// tslint:disable:max-line-length /** * @hidden * * options sent to webkit via commandline. for other options, see the local config.ts file (such as the ```tryProcessNextRequestTimeoutMs``` variable) */ export interface IProcessManagerOptions { // host: string; // port: number; /** where input files are read from. * must already exist. can have pending inputs in it upon startup. */ inputPath: string; /** where input files are moved to for processing. and where output files are put. * marked with "done.txt" when complete. * must already exist and be empty */ outputPath: string; // /** how often to watch the temp folder for new input files */ // requestWatchInterval: number; // /** how many ms we will wait if the activeRequest is unresponsive */ // activeRequestFrozenTimeout: number; isDebug: boolean; /** * friendly identifier used for debug purposes */ id: string; } /** the new options for rendering PDF's using our Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. If you are using the old ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]], see ```IPdfOptions_WebKit``` * * Note: by default PDF's use the CSS ```@screen``` media type. to change this, set [[IRenderSettings.emulateMedia]] to a value such as ```print``` * * If you want to rename the file (used if the user saves the pdf) set the ```Content-Disposition``` header via [[IRenderSettings.extraResponseHeaders]]. * For example: ```"Content-Disposition":'attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"'``` */ export interface IPdfOptions { /** a HTML template, use the following CSS classes to inject print values into their respective elements: * ```date```, ```title```, ```url```, ```pageNumber```, ```totalPages``` * * alternatively, you could pass the special classes as variables, as shown in this example: ```Page %pageNumber% of %totalPages%``` * * If the associated margin is not explicitly set, setting a template will automatically set the margin to ```"1in"``` * Note: page css is not available to this template, so include inline-css for styling. @example ```Header or Footer. Keep templates simple, and inline CSS. Page:XX/YY``` */ headerTemplate?: string; /** a HTML template, use the following classes to inject print values into their respective elements: * ```date```, ```title```, ```url```, ```pageNumber```, ```totalPages``` * * If the associated margin is not explicitly set, setting a template will automatically set the margin to ```"1in"``` * Note: page css is not available to this template, so include inline-css for styling. @example ```Header or Footer. Keep templates simple, and inline CSS. Page:XX/YY``` */ footerTemplate?: string; landscape?: boolean; /** Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. */ pageRanges?: string; /** pdf paper size to use. * * You may choose a standard paper size, **or an adaptive size**. * * standard paper sizes: ```Letter```, ```Legal```, ```Tabloid```, ```Ledger```, and ```A0``` to ```A6``` * adaptive sizes: * - ```viewport``` : renders pages the size of the current browser viewport * - ```onepage``` : renders all the browser contents in a single pdf page. It does this by setting the pdf page width to the current viewport width, and pdf page height to the entire page contents height. To better control page width, remember that 96px === 1in. So to have a 8.5inch wide page, set your viewport width to 816 (also consider using zoomFactor to shrink the page contents). ```onepage``` is slightly buggy, so to better control page length, you can set the additional ```onepageFudgeFactor``` sibling parameter. * @default "letter" */ format?: "letter" | "legal" | "tabloid" | "ledger" | "a0" | "a1" | "a2" | "a3" | "a4" | "a5" | "a6" | "viewport" | "onepage"; /** only used when ```format="onepage"```. * * multiplier for pdf page height, to get it to fit on a pdf page. leaves a small blank area at the bottom. * * formula is: ```pdfPageHeight = (browserPageHeight * fudgeFactor) + margins``` * * @default 1.05 */ onepageFudgeFactor?: number; // /** If your page uses CSS that responsively adjusts layout based on viewport width, set this to true, and the pdf page size will more closely match browser pixel dimensions. Default false this is rarely an issue. */ // emulateBrowserPixelDimensions?: boolean; /** optional pdf page dimensions used if you don't specify ```format```. * pass a number with one of the following units: ```px```, ```in```, ```cm```, or ```mm```. @example "88cm" */ width?: string; /** optional pdf page dimensions used if you don't specify ```format```. * pass a number with one of the following units: ```px```, ```in```, ```cm```, or ```mm```. @example "88cm" */ height?: string; /** optional margin * use units such as those used for ```width``` or ```height``` properties @default no margin. */ margin?: { top?: string; right?: string; bottom?: string; left?: string; }; /** if set to true, will use the CSS ```@page``` size if any is present. */ preferCSSPageSize?: boolean; } /** @deprecated for the old ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] rendering only. For the new ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]], see the ```IPdfOptions``` documentation. * options specific to rendering pdfs. IMPORTANT NOTE: we strongly recommend using ```px``` as your units of measurement. @Example ```json { border: "0", footer: { firstPage: "", height: "1cm", lastPage: "", onePage: "", repeating: "


" }, format: "letter", header: { firstPage: "", height: "0cm", lastPage: "", onePage: "", repeating: "" }, height: "11in", orientation: "portrait", width: "8.5in", } ``` */ // tslint:disable-next-line:class-name export interface IPdfOptions_WebKit { /** height and width are optional if format is specified. Use of ```px``` is strongly recommended. Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'. No unit means 'px'. */ width?: string; /** height and width are optional if format is specified. Use of ```px``` is strongly recommended. Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'. No unit means 'px'. */ height?: string; /** Border is optional and defaults to 0. A non-uniform border can be specified in the form {left: '2cm', top: '2cm', right: '2cm', bottom: '3cm'} Use of ```px``` is strongly recommended. */ border?: string; /** Supported formats are: 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter', 'Tabloid'. . */ format?: string; /** optional. ('portrait', 'landscape') and defaults to 'portrait' */ orientation?: string; /** settings for headers of the pdf */ // tslint:disable-next-line: deprecation header?: IPdfHeaderFooter_WebKit; /** settings for footers of the pdf */ // tslint:disable-next-line: deprecation footer?: IPdfHeaderFooter_WebKit; /** set the DPI for pdf generation. defaults to 150, which causes each page to be 2x as large (use "fit to paper" when printing) If you want exact, proper page dimensions, set this to 72. */ dpi?: number; } /**The parameters used for constructing browser cookies */ export interface ICookie { name: string; value: string; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). */ url?: string; domain?: string; path?: string; /** unix epoch timestamp (in ms) Javascript Example: * ```(new Date()).getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60) // <-- expires in 1 hour ``` */ expires?: number; /** @deprecated: for ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]], use ```httpOnly``` */ httponly?: boolean; /** ```chrome``` version of ```httponly``` */ httpOnly?: boolean; secure?: boolean; /** * @deprecated: all cookies are good for the duration of the request */ session?: boolean; /** "Strict" or "Lax" */ sameSite?: "Strict" | "Lax"; } /** adjustable parameters for when making network requests to the url specified. used by [[IPageRequest]]. */ export interface IUrlSettings { /** valid choices: ```GET```, ```POST```, ```PATCH```, ```PUT```, ```DELETE``` or ```OPTIONS```. * The old ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] only supports ```GET``` or ```POST``` * * @default "GET" */ operation?: string; /** @deprecated: for use with the ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] only. the new Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] defaults to 'utf8' * @default "utf8" */ encoding?: string; /** custom headers for the taret page. * for example, can be used to specify a referer. * * if you want to set headers for every sub-resource requested, use the [[IRequestSettings.customHeaders]] parameter instead.