. DrawCircle(center: b2Vec2, radius: number, color: b2Color): void; // Draw a solid circle. DrawSolidCircle(center: b2Vec2, radius: number, axis: b2Vec2, color: b2Color): void; // Draw a line segment. DrawSegment(p1: b2Vec2, p2: b2Vec2, color: b2Color): void; // Draw a transform. Choose your own length scale. DrawTransform(xf: b2Transform): void; } class b2Filter { // This holds contact filtering data. constructor(); // The collision category bits. Normally you would just set one // bit. categoryBits: number; // The collision mask bits. This states the categories that this // shape would accept for collision. maskBits: number; // Collision groups allow a certain group of objects to never // collide (negative) or always collide (positive). Zero means // no collision group. Non-zero group filtering always wins // against the mask bits. groupIndex: number; Clone(): b2Filter; Copy(other: b2Filter): b2Filter; } class b2FixtureDef { // A fixture definition is used to create a fixture. This class // defines an abstract fixture definition. You can reuse fixture // definitions safely. constructor(); // The shape, this must be set. The shape will be cloned, so you // can create the shape on the stack. shape: b2Shape; // Use this to store application specific fixture data. userData: any; // The friction coefficient, usually in the range [0,1]. friction: number; // The restitution (elasticity) usually in the range [0,1]. restitution: number; // The density, usually in kg/m^2. density: number; // A sensor shape collects contact information but never // generates a collision response. isSensor: boolean; // Contact filtering data. filter: b2Filter; } class b2FixtureProxy { // This proxy is used internally to connect fixtures to the // broad-phase. constructor(); aabb: b2AABB; fixture: b2Fixture; childIndex: number; proxy: b2TreeNode; static MakeArray(length: number): Array; } class b2Fixture { // A fixture is used to attach a shape to a body for collision // detection. A fixture inherits its transform from its parent. // Fixtures hold additional non-geometric data such as friction, // collision filters, etc. // Fixtures are created via box2d.b2Body::CreateFixture. // warning you cannot reuse fixtures. constructor(); m_density: number; m_next: b2Fixture; m_body: b2Body; m_shape: b2Shape; m_friction: number; m_restitution: number; m_proxies: Array; m_proxyCount: number; m_filter: b2Filter; m_isSensor: boolean; m_userData: any; // Get the type of the child shape. You can use this to down // cast to the concrete shape. GetType(): b2ShapeType; // Get the child shape. You can modify the child shape, however // you should not change the number of vertices because this // will crash some collision caching mechanisms. // Manipulating the shape may lead to non-physical behavior. GetShape(): b2Shape; // Is this fixture a sensor (non-solid)? IsSensor(): boolean; // Get the contact filtering data. GetFilterData(): b2Filter; // Get the user data that was assigned in the fixture // definition. Use this to store your application specific data. GetUserData(): any; // Set the user data. Use this to store your application // specific data. SetUserData(data: any): void; // Get the parent body of this fixture. This is NULL if the // fixture is not attached. GetBody(): b2Body; // Get the next fixture in the parent body's fixture list. GetNext(): b2Fixture; // Set the density of this fixture. This will _not_ // automatically adjust the mass of the body. You must call // box2d.b2Body::ResetMassData to update the body's mass. SetDensity(density: number): void; // Get the density of this fixture. GetDensity(): number; // Get the coefficient of friction. GetFriction(): number; // Set the coefficient of friction. This will _not_ change the // friction of existing contacts. SetFriction(friction: number): void; // Get the coefficient of restitution. GetRestitution(): number; // Set the coefficient of restitution. This will _not_ change // the restitution of existing contacts. SetRestitution(restitution: number): void; // Test a point for containment in this fixture. TestPoint(p: b2Vec2): boolean; // Cast a ray against this shape. RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput, childIndex: number): boolean; // Get the mass data for this fixture. The mass data is based on // the density and the shape. The rotational inertia is about // the shape's origin. This operation may be expensive. GetMassData(massData?: b2MassData): b2MassData; // Get the fixture's AABB. This AABB may be enlarge and/or // stale. If you need a more accurate AABB, compute it using the // shape and the body transform. GetAABB(childIndex: number): b2AABB; // We need separation create/destroy functions from the // constructor/destructor because the destructor cannot access // the allocator (no destructor arguments allowed by C++). Create(body: b2Body, def: b2FixtureDef): void; Destroy(): void; // These support body activation/deactivation. CreateProxies(broadPhase: b2BroadPhase, xf: b2Transform): void; DestroyProxies(broadPhase: b2BroadPhase): void; Synchronize(broadPhase: b2BroadPhase, transform1: b2Transform, transform2: b2Transform): void; // Set the contact