/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The ontology Authors * This file is part of The ontology library. * * The ontology is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The ontology is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with The ontology. If not, see . */ import { Address, PrivateKey } from '../../src/crypto'; import { ERROR_CODE } from '../../src/error'; import { Identity } from '../../src/identity'; describe('test identity', () => { // tslint:disable-next-line:one-variable-per-declaration let privateKey: PrivateKey, identityDataStr: string, identity: Identity, encryptedPrivateKey: PrivateKey, address: Address; beforeAll(() => { privateKey = PrivateKey.random(); }); test('test create', () => { identity = Identity.create(privateKey, '123456', 'mickey'); address = identity.controls[0].address; encryptedPrivateKey = identity.controls[0].encryptedKey; identityDataStr = identity.toJson(); console.log(identityDataStr); const itemp = Identity.parseJson(identityDataStr); expect(itemp).toBeDefined(); expect(identityDataStr).toBeDefined(); const pri = identity.exportPrivateKey('123456'); expect(pri.key).toEqual(privateKey.key); }); test('test import with correct password', () => { // tslint:disable:no-console console.log('encryptedkey: ' + encryptedPrivateKey.key); const a = Identity.importIdentity('mickey', encryptedPrivateKey, '123456', address, identity.controls[0].salt); expect(a.label).toBe('mickey'); }); test('test import with incorrect password', () => { try { Identity.importIdentity('', encryptedPrivateKey, '123457', address, identity.controls[0].salt); fail(new Error('Expected to throw an error')); } catch (err) { console.log(err); expect(err).toEqual(ERROR_CODE.Decrypto_ERROR); } }); test('test_userAgent_devicecode', async () => { const pri = new PrivateKey('7c47df9664e7db85c1308c080f398400cb24283f5d922e76b478b5429e821b95'); const a = Identity.create(pri, '123456', ''); // const encrypt = new PrivateKey('xLdlFLuWMUcHZagEAiFZEiCwm1eQYbSEONIwxxL4qPk='); // const pri = encrypt.decrypt('111111', new Address('TA8z22MRYHcFRKJznJWWGFz5brXBsmMTJZ')); // a.create(pri, '123456', 'test'); const data = { OwnerOntId : a.ontid }; const msg = JSON.stringify(data); const pkId = a.ontid + '#key-1'; console.log('msg: ' + msg); const sig = pri.sign(msg, undefined, pkId); const body = { OwnerOntId: a.ontid, Signature : sig.serializePgp() }; console.log('value: ' + body.Signature.Value); console.log('pk: ' + pri.getPublicKey().serializeHex()); console.log(JSON.stringify(body)); // const userAgent = ''; // const res = await axios.post(userAgent, body).then( (res) => { // console.log(res.data); // return res.data; // }); }); });