*/ headers?: { [ key: string ]: string; }; // jASON MAYBE TODO: if that doesn't work properly, can try setting the page.customHeaders in the page.onLoadStarted() event. see http://www.developwebsites.net/faking-the-referer-header-in-phantomjs/ for more details. /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * A shortcut to set the content type when using POST data. If you supply a "content-type" header via [[headers]] this will be ignored. * * Typical options are ```application/x-www-form-urlencoded```, ```application/json```, or ```text/plain```, Please see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/POST for details. * * @default "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" */ contentType?: string; /** submitted in POST BODY of your request. */ data?: any; } /// ** scroll the browser to the targeted position over time. */ // export interface IScrollPositionOptions { // top: number; // left: number; // /** pixels per second to scroll towards the target. once the target is reached, scrolling stops. if zero or not set, we instantly snap to the target position */ // velocity?: number; // /** if set to true, will delay page-rendering until the scroll position is reached (as determined by the velocity parameter). // if you choose outputAsJson, you will be notified if this causes your page rendering to be delayed. // default is false. */ // delayRenderUntilFinished?: boolean; // } /// ** experimental! various settings to support authentication. please send feedback to support@phantomjscloud.com */ // export interface IAuthenticationOptions { // /** sets the user name used for HTTP authentication. */ // userName?: string; // /** sets the password used for HTTP authentication. */ // password?: string; // } /** settings related to requesting internet resources (your page and resources referenced by your page) */ export interface IRequestSettings { /** * set to true to skip loading of inlined images. If you are not outputing a screenshot, you can usually set this to true, which will decrease load times. */ ignoreImages?: boolean; /** * set to true to disable all Javascript from being processed on your page. */ disableJavascript?: boolean; /** * default useragent is ```"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.34 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/534.34 PhantomJS/2.0.0 (PhantomJsCloud.com/2.0.1)"``` */ userAgent?: string; /** * username/password for simple HTTP authentication */ authentication?: { userName: string; password: string; }; /** * set to true to prohibit cross-site scripting attempts (XSS). * * You may also set the experimental [[disableSecureHeaders]] property to further reduce page security. * * @default false */ xssAuditingEnabled?: boolean; /** * set to true to enable web security. This includes things like CORS and CSP (content security policy). * * You may also set the experimental [[disableSecureHeaders]] property to further reduce page security. * * IMPORTANT: only the first [[IPageRequest]] can set this property, and it is reused for the remainder of your request. * @default false */ webSecurityEnabled?: boolean; /** maximum amount of time (in ms) to wait for each external resources to load. * (.js, .png, etc) if the time exceeds this, we don't cancel the resource request, * but we don't delay rendering the [[IPageRequest]] if everything else is done. */ resourceWait?: number; /** maximum amount of time to wait for each external resource to load. * we kill the request if it exceeds this amount. */ resourceTimeout?: number; /** the maximum amount of time (ms timeout) you wish to wait for the target page to finish loading. * When rendering a page, we will give you whatever is ready at this time (page may be incompletely loaded). * Can be increased up to 5 minutes (300000) , but that only should be used as a last resort, * as it is a relatively expensive page render (you are billed for render time). * if this value is exceeded, the current page will be rendered "normally" (status 200), however you may inspect the target page's status code by looking at ```pjsc-content-status-code``` header, or ```content.statusCode``` if outputting as JSON. */ maxWait?: number; /** Milliseconds to delay rendering after the last resource is finished loading (default is 1000ms). This is useful in case there are any AJAX requests or animations that need to finish up. If additional network requests are made while we are waiting, the waitInterval will restart once finished again. * This can safely be set to 0 if you know there are no AJAX or animations you need to wait for (decreasing your billed costs) */ waitInterval?: number; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * maximum amount of time (in ms) to wait when communicating with the browser, such as when retrieving iframes or cookies, detecting page height, etc. Default is 2000ms. You usually will not need to change this, unless dealing with JSON output and very large/complex pages.*/ ioWait?: number; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * A regex. If it maches a resource's response URL, we will record the response body in base64 format, stored in the output JSON under the pageResponses.events (key=response) node. * * For advanced use. This is useful when you want to inspect data sent to your page, but is otherwise not rendered in the page output.*/ recordResourceBody?: string; /** if true, will stop [[IPageRequest]] load upon the first error detected, and move to next phase (render or next page) */ stopOnError?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * **Experimental**: There are some bugs, and this future may be adjusted in the comming months based on usage feedback. If you have any comments/questions, please email Support@PhantomJsCloud.com * * As soon as your criteria is met, will trigger the completion of your apge (But still respects [[waitInterval]] delay and in-progress injected scripts). If the all the criteria is not met, the page will continue waiting, until the [[maxWait]] is timeout reached. * * You may pass an array so that you can detect modify the response status code, and whichever element matches will be noted in the ```userResponse.content.doneWhen``` node, and in the ```pjsc-content-done-when``` HTTP Response Header. * * **Usage Notes**: * * 1) each doneWhen element may have one or more criteria. All criteria must be met for the load to be considered done. Pass multiple array elements if you want "```OR```" style functionality. * * 2) Scanning for your critera is performed aproximately every 50ms. This means that rapid changes to the web page may be overlooked. * * 3) ***If you need finer control of completion*** use [[IScriptPjscMeta.manualWait]] and/or [[IScriptPjscMeta.forceFinish]] by injecting a custom script via [[IPageRequest.scripts]]. * @example * * ``` { url:"https://PhantomJsCloud.com/examples/corpus/ajax.html", "requestSettings":{ "doneWhen":[ {"text":'"statusCode":206',statusCode:202}, {"selector":"pre#fill-target",statusCode:201}, ], waitInterval:0, }, renderSettings:{ passThroughStatusCode:true, }, } ``` * */ doneWhen?: Array<{ /** if set, will render when the page event occurs. By default we wait until all network requests are complete, after the load event. *(note: this can be controlled via [[IRequestSettings.resourceWait]] also). * * **Currently buggy** */ event?: "load" | "domReady"; /** match a [CSS Selector](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Introduction_to_CSS/Selectors) */ selector?: string; /** match a [XPath lookup](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XPath) */ xpath?: string; /** if the page's plain-text contains the given string (case sensitive) */ text?: string; /** if the page's plain-text matches the given [Regular Expression](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions) */ textRegEx?: string; /** if the page's html contains the given string (case sensitive) */ html?: string; /** if the page's html matches the given [Regular Expression](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions) */ htmlRegEx?: string; /** specify what status code you want returned. when your criteria is met * * @default 200 */ statusCode?: number; }>; // not used anymore (old note for webkit) // * **IMPORTANT NOTE**: If you use this to blacklist resources, it is strongly recommended you also set the **```clearCache```** parameter. This is because cached resources are not requested, and thus will not be able to be blacklisted. /** array of regex + adjustment parametes for modifying or rejecting resources being loaded by the webpage. * Example: ```"resourceModifier": [{regex:".*css.*",isBlacklisted:true}{"regex": "http://mydomain.com.*","setHeader": {"hello": "world","Accept-encoding": "tacos"}}]``` */ resourceModifier?: IResourceModifier[]; /** * BEWARE: setting custom headers can corrupt your request. use with care. * specify additional request headers here. They will be sent to the server for every request issued (the page and resources). Unicode is not supported (ASCII only) * example: ```customHeaders:{"myHeader":"myValue","yourHeader":"someValue"}``` * if you want to set headers for just the target page (and not every sub-request) use the [[IUrlSettings.headers]] parameter. */ customHeaders?: { [ key: string ]: string; }; /** * if true, clears cache between chained [[IPageRequest]] navigations. * note: only important if multiple pages are navigated in one [[IUserRequest]]. cache is never shared between api calls. * @default false */ clearCache?: boolean; /** * if true, clears all cookies upon initial navigation to the targetUrl. consider using the ```deleteCookies``` property for targeted removals. * note: only important if multiple pages are navigated in one [[IUserRequest]]. cookies are never shared between api calls. * @default false */ clearCookies?: boolean; /** * You must specify name, value, and either domain or url. * Set Cookies for any domain, prior to loading this [[IPageRequest]]. If a cookie already exists with the same domain+path+name combination, it will be replaced. * See [[ICookie]] for documentation on the cookie parameters. */ cookies?: ICookie[]; /** * delete any cookie with a matching "name" property before processing the request. */ deleteCookies?: string[]; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] (not supported in ```WebKit```). * if set, will override the viewport and useragent. */ emulateDevice?: "random" | "iPhone 4" | "iPhone 4 landscape" | "iPhone X" | "iPhone X landscape" | "Nexus 4" | "Nexus 4 landscape" | "Nexus 10" | "Nexus 10 landscape" | "Windows IE11 1080p" | "Windows IE11 1080p landscape" | "Surface 3 Chrome" | "Surface 3 Chrome landscape" | "googlebot"; // /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] (not supported in ```WebKit```). // * in some circumstances we rewrite your requests to enable various api features or fix browser bugs (unicode POST body, bypass page security, etc) // * In rare circumstances this can confuse the server hosting your target page. // * // * Pass ```true``` to disable request modification, which means some edge case requests will not work properly. // * @default false // */ // disableRequestRewrites?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] (not supported in ```WebKit```). * * if set to true, rewrites your request to disable content-security-policy, xss protection, and CORS, assuming that [[webSecurityEnabled]] and [[xssAuditingEnabled]] settings do not conflict.. * * ***IMPORTANT*** This is an experimental feature, which is why it is FALSE by default. when it is more stable, it will be on by default and will need to be turned off via ```enableSecureHeaders``` * @default false */ disableSecureHeaders?: boolean; } /** * Execute your own custom JavaScript inside the page being loaded. * **INPUT** * You can pass in either the url to a script to load, or the text of the script itself. Example: ```scripts:{domReady:["//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.js","return 'Hello, World!';"]}``` * **OUTPUT** * Your scripts can return data to you in the ```pageResponse.scriptOutput``` object. You can access this directly via ```windows._pjscMeta.scriptOutput``` or your script can simply return a value and it will be set as the ```scriptOutput``` (not available on external, url loaded scripts) * Also, if you use the **[[IPageRequest.renderType]]="script"** setting, your response will be the ```scriptOutput``` itself (in JSON format) which allows you to construct your own custom API. A very powerful feature! * * * ***IMPORTANT. The ```window._pjscMeta``` feature will be improved soon.***: the ```Chrome``` usage of this feature will improved somewhat in the near future to be more robust. Existing functionality will stay, but added features are being considered. If you would like to provide feedback, or be notified directly when These changes occur, please contact Support@PhantomJsCloud.com. Webkit implementation will stay as-is. * */ export interface IScripts { /** * triggers when the dom is ready for the current page. Please note that the page may (or may not) still be loading. Additionally, this event may fire multiple times if the page redirects. */ domReady?: string[]; /** * triggers when we determine the [[IPageRequest]] has been completed. If your page is being rendered, this occurs immediately before then. * **IMPORTANT NOTE**: Generally you do NOT want to load external scripts (url based) here, as it will hold up rendering. Consider putting your external scripts in ```domReady``` */ loadFinished?: string[]; /** * new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * will execute scripts when your [[IPageRequest]] navigation is started. * **IMPORTANT NOTE**: For advanced use only. This is triggered before your page starts loading, so work done by your script may not be applied properly. Consider using ```domReady``` instead. * Additionally, this event may fire multiple times if the page redirects. */ pageNavigated?: string[]; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * triggered when the page.load event occurs Please note that the domReady event may or may not have fired yet. Additionally, this event may fire multiple times if the page redirects. */ load?: string[]; } /** The parameters for requesting and rendering a page. When you submit an array of IPageRequests, they are loaded in-order, and only the last one is rendered. * All variables except 'url' are optional. */ export interface IPageRequest { /** The target page you wish to load. Either url or [[content]] is required. */ url: string; /** if specified, will be used as the content of the page you are loading (no network request will be made for the ```url```). * If you do not provide a [[url]]] then ```http://localhost/blank``` will be used as the target Url for your content. * * Alternatively, you can provide a url as the content. This will load the contents of the url and use that as the content string. * * @example * {url:"http://example.com/page1",content:"http://example.com/page2", renderType:"png"} //replace the contents of page1 with those of page2 and takes a screenshot * * {url:"

Hello, World!