filtering data. This will not update contacts // until the next time step when either parent body is active // and awake. // This automatically calls Refilter. SetFilterData(filter: b2Filter): void; // Call this if you want to establish collision that was // previously disabled by box2d.b2ContactFilter::ShouldCollide. Refilter(): void; // Set if this fixture is a sensor. SetSensor(sensor: boolean): void; // Dump this fixture to the log file. Dump(bodyIndex: number): void; } class b2BodyDef { // A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a // rigid body. // You can safely re-use body definitions. Shapes are added to a // body after construction. constructor(); // The body type: static, kinematic, or dynamic. // Note: if a dynamic body would have zero mass, the mass is set // to one. type: b2BodyType; // The world position of the body. Avoid creating bodies at the // origin since this can lead to many overlapping shapes. position: b2Vec2; // The world angle of the body in radians. angle: number; // The linear velocity of the body's origin in world // co-ordinates. linearVelocity: b2Vec2; // The angular velocity of the body. angularVelocity: number; // Linear damping is use to reduce the linear velocity. The // damping parameter can be larger than 1.0f but the damping // effect becomes sensitive to the time step when the damping // parameter is large. linearDamping: number; // Angular damping is use to reduce the angular velocity. The // damping parameter can be larger than 1.0f but the damping // effect becomes sensitive to the time step when the damping // parameter is large. angularDamping: number; // Set this flag to false if this body should never fall asleep. // Note that this increases CPU usage. allowSleep: boolean; // Is this body initially awake or sleeping? awake: boolean; // Should this body be prevented from rotating? Useful for // characters. fixedRotation: boolean; // Is this a fast moving body that should be prevented from // tunneling through other moving bodies? Note that all bodies // are prevented from tunneling through kinematic and static // bodies. This setting is only considered on dynamic bodies. // warning You should use this flag sparingly since it increases // processing time. bullet: boolean; // Does this body start out active? active: boolean; // Use this to store application specific body data. userData: any; // Scale the gravity applied to this body. gravityScale: number; } class b2Body { // A rigid body. These are created via // box2d.b2World::CreateBody. constructor(bd: b2BodyDef, world: b2World); m_flags: b2BodyFlag; m_islandIndex: number; m_world: b2World; m_xf: b2Transform; m_out_xf: b2Transform; m_sweep: b2Sweep; m_out_sweep: b2Sweep; m_jointList: b2JointEdge; m_contactList: b2ContactEdge; m_prev: b2Body; m_next: b2Body; m_linearVelocity: b2Vec2; m_out_linearVelocity: b2Vec2; m_angularVelocity: number; m_linearDamping: number; m_angularDamping: number; m_gravityScale: number; m_force: b2Vec2; m_torque: number; m_sleepTime: number; m_type: b2BodyType; m_mass: number; m_invMass: number; m_I: number; m_invI: number; m_userData: any; m_fixtureList: b2Fixture; m_fixtureCount: number; m_controllerList: b2ControllerEdge; m_controllerCount: number; // Creates a fixture and attach it to this body. Use this // function if you need to set some fixture parameters, like // friction. Otherwise you can create the fixture directly from // a shape. // If the density is non-zero, this function automatically // updates the mass of the body. Contacts are not created until // the next time step. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. CreateFixture(def: b2FixtureDef): b2Fixture; // Creates a fixture from a shape and attach it to this body. // This is a convenience function. Use b2FixtureDef if you need // to set parameters like friction, restitution, user data, or // filtering. // If the density is non-zero, this function automatically // updates the mass of the body. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. CreateFixture2(shape: b2Shape, density: number): b2Fixture; // Destroy a fixture. This removes the fixture from the // broad-phase and destroys all contacts associated with this // fixture. This will automatically adjust the mass of the body // if the body is dynamic and the fixture has positive density. // All fixtures attached to a body are implicitly destroyed when // the body is destroyed. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. DestroyFixture(fixture: b2Fixture): void; // Set the position of the body's origin and rotation. // Manipulating a body's transform may cause non-physical // behavior. // Note: contacts are updated on the next call to b2World::Step. SetTransformVecRadians(position: b2Vec2, angle: number): void; SetTransformXYRadians(x: number, y: number, angle: number): void; SetTransform(xf: b2Transform): void; // Get the body transform for the body's origin. GetTransform(out?: b2Transform): b2Transform; // Get the world body origin position. GetPosition(out?: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SetPosition(position: b2Vec2): void; SetPositionXY(x: number, y: number): void; // Get the angle in radians. GetAngle(): number; SetAngle(angle: number): void; // Get the world position of the center of mass. GetWorldCenter(out?: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the local position of the center of mass. GetLocalCenter(out?: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Set the linear velocity of the center of mass. SetLinearVelocity(v: b2Vec2): void; // Get the linear velocity of the center of mass. GetLinearVelocity(out?: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Set the angular velocity. SetAngularVelocity(w: number): void; // Get the angular velocity. GetAngularVelocity(): number; GetDefinition(bd: b2BodyDef): b2BodyDef; // Apply a force at a world point. If the force is not applied // at the center of mass, it will generate a torque and affect // the angular velocity. This wakes up the body. ApplyForce(force: b2Vec2, point: b2Vec2, wake?: boolean): void; // Apply a force to the center of mass. This wakes up the body. ApplyForceToCenter(force: b2Vec2, wake?: boolean): void; // Apply a torque. This affects the angular velocity without // affecting the linear velocity of the center of mass. This // wakes up the body. ApplyTorque(torque: number, wake?: boolean): void; // Apply an impulse at a point. This immediately modifies the // velocity. It also modifies the angular velocity if the point // of application is not at the center of mass. This wakes up // the body. ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse: b2Vec2, point: b2Vec2, wake?: boolean): void; // Apply an angular impulse. ApplyAngularImpulse(impulse: number, wake?: boolean): void; // Get the total mass of the body. GetMass(): number; // Get the rotational inertia of the body about the local // origin. GetInertia(): number; // Get the mass data of the body. GetMassData(data: b2MassData): b2MassData; // Set the mass properties to override the mass properties of // the fixtures. // Note that this changes the center of mass position. // Note that creating or destroying fixtures can also alter the // mass. // This function has no effect if the body isn't dynamic. SetMassData(massData: b2MassData): void; // This resets the mass properties to the sum of the mass // properties of the fixtures. This normally does not need to be // called unless you called SetMassData to override the mass and // you later want to reset the mass. ResetMassData(): void; // Get the world coordinates of a point given the local // coordinates. GetWorldPoint(localPoint: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the world coordinates of a vector given the local // coordinates. GetWorldVector(localVector: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Gets a local point relative to the body's origin given a // world point. GetLocalPoint(worldPoint: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Gets a local vector given a world vector. GetLocalVector(worldVector: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the world linear velocity of a world point attached to // this body. GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(worldPoint: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the world velocity of a local point. GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(localPoint: b2Vec2, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the linear damping of the body. GetLinearDamping(): number; // Set the linear damping of the body. SetLinearDamping(linearDamping: number): void; // Get the angular damping of the body. GetAngularDamping(): number; // Set the angular damping of the body. SetAngularDamping(angularDamping: number): void; // Get the gravity scale of the body. GetGravityScale(): number; // Set the gravity scale of the body. SetGravityScale(scale: number): void; // Set the type of this body. This may alter the mass and // velocity. SetType(type: b2BodyType): void; // Get the type of this body. GetType(): b2BodyType; // Should this body be treated like a bullet for continuous // collision detection? SetBullet(flag: boolean): void; // Is this body treated like a bullet for continuous collision // detection? IsBullet(): boolean; // You can disable sleeping on this body. If you disable // sleeping, the body will be woken. SetSleepingAllowed(flag: boolean): void; // Is this body allowed to sleep IsSleepingAllowed(): boolean; // Set the sleep state of the body. A sleeping body has very low CPU cost. // put it to sleep. SetAwake(flag: boolean): void; // Get the sleeping state of this body. IsAwake(): boolean; // Set the active state of the body. An inactive body is not // simulated and cannot be collided with or woken up. // If you pass a flag of true, all fixtures will be added to the // broad-phase. // If you pass a flag of false, all fixtures will be removed from // the broad-phase and all contacts will be destroyed. // Fixtures and joints are otherwise unaffected. You may continue // to create/destroy fixtures and joints on inactive bodies. // Fixtures on an inactive body are implicitly inactive and will // not participate in collisions, ray-casts, or queries. // Joints connected to an inactive body are implicitly inactive. // An inactive body is still owned by a b2World