declare class AbortErrorClass extends Error { readonly name: 'AbortError'; /** Abort pending execution. All unresolved promised are rejected with a `AbortError` error. */ constructor(); } declare namespace pThrottle { type ThrottledFunction = (( ...arguments: Arguments ) => Promise) & { /** Abort pending executions. All unresolved promises are rejected with a `pThrottle.AbortError` error. */ abort(): void; }; type AbortError = AbortErrorClass; } declare const pThrottle: { /** [Throttle]( promise-returning/async/normal functions. @param fn - Promise-returning/async function or a normal function. @param limit - Maximum number of calls within an `interval`. @param interval - Timespan for `limit` in milliseconds. @returns A throttled version of `fn`. @example ``` import pThrottle from 'p-throttle'; const throttled = pThrottle(async index => { return index * 2; }, 2, 1000); for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { throttled(i).then(console.log); } ``` */ ( fn: (...arguments: Arguments) => PromiseLike | Return, limit: number, interval: number ): pThrottle.ThrottledFunction; AbortError: typeof AbortErrorClass; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release default: typeof pThrottle; }; export = pThrottle;