", renderType:"png"} //loads http://localhost/blank with the contents "

Hello, World!

" and takes a screenshot */ content?: string; /** adjustable parameters for when making network requests to the url specified */ urlSettings?: IUrlSettings; /** ```html```: returns the html text, * ```jpeg``` | ```jpg``` : The default. renders page as jpeg. transparency not supported. (use ```png``` for transparency). Max height/width is 20000px. If you need bigger, let support@phantomjscloud.com know. , ```png```: renders page as png. Max default height/width is ```10000```px. If you need bigger, set [[IRenderSettings.clipRect]] or [[IRenderSettings.selector]] directly (such as ```renderSettings.selector:"body"```). , ```pdf```: renders page as a pdf, ```script```: returns the contents of ```window['_pjscMeta'].scriptOutput```. see the [[IScripts]] parameter for more details, ```plainText```: return the text without html tags (page plain text),*/ renderType?: string; // passThroughResponseHeaders: boolean = false; /** TRUE to return the page contents and metadata as a JSON object. see [[IUserResponse]] * if FALSE, we return the rendered content in it's native form. */ outputAsJson?: boolean; /** settings related to requesting internet resources (your page and resources referenced by your page) */ requestSettings?: IRequestSettings; /** add the nodes from your pageResponse that you do not wish to transmit. This reduces the size of your data, thus reducing cost and transmission time. * if you need the data in these nodes, simply remove it from this array. pass an empty array to return all nodes. * * @example: [ "pageResponses.events.value.request.headers", "pageResponses.events.value.response.headers", "pageResponses.frameData.content", "pageResponses.frameData.childFrames" ] */ suppressJson?: string[]; /** settings related to rendering of the last page of your request. See the [[IRenderSettings]] documentation (below) for details*/ renderSettings?: IRenderSettings; /** * Execute your own custom JavaScript inside the page being loaded. * see ```IScripts``` docs for more details. */ scripts?: IScripts; /** choose what browser renders your request * * @default "default" */ backend?: IBackendType; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```).. extra settings if you use injected ```scripts```. */ scriptSettings?: IScriptSettings; } /** select the browser engine you will use * * you may choose from the following shortcuts: "```default```", "```preview```", "```webkit```", "```chrome```" * ```default```: currently ```webkit pjs2.1.1```, will change to ```chrome``` soon * ```preview```: currently ```chrome```. may change at any time as this is for testing new backends or feature enhancements. * ```webkit```: the latest stabke version of the default PhantomJs rendering engine: ```webkit pjs2.1.1``` * ```chrome```: the latest stable version of chrome * or choose a specific backend: ```chrome v68```, ```webkit pjs2.1.1```, ```webkit pjs2.5beta``` * */ export type IBackendType = "default" | "chrome" | "webkit" | "preview" | "webkit pjs2.1.1" | "webkit pjs2.5beta"; /** @hidden all [[IBackendType]] choices are converted into one of these internally */ export type IDiscreteBackendType = "webkit pjs2.1.1" | "webkit pjs2.5beta" | "chrome"; /** settings to customize injected script execution. For more details, see [[IPageRequest.scripts]] and [IScriptPjscMeta] */ export interface IScriptSettings { /** if true and your script errors, processing will abort. default false. */ stopOnError?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). set to true to load your scripts in a phase asynchronously. * * This offers better performance but scripts must be designed to run in this way. * * Also note: if set to true, only scripts inside the same [[IPageEventPhase]] will run at the same time. We always make sure scripts from prior phases finish before starting the next phase. * * @default false */ async?: boolean; } /**@hidden */ export function pageRequestDefaultsGet(): IPageRequest { let pageRequestDefaults: IPageRequest = { url: ( undefined as any ), content: undefined, urlSettings: undefined, // { // operation: "GET", // encoding: "utf8", // headers: undefined, // data: undefined, // }, renderType: "jpg", outputAsJson: false, requestSettings: { ignoreImages: false, disableJavascript: false, userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.34 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/534.34 PhantomJS/2.0.0 (PhantomJsCloud.com/2.0.1)", // using Safari v534.34 due to increased WebFont compatibility. see: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/12682#issuecomment-68453670 authentication: undefined,// { userName: "guest", password: "guest" }, xssAuditingEnabled: false, webSecurityEnabled: false, resourceWait: 15000, resourceTimeout: 35000, maxWait: 35000, ioWait: 2000, waitInterval: 1000, stopOnError: false, resourceModifier: [], customHeaders: {}, clearCache: false, clearCookies: false, cookies: [], deleteCookies: [] }, suppressJson: [ "events.value.resourceRequest.headers", "events.value.resourceResponse.headers", "frameData.content", "frameData.childFrames", // "pageResponses.events.value.request.headers", // "pageResponses.events.value.response.headers", // "pageResponses.frameData.content", // "pageResponses.frameData.childFrames", ], renderSettings: { quality: 70, // pdfOptions: { // border: undefined, //"1cm", // // footer: { // // firstPage: undefined, height: "1cm", lastPage: undefined, onePage: undefined, repeating: "%pageNum%/%numPages%" // // }, // format: "letter", // //header: undefined, // height: undefined, // //orientation: "portrait", // width: undefined, // //dpi: 150, // }, // clipRectangle: undefined, //{height:8000, width:8000 , top:0, left:0}, // renderIFrame: undefined, viewport: { height: 1280, width: 1280 }, zoomFactor: 1.0, passThroughHeaders: false, emulateMedia: "screen", omitBackground: false, passThroughStatusCode: false, // pngOptions: { // optimize: false, // colors: 256, // noDither: false, // //posterize: undefined, // qualityMax: 80, // qualityMin: 0, // speed: 8, // } }, scripts: { pageNavigated: [], load: [], domReady: [], loadFinished: [], }, scriptSettings: { stopOnError: false, async: false, } }; return pageRequestDefaults; } /** * ***IMPORTANT. Improvements are coming!***: the ```Chrome``` usage of this feature will be enhanced in the near future to offer more control and automation. If you would like to be notified directly when these improvements occur, please contact Support@PhantomJsCloud.com * * properties exposed to your custom ```scripts``` via ```window._pjscMeta``` */ export interface IScriptPjscMeta { /** * @deprecated: For ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] only. (not for ```Chrome```). * Scripts can access (readonly) details about the page being loaded via ```window._pjscMeta.pageResponse``` See [[IPageResponse]] for more details. */ pageResponse?: IPageResponse; /** Your scripts can return data to you in the ```pageResponse.scriptOutput``` object. You can access this directly via ```windows._pjscMeta.scriptOutput``` or your script can simply return a value and it will be set as the ```scriptOutput``` (not available on external, url loaded scripts) */ scriptOutput: any; /** how many custom scripts have been loaded so far*/ scriptsExecuted: number; /** set to false by default. if true, will delay rendering until you set it back to false. good if you are waiting on an AJAX event. */ manualWait: boolean; /** set to false by default. set to true to force rendering immediately. good for example, when you want to render as soon as domReady happens */ forceFinish: boolean; /** allows you to override specific [[IPageRequest]] options with values you compute in your script (based on the document at runtime) */ optionsOverrides: { /** set the clipRectangle for image rendering. here is an example you can run in your domReady or loadFinished script: ```_pjscMeta.optionsOverrides.clipRectangle = document.querySelector("h1").getBoundingClientRect();``` */ clipRectangle?: IClipOptions; }; } /** regex + adjustment parameters for modifying or rejecting resources being loaded by the webpage. Example: ```{regex:".