object and remains // in the body list. SetActive(flag: boolean): void; // Get the active state of the body. IsActive(): boolean; // Set this body to have fixed rotation. This causes the mass to // be reset. SetFixedRotation(flag: boolean): void; // Does this body have fixed rotation? IsFixedRotation(): boolean; // Get the list of all fixtures attached to this body. GetFixtureList(): b2Fixture; // Get the list of all joints attached to this body. GetJointList(): b2JointEdge; // Get the list of all contacts attached to this body. // warning this list changes during the time step and you may // miss some collisions if you don't use b2ContactListener. GetContactList(): b2ContactEdge; // Get the next body in the world's body list. GetNext(): b2Body; // Get the user data pointer that was provided in the body // definition. GetUserData(): any; // Set the user data. Use this to store your application // specific data. SetUserData(data: any): void; // Get the parent world of this body. GetWorld(): b2World; SynchronizeFixtures(): void; SynchronizeTransform(): void; // This is used to prevent connected bodies from colliding. // It may lie, depending on the collideConnected flag. ShouldCollide(other: b2Body): boolean; Advance(alpha: number): void; // Dump this body to a log file Dump(): void; GetControllerList(): b2ControllerEdge; GetControllerCount(): number; } class b2World { // Construct a world object. constructor(gravity: b2Vec2); m_flags: b2WorldFlag; m_contactManager: b2ContactManager; m_bodyList: b2Body; m_jointList: b2Joint; m_bodyCount: number; m_jointCount: number; m_gravity: b2Vec2; m_out_gravity: b2Vec2; m_allowSleep: boolean; m_destructionListener: b2DestructionListener; m_debugDraw: b2Draw; // This is used to compute the time step ratio to support a // variable time step. m_inv_dt0: number; // These are for debugging the solver. m_warmStarting: boolean; m_continuousPhysics: boolean; m_subStepping: boolean; m_stepComplete: boolean; m_profile: b2Profile; m_island: b2Island; s_stack: Array; m_controllerList: b2Controller; m_controllerCount: number; // Enable/disable sleep. SetAllowSleeping(flag: boolean): void; GetAllowSleeping(): boolean; // Enable/disable warm starting. For testing. SetWarmStarting(flag: boolean): void; GetWarmStarting(): boolean; // Enable/disable continuous physics. For testing. SetContinuousPhysics(flag: boolean): void; GetContinuousPhysics(): boolean; // Enable/disable single stepped continuous physics. For // testing. SetSubStepping(flag: boolean): void; GetSubStepping(): boolean; // Get the world body list. With the returned body, use // b2Body::GetNext to get the next body in the world list. A // NULL body indicates the end of the list. GetBodyList(): b2Body; // Get the world joint list. With the returned joint, use // b2Joint::GetNext to get the next joint in the world list. A // NULL joint indicates the end of the list. GetJointList(): b2Joint; // Get the world contact list. With the returned contact, use // box2d.b2Contact::GetNext to get the next contact in the world // list. A NULL contact indicates the end of the list. // warning contacts are created and destroyed in the middle of a // time step. // Use box2d.b2ContactListener to avoid missing contacts. GetContactList(): b2Contact; // Get the number of bodies. GetBodyCount(): number; // Get the number of joints. GetJointCount(): number; // Get the number of contacts (each may have 0 or more contact // points). GetContactCount(): number; // Change the global gravity vector. SetGravity(gravity: b2Vec2, wake?: boolean): void; // Get the global gravity vector. GetGravity(out?: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Is the world locked (in the middle of a time step). IsLocked(): boolean; // Set flag to control automatic clearing of forces after each // time step. SetAutoClearForces(flag: boolean): void; // Get the flag that controls automatic clearing of forces after // each time step. GetAutoClearForces(): boolean; // Get the contact manager for testing. GetContactManager(): b2ContactManager; // Get the current profile. GetProfile(): b2Profile; // Register a destruction listener. The listener is owned by you // and must remain in scope. SetDestructionListener(listener: b2DestructionListener): void; // Register a contact filter to provide specific control over // collision. Otherwise the default filter is used // (b2_defaultFilter). The listener is owned by you and must // remain in scope. SetContactFilter(filter: b2ContactFilter): void; // Register a contact event listener. The listener is owned by // you and must remain in scope. SetContactListener(listener: b2ContactListener): void; // Register a routine for debug drawing. The debug draw // functions are called inside with b2World::DrawDebugData // method. The debug draw object is owned by you and must remain // in scope. SetDebugDraw(debugDraw: b2Draw): void; // Create a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the // definition is retained. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. CreateBody(def: b2BodyDef): b2Body; // Destroy a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the // definition is retained. This function is locked during // callbacks. // warning This automatically deletes all associated shapes and // joints. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. DestroyBody(b: b2Body): void; // Create a joint to constrain bodies together. No reference to // the definition is retained. This may cause the connected // bodies to cease colliding. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. CreateJoint(def: b2JointDef): b2Joint; // Destroy a joint. This may cause the connected bodies to begin // colliding. // warning This function is locked during callbacks. DestroyJoint(j: b2Joint): void; // Find islands, integrate and solve constraints, solve position // constraints Solve(step: b2TimeStep): void; // Find TOI contacts and solve them. SolveTOI(step: b2TimeStep): void; // Take a time step. This performs collision detection, // integration, and constraint solution. Step(dt: number, velocityIterations: number, positionIterations: number): void; // Manually clear the force buffer on all bodies. By default, // forces are cleared automatically after each call to Step. The // default behavior is modified by calling SetAutoClearForces. // The purpose of this function is to support sub-stepping. // Sub-stepping is often used to maintain a fixed sized time // step under a variable frame-rate. // When you perform sub-stepping you will disable auto clearing // of forces and instead call ClearForces after all sub-steps // are complete in one pass of your game loop. ClearForces(): void; // Query the world for all fixtures that potentially overlap the // provided AABB. // boolean} callback a user implemented callback class. QueryAABB(callback: (fixture: b2Fixture) => boolean | b2QueryCallback, aabb: b2AABB): void; // boolean} callback QueryShape(callback: (fixture: b2Fixture) => boolean | b2QueryCallback, shape: b2Shape, transform: b2Transform): void; // boolean} callback QueryPoint(callback: (fixture: b2Fixture) => boolean | b2QueryCallback, point: b2Vec2): void; // Ray-cast the world for all fixtures in the path of the ray. // Your callback controls whether you get the closest point, any // point, or n-points. The ray-cast ignores shapes that contain // the starting point. // box2d.b2Vec2, box2d.b2Vec2, number)} callback a user // implemented callback class. RayCast(callback: (fixture: b2Fixture, vec1: b2Vec2, vec2: b2Vec2, points: number) => void | b2RayCastCallback, point1: b2Vec2, point2: b2Vec2): void; RayCastOne(point1: b2Vec2, point2: b2Vec2): b2Fixture; RayCastAll(point1: b2Vec2, point2: b2Vec2, out: Array): Array; DrawShape(fixture: b2Fixture, color: b2Color): void; DrawJoint(joint: b2Joint): void; // Call this to draw shapes and other debug draw data. DrawDebugData(): void; SetBroadPhase(broadPhase: b2BroadPhase): void; // Get the number of broad-phase proxies. GetProxyCount(): number; // Get the height of the dynamic tree. GetTreeHeight(): number; // Get the balance of the dynamic tree. GetTreeBalance(): number; // Get the quality metric of the dynamic tree. The smaller the // better. The minimum is 1. GetTreeQuality(): number; // Shift the world origin. Useful for large worlds. // The body shift formula is: position -= newOrigin ShiftOrigin(newOrigin: b2Vec2): void; // Dump the world into the log file. // warning this should be called outside of a time step. Dump(): void; AddController(controller: b2Controller): b2Controller; RemoveController(controller: b2Controller): void; } class b2AreaJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Definition for a {@link box2d.b2AreaJoint}, which connects a // group a bodies together so they maintain a constant area // within them. constructor(); world: b2World; bodies: Array; // The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 // disables softness. frequencyHz: number; // The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. dampingRatio: number; AddBody(body: b2Body): void; } class b2AreaJoint extends b2Joint { // A distance joint constrains two points on two bodies to // remain at a fixed distance from each other. You can view this // as a massless, rigid rod. constructor(def: b2AreaJointDef); m_bodies: Array; m_frequencyHz: number; m_dampingRatio: number; m_impulse: number; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction force given the inverse time step. // Unit is N. GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction torque given the inverse time step. // Unit is N*m. This is always zero for a distance joint. GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // Set/get frequency in Hz. SetFrequency(hz: number): void; GetFrequency(): number; // Set/get damping ratio. SetDampingRatio(ratio: number): void; GetDampingRatio(): number; // Dump joint to dmLog Dump(): void; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; } class b2BuoyancyController extends b2Controller { // Calculates buoyancy forces for fluids in the form of a half // plane. constructor(); // The outer surface normal normal: b2Vec2; // The height of the fluid surface along the normal offset: number; // The fluid density density: number; // Fluid velocity, for drag calculations velocity: b2Vec2; // Linear drag co-efficient linearDrag: number; // Linear drag co-efficient angularDrag: number; // If false, bodies are assumed to be uniformly dense, otherwise // use the shapes densities useDensity: boolean; // If true, gravity is taken from the world instead of the useWorldGravity: boolean; // Gravity vector, if the world's gravity is not used gravity: b2Vec2; Step(step: b2TimeStep): void; Draw(debugDraw: b2Draw): void; } class b2TensorDampingController extends b2Controller { // Applies top down linear damping to the controlled bodies // The damping is calculated by multiplying velocity by a matrix // in local co-ordinates. constructor(); // Tensor to use in damping model T: b2Mat22; // Set this to a positive number to clamp the maximum amount of // damping done. maxTimestep: number; Step(step: b2TimeStep): void; // Sets damping independently along the x and y axes SetAxisAligned(xDamping: number, yDamping: number): void; } class b2DistanceJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Distance joint definition. This requires defining an anchor // point on both bodies and the non-zero length of the distance // joint. The definition uses local anchor points so that the // initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. // This helps when saving and loading a game. // warning Do not use a zero or short length. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The natural length between the anchor points. length: number; // The mass-spring-damper frequency in Hertz. A value of 0 // disables softness. frequencyHz: number; // The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. dampingRatio: number; Initialize(b1: b2Body, b2: b2Body, anchor1: b2Vec2, anchor2: b2Vec2): void; } class b2DistanceJoint extends b2Joint { // A distance joint constrains two points on two bodies to // remain at a fixed distance from each other. You can view this // as a massless, rigid rod. constructor(def: b2DistanceJointDef); m_frequencyHz: number; m_dampingRatio: number; m_bias: number; m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_gamma: number; m_impulse: number; m_length: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_u: b2Vec2; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_mass: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction force given the inverse time step. // Unit is N. GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the reaction torque given the inverse time step. // Unit is N*m. This is always zero for a distance joint. GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SetLength(length: number): void; GetLength(): number; // Set/get frequency in Hz. SetFrequency(hz: number): void; GetFrequency(): number; // Set/get damping ratio. SetDampingRatio(ratio: number): void; GetDampingRatio(): number; // Dump joint to dmLog Dump(): void; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; } class b2FrictionJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Friction joint definition. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The maximum friction force in N. maxForce: number; // The maximum friction torque in N-m. maxTorque: number; Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body, anchor: b2Vec2): void; } class b2FrictionJoint extends b2Joint { // Friction joint. This is used for top-down friction. It // provides 2D translational friction and angular friction. constructor(def: b2FrictionJointDef); m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_linearImpulse: b2Vec2; m_angularImpulse: number; m_maxForce: number; m_maxTorque: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_linearMass: b2Mat22; m_angularMass: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_K: b2Mat22; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Set the maximum friction force in N. SetMaxForce(force: number): void; // Get the maximum friction force in N. GetMaxForce(): number; // Set the maximum friction torque in N*m. SetMaxTorque(torque: number): void; // Get the maximum friction torque in N*m. GetMaxTorque(): number; // Dump joint to dmLog Dump(): void; } class b2MouseJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Mouse joint definition. This requires a world target point, // tuning parameters, and the time step. constructor(); // The initial world target point. This is assumed to coincide // with the body anchor initially. target: b2Vec2; // The maximum constraint force that can be exerted to move the // candidate body. Usually you will express as some multiple of // the weight (multiplier * mass * gravity). maxForce: number; // The response speed. frequencyHz: number; // The damping ratio. 