global.__xlibInitArgs = { //envLevel: "DEV", //logLevel: "ERROR", //disableEnvAutoRead: false, //won't read env vars from environment, which can override your passed in vars silentInit: true, //let any previously set args override these }; import xlib = require( "xlib" ); import _ = xlib.lodash; import __ = xlib.lolo; import bb = xlib.promise.bluebird; const log = xlib.diagnostics.log; //log.overrideLogLevel( "WARN" ); /** the definitions for types used by phantomjscloud. see for more details */ export import ioDatatypes = require( "./io-data-types" ); /** * errors thrown by this module derive from this */ export class PhantomJsCloudException extends xlib.diagnostics.Exception { } /** * errors thrown by the BrowserApi derive from this */ export class PhantomJsCloudBrowserApiException extends PhantomJsCloudException { constructor( message: string, public statusCode: number, public payload: any, public headers: { [ key: string ]: string; } ) { super( message ); } } export interface IBrowserApiOptions { /** the endpoint you want to point at, for example using with a private cloud. if not set, will default to the PhantomJsCloud public api. * @default "" */ endpointOrigin?: string; /**pass your ApiKey here. If you don't, you'll use the "demo" key, which is good for about 100 pages/day. * Signup at to get 500 Pages/Day free*/ apiKey?: string; /** * set to true to not show a warning for using demo keys. */ suppressDemoKeyWarning?: boolean; /**override the options used to configure the endpoint. */ endpointOptions?:; } // /** // * the defaults used if options are not passed to a new BrowserApi object. // */ // export let defaultBrowserApiOptions: IBrowserApiOptions = { // //endpointOrigin: "", // endpointOrigin: "", // apiKey: "a-demo-key-with-low-quota-per-ip-address", // suppressDemoKeyWarning: false, // } // /** internal use: the user's request and it's options */ // interface IBrowserApiTask { // userRequest: ioDatatypes.IUserRequest; // customOptions: IBrowserApiOptions; // } /** * The PhantomJsCloud Browser Api */ export class BrowserApi { private _endpointPath = "/api/browser/v2/"; private _defaultBrowserOptions: IBrowserApiOptions = { endpointOrigin: "", apiKey: "a-demo-key-with-low-quota-per-ip-address", suppressDemoKeyWarning: false, endpointOptions: { retryOptions: { timeout: 66000, max_tries: 1, interval: 1000, throw_original: true }, requestOptions: { timeout: 65000 }, autoscalerOptions: { busyGrowDelayMs: 20000, busyExtraPenalty: 0, growDelayMs: 2000, idleOrBusyDecreaseMs: 3000, minParallel: 4, }, endpoint: {}, preRetryErrorIntercept: //if the API request fails, this function figures out if we should retry the request or report the failure to the user. async ( err ) => { if ( err.response == null ) { //no response so retry normally return "RETRY"; } //custom workflow for known phantomjscloud error levels switch ( err.response.status ) { ///////////// FAIL case 400: //bad request case 401: //unauthorized case 402: //payment required case 403: //forbidden case 424: { //failed dependency //user needs to modify their request return "ABORT"; } /////////////// RETRY case 503: //server to busy case 429: { //too many simulatneous requests //stall our thread increase time //ok to retry normally return "RETRY"; } case 500: // internal server error case 502: { //bad gateway //ok to retry normally return "RETRY"; } } //standard workflow if ( err.response.status >= 500 ) { //ok to retry normally return "RETRY"; } else { return "ABORT"; } }, } }; public options: IBrowserApiOptions; constructor(/**options, or pass your ApiKey here. If you don't, you'll use the "demo" key, which is good for about 100 pages/day. Signup at to get 500 Pages/Day free*/ keyOrOptions: string | IBrowserApiOptions = {} as any ) { if ( typeof keyOrOptions === "string" ) { this.options = { apiKey: keyOrOptions }; } else { this.options = keyOrOptions; } _.defaultsDeep( this.options, this._defaultBrowserOptions ); //set the actual endpoint to be used internally, if not set via custom options // tslint:disable-next-line: no-object-literal-type-assertion _.defaultsDeep( this.options, { endpointOptions: { endpoint: { origin: this.options.endpointOrigin, path: `${ this._endpointPath }${ this.options.apiKey }/` } } } as IBrowserApiOptions ); if ( this.options.apiKey === this._defaultBrowserOptions.apiKey && this.options.suppressDemoKeyWarning !== true ) { log.warn( "\n------\nWARNING: You are using a demo key for PhantomJs Cloud, and are limited to 100 Pages/Day. Sign Up to get 500 Pages/Day free.\n------\n" ); } this._endpoint = new this.options.endpointOptions ); } /** @hidden the low-level endpoint used to make the requests. exposed for debugging support only. */ public _endpoint:; /** * make a single browser request (PhantomJs call) * @param request * @param callback */ public async requestSingle( request: ioDatatypes.IUserRequest | ioDatatypes.IPageRequest, callback?: ( err?:, result?: ioDatatypes.IUserResponse ) => void ): Promise { //convert the request into a userRequest object, if it was a pageRequest let _request = request as any; let userRequest: ioDatatypes.IUserRequest; if ( _request.pages != null && _.isArray( _request.pages ) ) { userRequest = _request; } else { userRequest = { pages: [ _request ] }; } //set outputAsJson _.forEach( userRequest.pages, ( page ) => { page.outputAsJson = true; } ); userRequest.outputAsJson = true; // return => { // if (callback != null) { // callback(undefined,; // } // return; // }, (err: => { // if (callback != null) { // callback(err, undefined); // } // return bb.reject(err); // }); /////////////////////////////////////// await inspect mode // //try { const { toInspect } = await xlib.promise.awaitInspect( userRequest ) ); if ( toInspect.isFulfilled() ) { const axiosResponse = toInspect.value(); if ( callback != null ) { callback( undefined, ); } return; } else { const err = toInspect.reason() as; if ( callback != null ) { callback( err, undefined ); } return bb.reject( err ); } // let axiosResponse = await; // if (callback != null) { // callback(undefined,; // } // return; // } catch (_err) { // if (callback != null) { // callback(_err, undefined); // } // throw _err; // } } /** * make more than 1 browser request (PhantomJs call). These are executed in parallel and is already optimized for PhantomJs Cloud auto-scaling, (The more your requests, the faster they will process.) * @param requests * @param callback */ public requestBatch( requests: ( ioDatatypes.IUserRequest | ioDatatypes.IPageRequest )[], /** note: the callback will be executed once for every request in the array submitted. */ callback?: ( err: Error, item: { request: ( ioDatatypes.IUserRequest | ioDatatypes.IPageRequest ); result: ioDatatypes.IUserResponse; } ) => void ): Promise[] { let responsePromises: Promise[] = []; if ( callback != null ) { let _cb: typeof callback = callback; _.forEach( requests, ( request ) => { responsePromises.push( this.requestSingle( request, ( err, result ) => { _cb( err, { request, result: result } ); } ) ); } ); } else { _.forEach( requests, ( request ) => { responsePromises.push( this.requestSingle( request ) ); } ); } return responsePromises; } }