*css.*",isBlacklisted:true}``` */ export interface IResourceModifier { /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * pass one of the categories to modify all requests of that type. * * can be used in instead of, or in addition to, the [[IResourceModifier.category|category]] or [[IResourceModifier.regex|regex]] property (results are additive) */ type?: "document" | "stylesheet" | "image" | "media" | "font" | "script" | "texttrack" | "xhr" | "fetch" | "eventsource" | "websocket" | "manifest" | "other"; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * pass one of the listed categories to modify all requests of that type. * * can be used in instead of, or in addition to, the [[IResourceModifier.type|type]] or [[IResourceModifier.regex|regex]] property (results are additive) */ category?: "navigationRequest" | "pageResource" | "subFrameResource"; /** pattern used to match a resource's url. * * can be used in instead of, or in addition to, the [[IResourceModifier.category|category]] or [[IResourceModifier.type|type]] property (results are additive) * examples: it really depends what the site is and what you are wanting to block, but for example to block anything with the text "facebook" or "linkedin" in the url: ```javascript requestModifiers:[{regex:".*facebook.*",isBlacklisted:true},{regex:".*linkedin.*",isBlacklisted:true}]``` It's especially useful if you just need the text, as you can block all css files from loading, such as: ```".*\.css.*"``` Don't use this to block images. instead, images are blocked by using the [[IRequestSettings.ignoreImages]]=true property```*/ regex?: string; /** if true, blacklists the request unless a later matching resourceAdjustor changes it back to false (we process in a FIFO fashion) by default, we don't blacklist anything. You should keep it this way when rendering jpeg (where the visuals matter), if processing text/data, blacklisting .css files ['.*\.css.*'] will work fine. check the response.metrics for other resources you could blacklist (example: facebook, google analytics, ad networks) */ isBlacklisted?: boolean; // // * This is an excellent and only way to provide alternative implementation of a remote resource. // // * you can even use a dataURI so that you can set the contents directly, Example: ```data:,Hello%2C%20World!``` // // * additionally, you can use special marker tokens to replace parts of the changeUrl with the original resource url. // // * the special marker tokens are ```$$port``` ```$$protocol```` ```$$host``` ```$$path```. For example ```changeUrl="$$protocol://example.com$$path"``` /** changes the current URL of the network request. * * * You can inject parts of the original URL into your changeUrl using one of the special marker tokens: ```$$port``` ```$$protocol```` ```$$host``` or ```$$path```. * * ***Note*** You can use [[IResourceModifier.changeCaptureRegex|changeCaptureRegex]] to construct custom marker tokens that can be used inside of your [[IResourceModifier.changeUrl|changeUrl]] string. * * @example ```changeUrl="$$protocol://example.com/redirect$$path"``` would change the URL ```https://mysite.org/products/item1.html``` to ```https://example.com/redirect/products/item1.html``` */ changeUrl?: string; /** special pattern matching regex. capture groups can replace parts of the ```changeUrl``` that use the special marker tokens ```$$0```, ```$$1```, etc on to ```$$9``` . * * ***Note*** You use [[IResourceModifier.changeCaptureRegex|changeCaptureRegex]] to construct custom marker tokens that can be used inside of your [[IResourceModifier.changeUrl|changeUrl]] string. for example: if ```resourceUrl="http://google.com/somescript.js"``` ```changeCaptureRegex="^.*?/(.*)$"``` would create a match group for everything after the last ```/``` character and ```changeUrl="http://example.com/$$1"``` would then get evaluated to ```"http://example.com/somescript.js"``` */ changeCaptureRegex?: string; /** optional key/value pairs for adjusting the headers of this resource's request. example: ```{"Accept-encoding":"gzip", "hello":"world"}```*/ setHeader?: { [ key: string ]: string; }; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * set the response to be returned to the requesting page. warning: setting this to an empty object will force a blank response. to skip this, do not set it, or set to null.*/ setResponse?: { /** set the response body */ body?: string; /** sets the Content-Type response header */ contentType?: string; /** set response headers */ headers?: { [ key: string ]: string; }; /** set response status code. * @default 200 */ status?: number; }; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * set to override the method. */ method?: string; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * set to override the post body. */ postData?: string; } /** allows selecting focused content. * For images, This property defines the rectangular area of the web page to be rasterized when using the requestType of png or jpeg. * alternatively, you could use the [[IRenderSettings.selector]] option * If no clipping rectangle is set, the entire web page is captured. */ export interface IClipOptions { /** @default 0 */ top?: number; /** @default 0 */ left?: number; width: number; height: number; } /** when a page is rendered, use these settings. */ export interface IRenderSettings { /** jpeg quality. 0 to 100. default 70. ignored for png, use pngOptions to set png quality. */ quality?: number; /** settings useful for generating PDF's * * **Note**: by default, when generating a PDF we set the **[[IRenderSettings.emulateMedia]]="screen"** property. Consider setting [[IRenderSettings.emulateMedia]]="print" for a more print-friendly PDF @Example ```json { format: "A4", headerTemplate:"