0 = no damping, 1 = critical damping. dampingRatio: number; } class b2MouseJoint extends b2Joint { // A mouse joint is used to make a point on a body track a // specified world point. This a soft constraint with a maximum // force. This allows the constraint to stretch and without // applying huge forces. // NOTE: this joint is not documented in the manual because it // was developed to be used in the testbed. If you want to learn // how to use the mouse joint, look at the testbed. constructor(def: b2MouseJointDef); m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_targetA: b2Vec2; m_frequencyHz: number; m_dampingRatio: number; m_beta: number; m_impulse: b2Vec2; m_maxForce: number; m_gamma: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassB: number; m_invIB: number; m_mass: b2Mat22; m_C: b2Vec2; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_K: b2Mat22; SetTarget(target: b2Vec2): void; GetTarget(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; SetMaxForce(maxForce: number): void; GetMaxForce(): number; SetFrequency(hz: number): void; GetFrequency(): number; SetDampingRatio(ratio: number): void; GetDampingRatio(): number; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The mouse joint does not support dumping. Dump(): void; // Implement b2Joint::ShiftOrigin ShiftOrigin(newOrigin: b2Vec2): void; } class b2ConstantForceController extends b2Controller { // Applies a force every frame constructor(); Step(step: b2TimeStep): void; } class b2PulleyJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Pulley joint definition. This requires two ground anchors, // two dynamic body anchor points, and a pulley ratio. constructor(); // The first ground anchor in world coordinates. This point // never moves. groundAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The second ground anchor in world coordinates. This point // never moves. groundAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The a reference length for the segment attached to bodyA. lengthA: number; // The a reference length for the segment attached to bodyB. lengthB: number; // The pulley ratio, used to simulate a block-and-tackle. ratio: number; Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body, groundA: b2Vec2, groundB: b2Vec2, anchorA: b2Vec2, anchorB: b2Vec2, r: number): void; } class b2PulleyJoint extends b2Joint { // The pulley joint is connected to two bodies and two fixed ground points. // The pulley supports a ratio such that: // lengthA + ratio * lengthB <= constant // Yes, the force transmitted is scaled by the ratio. // Warning: the pulley joint can get a bit squirrelly by itself. // They often work better when combined with prismatic joints. // You should also cover the the anchor points with static // shapes to prevent one side from going to zero length. constructor(def: b2PulleyJointDef); m_groundAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_groundAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_lengthA: number; m_lengthB: number; m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_constant: number; m_ratio: number; m_impulse: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_uA: b2Vec2; m_uB: b2Vec2; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_mass: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; GetGroundAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetGroundAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Get the current length of the segment attached to bodyA. GetLengthA(): number; // Get the current length of the segment attached to bodyB. GetLengthB(): number; // Get the pulley ratio. GetRatio(): number; // Get the current length of the segment attached to bodyA. GetCurrentLengthA(): number; // Get the current length of the segment attached to bodyB. GetCurrentLengthB(): number; // Dump joint to dmLog Dump(): void; // Implement b2Joint::ShiftOrigin ShiftOrigin(newOrigin: b2Vec2): void; } class b2CircleShape extends b2Shape { // A circle shape. constructor(radius?: number); m_p: b2Vec2; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. Clone(): b2Shape; Copy(other: b2Shape): b2Shape; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. GetChildCount(): number; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. TestPoint(transform: b2Transform, p: b2Vec2): boolean; // Implement box2d.b2Shape. // Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino // van den Bergen From Section 3.1.2 // x = s + a * r // norm(x) = radius RayCast(output: b2RayCastOutput, input: b2RayCastInput, transform: b2Transform, childIndex: number): boolean; ComputeAABB(aabb: b2AABB, transform: b2Transform, childIndex: number): void; ComputeMass(massData: b2MassData, density: number): void; SetupDistanceProxy(proxy: b2DistanceProxy, index: number): void; ComputeSubmergedArea(normal: b2Vec2, offset: number, xf: b2Transform, c: b2Vec2): number; // Dump this shape to the log file. Dump(): void; } class b2RopeDef { constructor(); } class b2Rope { constructor(); GetVertexCount(): number; GetVertices(): Array; Initialize(def: b2RopeDef): void; Step(h: number, iterations: number): void; SolveC2(): void; SetAngleRadians(angle: number): void; SolveC3(): void; Draw(draw: b2Draw): void; } class b2WheelJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Wheel joint definition. This requires defining a line of // motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses // local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial // configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint // translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in // world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when // saving and loading a game. constructor(); // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. localAnchorA: b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. localAnchorB: b2Vec2; // The local translation axis in bodyA. localAxisA: b2Vec2; // Enable/disable the joint motor. enableMotor: boolean; // The maximum motor torque, usually in N-m. maxMotorTorque: number; // The desired motor speed in radians per second. motorSpeed: number; // Suspension frequency, zero indicates no suspension frequencyHz: number; // Suspension damping ratio, one indicates critical damping dampingRatio: number; Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body, anchor: b2Vec2, axis: b2Vec2): void; } class b2WheelJoint extends b2Joint { // A wheel joint. This joint provides two degrees of freedom: // translation along an axis fixed in bodyA and rotation in the // plane. