import type { Literal as UnistLiteral, Node, Parent as UnistParent } from 'unist'; export interface Literal extends UnistLiteral { value: string; } export interface Parent extends UnistParent { children: Content[]; } export type Primitive = string | number | boolean; export interface Attributes { [key: string]: Primitive | { [key: string]: Primitive; }; } export interface Attributed { attributes: Attributes; } export interface Timestamp { date: Date; end?: Date; } type PropertyValue = string; export interface Document extends Parent { type: 'document'; properties: Record; children: TopLevelContent[]; } export interface Section extends Parent { type: 'section'; level: number; properties: { [key: string]: string; }; children: Content[]; } export type BlockContent = Section | Paragraph | Block | Drawer | Planning | List | Table | HorizontalRule | Headline | HTML | JSX; type TopLevelContent = BlockContent | Keyword | Footnote; export type Content = TopLevelContent | TableContent | TableRow | TableCell | ListContent | PhrasingContent; export interface Footnote extends Parent { type: 'footnote'; label: string; } export interface Block extends Literal, Attributed { type: 'block'; name: string; params: string[]; } export interface Latex extends Literal { type: 'latex'; name: string; } export interface Drawer extends Literal { type: 'drawer'; name: string; } export interface Planning extends Node { type: 'planning'; keyword: string; timestamp: Timestamp; } type ListContent = ListItem | List; export interface List extends Parent, Attributed { type: 'list'; indent: number; ordered: boolean; children: ListContent[]; } type TableContent = TableRow | TableRule; export interface Table extends Parent, Attributed { type: 'table'; children: TableContent[]; } export interface TableRow extends Parent { type: 'table.row'; children: TableCell[]; } export interface TableCell extends Parent { type: 'table.cell'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } export interface ListItem extends Parent { type: 'list.item'; indent: number; tag?: string; children: PhrasingContent[]; } export interface Headline extends Parent { type: 'headline'; level: number; keyword?: string; actionable: boolean; priority?: string; tags?: string[]; children: PhrasingContent[]; } export interface Paragraph extends Parent, Attributed { type: 'paragraph'; children: PhrasingContent[]; } export interface HTML extends Literal { type: 'html'; } export interface JSX extends Literal { type: 'jsx'; } export type Token = Keyword | Todo | Newline | EmptyLine | HorizontalRule | Stars | Priority | Tags | PlanningKeyword | PlanningTimestamp | ListItemTag | ListItemCheckbox | ListItemBullet | TableRule | TableColumnSeparator | PhrasingContent | FootnoteLabel | BlockBegin | BlockEnd | LatexBegin | LatexEnd | DrawerBegin | DrawerEnd | Comment | Opening | Closing | LinkPath; export type PhrasingContent = Text | Link | FootnoteReference | Newline | EmptyLine | HTML | JSX; export interface HorizontalRule extends Node { type: 'hr'; } export interface Newline extends Node { type: 'newline'; } export interface EmptyLine extends Node { type: 'emptyLine'; } export type Style = 'bold' | 'verbatim' | 'italic' | 'strikeThrough' | 'underline' | 'code' | 'math'; export interface Text extends Literal { type: 'text'; style?: Style; } export interface Link extends Parent, Attributed { type: 'link'; path: Omit; children: PhrasingContent[]; } export interface LinkPath extends Literal { type: 'link.path'; protocol: string; search?: string | number; } export type Enclosed = Style | 'link' | 'footnote.reference'; export interface Opening extends Node { type: 'opening'; element: Enclosed; } export interface Closing extends Node { type: 'closing'; element: Enclosed; } /** * A footnote reference, which is either: * * `[fn:LABEL]` - a plain footnote reference. * * `[fn:LABEL:DEFINITION]` - an inline footnote definition. * * `[fn::DEFINITION]` - an anonymous (inline) footnote definition. * * See * * If `label` is the empty string, then this is treated as an * anonymous footnote. * * If `children` is empty, then this is considered to not define a new * footnote (and in which case, `label` should not be the empty * string), if `children` is non-empty, then this is an inline * footnote definition. */ export interface FootnoteReference extends Parent { type: 'footnote.reference'; label: string; children: PhrasingContent[]; } export interface Stars extends Node { type: 'stars'; level: number; } export interface Todo extends Node { type: 'todo'; keyword: string; actionable: boolean; } export interface Priority extends Literal { type: 'priority'; } export interface Tags extends Node { type: 'tags'; tags: string[]; } export interface BlockBegin extends Node { type: 'block.begin'; name: string; params: string[]; } export interface BlockEnd extends Node { type: 'block.end'; name: string; } export interface DrawerBegin extends Node { type: 'drawer.begin'; name: string; } interface DrawerEnd extends Node { type: 'drawer.end'; } export interface LatexBegin extends Node { type: 'latex.begin'; name: string; } export interface LatexEnd extends Node { type: 'latex.end'; name: string; } interface Comment extends Literal { type: 'comment'; } export interface Keyword extends Node { type: 'keyword'; key: string; value: string; } export interface FootnoteLabel extends Node { type: 'footnote.label'; label: string; } export interface PlanningKeyword extends Literal { type: 'planning.keyword'; } export interface PlanningTimestamp extends UnistLiteral { type: 'planning.timestamp'; value: Timestamp; } export interface ListItemTag extends Literal { type: 'list.item.tag'; } export interface ListItemCheckbox extends Node { type: 'list.item.checkbox'; checked: boolean; } export interface ListItemBullet extends Node { type: 'list.item.bullet'; ordered: boolean; indent: number; } export interface TableRule extends Node { type: ''; } export interface TableColumnSeparator extends Node { type: 'table.columnSeparator'; } export declare function isSection(node: Node): node is Section; export declare function isParagraph(node: Node): node is Paragraph; export declare function isLink(node: Node): node is Link; export declare function isFootnoteReference(node: Node): node is FootnoteReference; export declare function isText(node: Node): node is Text; export {};