", landscape:true, preferCSSPageSize:true, pageRanges:"1-3", } ```*/ pdfOptions?: IPdfOptions; /** optional png quality options passed to PngQuant. you must set pngOptions.optimize=true to enable these, otherwise the original non-modified png is returned. */ pngOptions?: IPngOptions; /** size of the browser in pixels*/ viewport?: { width: number; /** * by default, height is not used when taking screenshots (png/pdf). The image will be as tall as required to fit the content. * To customize your screenshot dimensions, use the [[IRenderSettings.clipRectangle]] property. */ height: number; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * if set, the meta viewport tag is used * @default false */ isMobile?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * if touch events are supported * @default false */ hasTouch?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * if landscape mode is used * @default false */ isLandscape?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * set screen dpi scaling. default is 1. */ deviceScaleFactor?: number; }; /** This property specifies the scaling factor for the screenshot (requestType png/pdf) choices. The default is 1, i.e. 100% zoom. Use [[viewport.deviceScaleFactor]] if you need to control screen DPI */ zoomFactor?: number; /** This property defines the rectangular area of the web page to be rasterized when using the requestType of png or jpeg. If no clipping rectangle is set, the entire web page is captured. Beware: if you capture too large an image it can cause your request to fail (out of memory). you can choose any dimensions you wish as long as you do not exceed 32M pixels new for Chrome: as an alternative to clipRect, specify [[IRenderSettings.selector]] to automatically set the viewport.*/ clipRectangle?: IClipOptions; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * as an alternative to ```clipRectangle``` you may pass a CSS selector. * such as "h1", and the bounding rectangle of that element will be used. * CSS selectors are like JQuery. For help, please see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors * For PlainText or Html, you can pass a selector which will render only the specified element. * For image rendering (jpeg/png) You may also send the send the special "_viewport" selector * note: selector takes precidence over any clipRectangle settings. */ selector?: string; /** @deprecated for ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] only. not supported in ```Chrome```. use ```clipRectangle.selector``` instead. * specify an IFrame to render instead of the full page. must be the frame's name.*/ renderIFrame?: string; /** If true, we will pass through all headers received from the target URL. * However, we do not pass through "content-*" and "transfer-*" headers, except for "Content-Type" if you render "html". * Please note: this can potentially corrupt your response, so use with caution. * ```extraResponseHeaders``` override these headers. * @default false*/ passThroughHeaders?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * if true, will pass the content statusCode, irrespective of if your api call was successful. * * Note: you can always check the target URL's status code by inspecting the ```pjsc-content-status-code``` response header. */ passThroughStatusCode?: boolean; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * If true, and outputting a PNG, will hide the default white background (useful for capturing transparency). * If true and outputting a PDF, will hide the background graphics altogether. * @default false */ omitBackground?: boolean; /** BEWARE: setting custom headers can corrupt your response, making it appear to fail when it did not. use with care. * custom response headers you want sent along with your response. * For example, to rename the file being downloaded, * you can add ```'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"'``` */ extraResponseHeaders?: { [ name: string ]: string; }; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * override the CSS media type of the page. * @default "screen"*/ emulateMedia?: "screen" | "print"; } /** optional png quality options passed to PngQuant. you must set pngOptions.optimize=true to enable these, otherwise the original non-modified png is returned. */ export interface IPngOptions { /** default false, which is to return the original png. if you pass true, we will optimize the png using PngQuant. smaller file size but takes longer to process */ optimize?: boolean; /** default 0. If conversion results in quality below the min quality the image won't be compressed */ qualityMin?: number; /** 1 to 100. default 80. Instructs pngquant to use the least amount of colors required to meet or exceed the max quality. */ qualityMax?: number; /** 2 to 256. default 256. */ colors?: number; /** default 8. (very fast). value can rage between 1 (slow) and 11 (fast and rough) */ speed?: number; /** default false. true to disable dithering */ noDither?: boolean; /// ** default null (disabled). output low precision color. specify a bitDepth: 0 to 4. works best when noDither=true. */ // posterize?: number; } /** * @deprecated for use with the old ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. for the new ```Chrome``` based [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]], see ```IPdfOptions``` * options for specifying headers or footers in a pdf render. */ export interface IPdfHeaderFooter_WebKit { /** required. Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'. No unit means 'px'.*/ height: string; /** specify a header used for each page. use wildcards for pageNum,numPages as shown in this example: ```repeating:


``` */ repeating?: string; /** if specified, this is used for the first page (instead of the repeating) */ firstPage?: string; /** if specified, this is used for the last page (instead of the repeating) */ lastPage?: string; /** if specified, this is used for single page pdfs (instead of the repeating) */ onePage?: string; } /** The 'maximal' form of user request, allows specifying multiple [[IPageRequest]]'s to load in order, and other misc global options. * * ***Note***: if you need to send a single [[IPageRequest]], can can send it directly (no need to wrap it in an [[IUserRequest]] object) */ export interface IUserRequest { // geolocation?: string; /** array of pages you want to load, in order. Only the last successfully loaded page will be rendered.*/ pages: IPageRequest[]; /** set to use a custom proxy server */ proxy?: IProxyOptions; // /** Use proxy servers for your request. default=```false```. // * set to ```true``` to enable our builtin proxy servers, or use the parameters found at [[IProxyOptions]] for more control/options, including the ability to specify your own custom proxy server. // * IMPORTANT: for now, to use the builtin proxy servers, you must use the api endpoints found at [api-static.phantomjscloud.com](http://api-static.phantomjscloud.com) This is because our proxy provider requires Whitelisting us by Static IP addresses. This requirement will be removed after we exit Beta. // * Additionally, When you use proxy servers, be aware that requests will be slower, so consider increasing the [[IRequestSettings.resourceTimeout]] parameter like the Proxy Example does. // */ // proxy?: boolean | IProxyOptions; /** choose what browser renders your request * @default "default" */ backend?: IBackendType; /** @hidden, the explicit browser engine we will use to process the request */ backendDiscrete?: IDiscreteBackendType; /** setting this forces the value of the outputAsJson parameter, regardless of what the last page's value of outputAsJson was set to. default is undefined.