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of // motion and a joint motor to drive the rotation or to model // rotational friction. // This joint is designed for vehicle suspensions. constructor(def: b2WheelJointDef); m_frequencyHz: number; m_dampingRatio: number; m_localAnchorA: b2Vec2; m_localAnchorB: b2Vec2; m_localXAxisA: b2Vec2; m_localYAxisA: b2Vec2; m_impulse: number; m_motorImpulse: number; m_springImpulse: number; m_maxMotorTorque: number; m_motorSpeed: number; m_enableMotor: boolean; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_ax: b2Vec2; m_ay: b2Vec2; m_sAx: number; m_sBx: number; m_sAy: number; m_sBy: number; m_mass: number; m_motorMass: number; m_springMass: number; m_bias: number; m_gamma: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_lalcA: b2Vec2; m_lalcB: b2Vec2; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; // Get the motor speed, usually in radians per second. GetMotorSpeed(): number; GetMaxMotorTorque(): number; SetSpringFrequencyHz(hz: number): void; GetSpringFrequencyHz(): number; SetSpringDampingRatio(ratio: number): void; GetSpringDampingRatio(): number; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; GetDefinition(def: b2WheelJointDef): b2WheelJointDef; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin. GetLocalAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin. GetLocalAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // The local joint axis relative to bodyA. GetLocalAxisA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetJointTranslation(): number; GetJointSpeed(): number; IsMotorEnabled(): boolean; EnableMotor(flag: boolean): void; // Set the motor speed, usually in radians per second. SetMotorSpeed(speed: number): void; // Set/Get the maximum motor force, usually in N-m. SetMaxMotorTorque(force: number): void; // Get the current motor torque given the inverse time step, // usually in N-m. GetMotorTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // Dump to b2Log Dump(): void; } class b2MotorJointDef extends b2JointDef { // Motor joint definition. constructor(); // Position of bodyB minus the position of bodyA, in bodyA's // frame, in meters. linearOffset: b2Vec2; // The bodyB angle minus bodyA angle in radians. angularOffset: number; // The maximum motor force in N. maxForce: number; // The maximum motor torque in N-m. maxTorque: number; // Position correction factor in the range [0,1]. correctionFactor: number; Initialize(bA: b2Body, bB: b2Body): void; } class b2MotorJoint extends b2Joint { // A motor joint is used to control the relative motion between // two bodies. A typical usage is to control the movement of a // dynamic body with respect to the ground. constructor(def: b2MotorJointDef); m_linearOffset: b2Vec2; m_angularOffset: number; m_linearImpulse: b2Vec2; m_angularImpulse: number; m_maxForce: number; m_maxTorque: number; m_correctionFactor: number; m_indexA: number; m_indexB: number; m_rA: b2Vec2; m_rB: b2Vec2; m_localCenterA: b2Vec2; m_localCenterB: b2Vec2; m_linearError: b2Vec2; m_angularError: number; m_invMassA: number; m_invMassB: number; m_invIA: number; m_invIB: number; m_linearMass: b2Mat22; m_angularMass: number; m_qA: b2Rot; m_qB: b2Rot; m_K: b2Mat22; GetAnchorA(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetAnchorB(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionForce(inv_dt: number, out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; GetReactionTorque(inv_dt: number): number; // Set the position correction factor in the range [0,1]. SetCorrectionFactor(factor: number): void; // Get the position correction factor in the range [0,1]. GetCorrectionFactor(): number; // Set/get the target linear offset, in frame A, in meters. SetLinearOffset(linearOffset: b2Vec2): void; GetLinearOffset(out: b2Vec2): b2Vec2; // Set/get the target angular offset, in radians. SetAngularOffset(angularOffset: number): void; GetAngularOffset(): number; // Set the maximum friction force in N. SetMaxForce(force: number): void; // Get the maximum friction force in N. GetMaxForce(): number; // Set the maximum friction torque in N*m. SetMaxTorque(torque: number): void; // Get the maximum friction torque in N*m. GetMaxTorque(): number; InitVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolveVelocityConstraints(data: b2SolverData): void; SolvePositionConstraints(data: b2SolverData): boolean; // Dump to b2Log Dump(): void; } class b2ParticleSystem { } }