import { extractDefaultValue, invalid } from './helpers'; import { AnySchema, Criteria, CriteriaFactory, InferSchemaType, Schema, SchemaOptions, SchemaState, SchemaValidateOptions, } from './types'; function validate( state: SchemaState, validators: Criteria[], initialValue: unknown, path: string = '', { currentObject = {}, rootObject = currentObject }: SchemaValidateOptions = {}, ): T | null | undefined { const { defaultValue, metadata } = state; let value: unknown = initialValue; // Handle undefined if (value === undefined) { if (!state.undefinable) { value = extractDefaultValue(defaultValue, path, { currentObject, rootObject }); } } else { if (__DEV__ && metadata.deprecatedMessage) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console`Field "${path}" is deprecated. ${metadata.deprecatedMessage}`); } invalid(!state.never, metadata.neverMessage ?? 'Field should never be used.', path); } // Handle null if (value === null) { invalid(state.nullable, metadata.nullableMessage ?? 'Null is not allowed.', path, null); } // Run validations and produce a new value validators.forEach((test) => { if ( (!test.dontSkipIfNull && state.nullable && value === null) || (!test.dontSkipIfUndefined && state.undefinable && value === undefined) || state.never ) { return; } const result = test.validate(value as T, path, { currentObject, rootObject, }); if (result !== undefined) { value = result as T; } }); return value as T; } /** * Create a custom schema with a defined list of criteria. * When a value is being validated, all chained criteria will be ran * to test for failures. If no failures, a type casted value is returned. */ export function createSchema>( { api, cast, defaultValue, type }: SchemaOptions, criteria: (Criteria | CriteriaFactory)[] = [], ): S { const state: SchemaState = { defaultValue, metadata: {}, never: false, nullable: false, required: false, type, undefinable: false, }; const validators: Criteria[] = []; criteria.forEach((crit) => { if (typeof crit === 'function') { const validator = crit(state); if (validator) { validators.push(validator); } } else { validators.push(crit); } }); const schema: Schema = { schema() { return type; }, state() { return state; }, type() { return state.type; }, // @ts-expect-error Ignore null/undefined validate(value, path, options) { const result = validate(state, validators, value, path, options); if (state.nullable && result === null) { return null; } if (state.undefinable && result === undefined) { return undefined; } return cast ? cast(result) : result; }, }; Object.entries(api).forEach(([name, method]) => { Object.defineProperty(schema, name, { enumerable: true, // Create a new schema so that our chainable API is immutable value: (...args: unknown[]) => createSchema({ api, cast, defaultValue, type }, [ ...criteria, (nextState) => method(nextState, ...args), ]), }); }); return schema as S; }