*/ outputAsJson?: boolean; /** * new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * set to true to enable web security. default is false. * setting this overrides the same setting in [[IPageRequest.requestSettings]] * */ webSecurityEnabled?: boolean; } /** allows specifying a proxy for your [[IUserRequest]] (all the [[IPageRequest]] it contains). * * Alternatively, you may use your own custom proxy server by setting the ```custom``` parameter. */ export interface IProxyOptions { // /** specify the geographic region of the builtin proxy server you use. // * defaults to ```any```. possible values are ```any```, ```us``` (usa), ```de``` (germany), ```gb``` (great britan), ```ca``` (canada), ```sg``` (singapore) // * IMPORTANT: Not yet implemented. So for now, all values are treated as ```any``` // */ // geolocation?: string; // /** specify what builtin proxy server you use. // * by default, the auto-proxy system will randomly pick from an available proxy server. // * If you want to specify a specific (fixed) proxy server, set this ```instanceId``` to a number, then all requests will direct to the same builtin server.. // * If you want to use the proxy server in a round-robin style (recommended!) each request should increment this ```instanceId``` by one. // */ // instanceId?: number; /** allows you to use a custom proxy server. if you set this, the built-in proxy will not be used. default=NULL */ custom?: IProxyCustomOptions; } export interface IProxyCustomOptions { /**For ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]], pass the full URL: such as ```http://proxy.example.com:8088```. * * For old ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]: the address and port of the proxy server to use. ex: `````` If your proxy requires a IP to whitelist, use ```api-static.phantomjscloud.com``` for your requests. */ host: string; /**@deprecated: old ```WebKit``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] only. If using the ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]], pass the type as part of the host parameter. * for type of the proxy server. default is ```http``` available types are ```http```, ```socks5```, and ```none``` */ type?: string; /** if your proxy requires basic HTTP authentication information. * * this auth pair will be sent via basic http auth (overriding [[IRequestSettings.authentication]]) * * **IMPORTANT**: authentication is only supported for ```http``` and ```https``` proxies. If you are using a ```socks5``` proxy, auth is not currently supported. * @example "username:password" */ auth?: string; /** new for ```Chrome``` [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. (not available on ```WebKit```). * * the headers that should be supplied for proxy authentication. they will be sent with every resource request * * @example {"Proxy-Authorization":"Basic yoursecretkey"} */ authHeaders?: { [ name: string ]: string; }; } /** This is returned to you when "outputAsJson=true". */ export interface IUserResponse { /** the original request, without defaults applied. to see the request with defaults, see [[IPageResponse.pageRequest]] */ originalRequest: IUserRequest; /** a collection of load/processing information for each [[IPageRequest]] you requested. */ pageResponses: IPageResponse[]; /** the rendered output of the last [[IPageRequest]] */ content: { /** the final url of the [[IPageRequest]] after redirects */ url: string; /** data in either base64 or utf8 format */ data: string; /** filename you could use if saving the content to disk. this will be something like 'content.text', 'content.jpeg', 'content.pdf' * thus this informs you of the content type */ name: string; /** utf8 or base64 */ encoding: string; /** headers of the target url, only set if [[IRenderSettings.passThroughHeaders]]===true */ headers?: { [ name: string ]: string; }; // status: number; // type: string; /** the size of data, in bytes */ size: number; /** status of the content. * * - ```200```: Everything good, no errors were encountered at all * - ```408```: The targetURL was unable to load. * - ```424```: Some errors were encountered during rendering the page. These may be harmless script errors in the page itself, but it also may be something that could impact your rendered output. * Please see [[contentErrors]] and/or [[execErrors]] for details. * Additionaly, inspect other parameters for hints, such as [[resourceSummary]] and [[pageExecLastWaitedOn]] */ statusCode: number; /** extra response headers you want sent with your response. set by [[IRenderSettings.extraResponseHeaders]] */ extraHeaders?: { [ name: string ]: string; }; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. for debugging your request, if our [[IPageRequest]] didn't succeed with statusCode 200, we'll output the last thing waited on. */ pageExecLastWaitedOn?: string; /** set via [[IRenderSettings.passThroughStatusCode]], if this is true, when returning the response to you, the content's status code will be sent, irrespective of your API statusCode. */ passThroughStatusCode?: boolean; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. if your [[IPageRequest]] had any content errors, they will be listed here. */ contentErrors?: { name: string; message: string; frame: string; }[]; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. if the rendering system experienced any errors when processing the page, they will be listed here. */ execErrors?: { name: string; message: string; frame: string; }[]; /** @hidden */ debugDiags?: string[]; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. information on what finished the page execution. * * If ```normal``` then most likely everything was rendered properly. If another value, be advised your content may not have rendered properly. * Inspect the value of [[statusCode]] and Please see [[contentErrors]] and/or [[execErrors]] for details on what could have occured. * Additionaly, inspect other parameters for hints, such as [[resourceSummary]] and [[pageExecLastWaitedOn]] */ doneDetail?: IDoneDetail; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. the rendered page's final eventPhase. see [[IPageResponse.eventPhase]] for further explanation */ eventPhase?: IPageEventPhase; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. summary of all resources requested by the page. see [[IPageResponse.resources]] for detailed listings */ resourceSummary?: IResourceSummary; }; // metrics?: { // renderStatus: number; // renderStatusInfo: string; // startTime: string; // endTime: string; // elapsedMs: number; // }; /** metadata about the transaction */ meta?: { /** information about the PhantomJsCloud.com system processing this transaction*/ backend?: { os: string; /** identifier of the system, for troubleshooting purposes */ id: string; // set by node // geolocation: string; //set by node /** Chrome or PhantomJs */ platform: string; /** (major/minor/point)*/ platformVersion: any; // utilization: { // cpu: number; // } /** number of requests processed by this [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]] */ requestsProcessed: number; }; /** how much this transaction costs. NOTE: the creditCost, prepaidCreditsRemaining, and dailySubscriptionCreditsRemaining are also returning in the HTTP Response Headers via the keys ```pjsc-credit-cost```, ```pjsc-daily-subscription-credits-remaining```, and ```pjsc-prepaid-credits-remaining``` */ billing?: { /** the start time of your [[IUserRequest]]. */ startTime?: string; /** the end time of your [[IUserRequest]]. */ endTime?: string; elapsedMs: number; bytes: number; /** the total cost of this response */ creditCost?: number; prepaidCreditsRemaining?: number; /** estimation of your remaining daily creditBalance. This is incrementally refilled hourly.*/ dailySubscriptionCreditsRemaining?: number; }; /** debug trace information provided by the api. */ trace?: { time: string; /** time since last trace call */ elapsedMs: number; /** debug message or object */ data: any; }[]; /** if true, informs our server to send back JSON, including the response plus metadata. if False, if should send back only the content. * @default false */ outputAsJson?: boolean; }; /** the HTTP Status Code PhantomJsCloud returns to you */ statusCode: number; /** if an error was detected, we will try to supply a statusMessage to help debug. Additionally,this will be placed as the ```pjsc-status-message``` response header. */ statusMessage: string; } /** Information about the [[IPageRequest]] transaction (request and it's response). */ export interface IPageResponse { /** the request you sent, including defaults for any parameters you did not include */ pageRequest: IPageRequest; /** information about the processing of your request */ metrics: { pageStatus: string; startTime: string; endTime: string; elapsedMs: number; }; /** events that occured during requesting and loading of the [[IPageRequest]] and it's content */ events: Array<{ key: string; time: string; value: any; }>; /** * cookies set at the moment the [[IPageRequest]] transaction completed. */ cookies: ICookie[]; /** * headers for the primary resource (the url requested). for headers of other resources, inspect the pageResponse.events (key='resourceReceived') */ headers: { [ name: string ]: string; }; /** the Frames contained in the page. The first is always the main page itself, even if no other frames are present. */ frameData: IPageFrame; /** * run a script and direct output to */ scriptOutput: any; /** the status code for the page, a shortcut to metrics.targetUrlReceived.value.status */ statusCode: number; /** any errors raised during page execution will be shown here */ errors: any[]; /** runtime errors unhandled by the content will be shown here */ contentErrors: any[]; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. displays the last thing that the page execution subsystem was waiting on. In addition to [[doneDetail]] and [[resources]], this is useful for debugging your requests */ pageExecLastWaitedOn?: string; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. information on what event phase the page was in when it finished processing. In addition to [[pageExecLastWaitedOn]], [[doneDetail]] and [[resources]], this is useful for debugging your requests. */ eventPhase?: IPageEventPhase; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. information on what finished the page execution. In addition to [[pageExecLastWaitedOn]], [[eventPhase]] and [[resources]], this is useful for debugging your requests. */ doneDetail?: IDoneDetail; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. summary of all resources requested during the page execution, and their current status upon page completion. see [[resources]] for detailed listings */ resourceSummary?: IResourceSummary; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. details all resource load times, ordered by when they started. This aggrigates resource details from [[events]] into an easy to read format. In addition to [[doneDetail]], [[eventPhase]] and [[pageExecLastWaitedOn]], this is useful for debugging your requests. * * Provides the following details: * * ```elapsed```: how long the resource took to load in ```ms``` * * ```detail```: details on the resource's ending state. format is ```STATE.STATUSCODE.STATUSMESSAGE``` * - ***STATE***: ```complete```, ```active``` (was still loading when the page finished), ```late``` (was still loading, and took longer than [[IRequestSettings.resourceWait]] allows), or ```killed``` (took longer than [[IRequestSettings.resourceTimeout]] allows so was aborted). * - ***STATUSCODE***: numeric statusCode recieved from the resource's remote server. If the request was aborted locally, the status will be ```504```. If an error occured without a response from the remote server, status ```502``` is used. * - ***STATUSMESSAGE***: describes the state and/or statusCode * * ```start```: the time in ```ms``` since page started execution, and what phase the page execution was in when the resource was requested: * - ```initialRequest```: the first resource has not finished yet. * - ```pageNavigated```: the dom has not finished loading yet (page is usually blank at this point). * - ```domReady``` the dom is loaded and you can visually see the page, but it's not done yet. * - ```load```: the page is considered complete. * * ```ended```: the time in ```ms``` since page started execution, and what phase the page execution was in when the resource was finished. see ```started``` for a description of these phases. * ***If the resource did not finish*** you will see a time of ```Infinity``` and phase of ```(undefined)```. * * ```frame```: the frame requested the resource (last 4 digits of it's frameId). if it's the main frame, we put "main" as it's name. additionally, if the request was a navigation of the frame, ```(nav)``` is added. * * ```type```: the type of the resource: ```document``` | ```stylesheet``` | ```image``` | ```media``` | ```font``` | ```script``` | ```texttrack``` | ```xhr``` | ```fetch``` | ```eventsource``` | ```websocket``` | ```manifest``` | ```other``` * * ```url```: the url of the resource. if it's longer than 100 characters, the first and last 50 characters will be shown. * * @example ["{elapsed:12,detail:'complete:200:OK',start:'124(initialRequest)',ended:'136(initialRequest)',frame:'main(nav)',type:'document',url:''http://localhost/blank''}"] */ resources?: string[]; } /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. summary of all resources requested during the page execution, and their current status upon page completion. */ export type IResourceSummary = { /** successfully completed resource loads */ complete: number; /** failed due to normal browser workflows */ failed: number; /** aborted because the resource exceeded [[IRequestSettings.resourceTimeout]] */ aborted: number; /** if the browser looses track of resource request/response pairs, it will be put here (should never happen) */ orphaned: number; /** requests that were still active (but healthy) upon page completion */ active: number; /** requests that were still active (but took longer than [[IRequestSettings.resourceWait]]) upon page completion */ late: number; }; /** the different event phases that a page goes through */ export type IPageEventPhase = "initialRequest" | "pageNavigated" | "domReady" | "load"; /** new for Chrome [[IPageRequest.backend|backend]]. information on what finished the page execution. used by [[IPageResponse.doneDetail]] and [[IUserResponse.content]].doneDetail */ export interface IDoneDetail { reason: string; /** if set, overrides page statusCode, unless already overridden, such as when an error is encountered */ statusCode?: number; } /** information about the frames of the page*/ export interface IPageFrame { /** number of children contained by this frame*/ childCount: number; /** the name of the frame. use this when requesting the frame to be rendered */ name: string; /** the url of the frame*/ url: string; /** the html content of the frame*/ content: string; /** the children of this page (a hiearchy of frames) */ childFrames: IPageFrame[]; }